Privacy Policy

Created: 24 May 2022, 01:44:00 EDT
Last updated: 2 December 2023, 14:31:35 EST

Thank you for checking out Nebulruffs! the TLDR for this is essentially just we will not distrubute your personal information. Nor do we use advertisement or any third party sources!

what information do we collect?

TLDR: only your username, and/or Deviantart, and email address.

We only collect what you use to sign up, once again only able to be viewed by the staff of Nebulruffs. This being the website of your choice for your alias and your email address.

information you willingly chose to provide

This applies to anything you chose to share on our website. Please be aware that anything you chose to put down here is public. Use basic common sense and internet rules if you chose to do this. If we feel as if this information may put you at risk we have the right to remove it at any given time.

Users under 13 years are NOT allowed to use the Nebulruff site. Your account will be deleted if this is the case. If you are a parent concerned about your child please do not hesitate to contact us!

how is your information used?

TLDR: It is only used to sign up, besides that we will never touch your data or share it with others.

Your information is only used to sign up for Nebulruffs. We will never publically or privately share it. It will also not be distrubutated to any outside parties. It is all kept private and only for both your eyes and the eyes of our staff to see.

If you wish for your data to be cleared or your account be deleted to not hesitate to contact Mouselobite or any other admins.

Our site only uses a few cookies which are only there to save user data (if you chose to save your login). They are also there to make sure your data is secure.

how do we protect your data/how can you modify it?

TLDR: you can always use a unique password to prect your account, we can only modify the stuff you allow us to such as your site alias

When creating an account it is always recommended you chose a strong password to keep your information safe, if you want to be extra safe you can always turn on Two Factor Authentication on your email you chose to use on our website.

You may edit your information here! On that page you can edit both your email addresss and password! You can also change your birthdays visability there as well! If you want your Alias to be changed contact any of the site admins (or Mouselobite for faster responses!)

HOW Do we protect your copyright?

TLDR: we always make sure to watermark all images on our masterlist and credit the artist + designer! If anyone is caught stealing they will be banned. Designs will never be revoked from you even if you DO get banned from the species. You can still own them they will simply be voided.

From one artist to another artist we get this here is most likely one of the main questions! That is why we have a unique watermark in place for all Nebulruffs uploaded to our masterlist. We also have a section for crediting both the artist(s) and designer(s). If you happen to get banned from the species for whatever reasons we will NEVER revoke your characters. Banned users simply get their designs voided meaning they are no longer part of the species and art of them may not be turned in for currency.

prohibited activities

TLDR: just dont be weird. If youre here to try to collect data from others you will be banned.

  • Retrieving any sort of information from our users, we want this to be a safe space for everyone. This applies to tricking people to learn their password/email/etc.
  • Interfere with any sort of security or protection on our site. We want everyone to have peace of mind that their account is protected.
  • Use our site in any sort of way that'd break laws or regulations. You will be banned on the spot if this is the case.
  • Attempting to upload any sort of virus to our site via files and messages. This also applies to other things that may disrupt or harm users on our site.
  • Use any sort of AI on our site. This applies to both uploading art, sending messages, and using site features.
  • Attempting to impersonate other users. This applies to using their username, accounts, or art without their permission.
  • There may be more added, let alone some stuff behind the scenes that has not been disclosed on here.
all stuff on our privacy policy is subjected to change at any given time, if you have any questions or concerns you may contact any of the admins.