All Prompts

2025 February Monthly Palette Prompt: New Lovers

Ends: 28 February 2025, 23:58:59 EST (2 weeks from now)

This prompt can be done once within the time limit! Grants 800 extra ST + 1 lovebomb


Monthly Palette prompt info

  • Each prompt will last the whole month!
  • Palette prompts can be submitted once per month!
  • Characters must be at least a half-body!
  • Art must have a complex or scene background! If we can not tell where the neb is, it will not count.
  • All Startoken / Art Rules apply
  • Art that had been submitted for the prompts can not be submitted in star-tokens subs and vice versa!
  • Each prompt has a baseline Star Token amount which is added on-top of how much the piece is worth (meaning it will be added after stuff like form bonuses)
  • If you don’t have a nebulruff or they don’t fit the prompts you can draw the NPCs or ask in the discord for nebs to draw!
  • The background (or even the whole piece) must use the colours below! You can also use pure black and pure white for lines or small accents (i.e eye shines)
  • You are allowed to blend colours but can not use new ones!
  • The piece does NOT need to related to the palette name or month! 



- Please fill out this form along with your artwork for submission!
- Submissions without this form will be denied. 

  • Nebulruff Masterlist Entry: (you don’t need to include this IF they are in the ‘character’ section)
  • Type of Art: 
  • Shading: 
  • Background: 
  • Background Add Ons: 
  • Animation: 
  • Animation Add Ons: 
  • Misc/Add Ons: 
  • Link To Art:  
  • Total: (ST gained from the art itself - do not include the ST gained from the prompt)


February Monthly Palette Prompt: NEW lovers!





Reward Amount
Startokens 800
Love Bomb 1

2025 February Prompt: Lovestruck

Category: Timed Prompts
Ends: 15 February 2025, 23:59:59 EST (4 days from now)

This prompt can be done 2 times within the time limit! Grants 300 extra ST + 1 breedable ticket


Bi-Weekly prompt info

  • Each prompt will last about 2 weeks! (Some may last longer due to months having more/less days)
  • Due to the nature of these prompts, extensions can not be given!
  • Some prompts may have a limit on how many times you can submit them so pay attention! 
  • Art must be at least clean lined and coloured! (A minimum of 450 words for writing!)
  • All Startoken / Art Rules apply
  • Art that had been submitted for the prompts can not be submitted in star-tokens subs and vice versa! 
  • Each prompt has a baseline Star Token amount which is added on-top of how much the piece is worth (meaning it will be added after stuff like form bonuses)
  • If you don’t have a nebulruff or they don’t fit the prompts you can draw the NPCs or ask in the discord for nebs to draw! 
  • All art should somewhat be related to one of the prompts!
  • Keep in mind the site time if you plan on doing these last minute! 



- Please fill out this form along with your artwork for submission!
- Submissions without this form will be denied. 

  • Nebulruff Masterlist Entry: (you don’t need to include this IF they are in the ‘character’ section)
  • Type of Art: 
  • Shading: 
  • Background: 
  • Background Add Ons: 
  • Animation: 
  • Animation Add Ons: 
  • Misc/Add Ons: 
  • Link To Art:  
  • Total: (ST gained from the art itself - do not include the ST gained from the prompt)



Draw your neb being in love with someone or something! 


Reward Amount
Startokens 300
Breedable Ticket 1

Star Token Bank

Category: General Prompts

Art redemption! Click 'show details' for more info!



- Please fill out the form provided! It will be turned down without it filled out!
- There must be a link to the art somewhere on the submission! It can be via the Nebsite gallery itself or on something like Toyhouse or
- All art must be art of your own Neb or gift art. Commissions, YCHs, and Event art are not to be submitted for Star Tokens, they will be turned down. Art Trades and things like Draw The Neb Above do not fall under this.
- Only Nebulruffs count towards the calculation of a piece. You can include other CS or characters in general in the art but they will not count towards the Star Token Value!
- You may find the calculation sheet here


- Please fill out this form along with your artwork for submission!
- Submissions without this form will be denied. 

  • Nebulruff Masterlist Entry:
  • Type of Art:
  • Shading:
  • Background:
  • Background Add Ons:
  • Animation:
  • Animation Add Ons:
  • Misc/Add Ons:
  • Link To Art:
  • Total:(please try to calculate the best you can! you can skip over this if you added it to rewards already)


Headshot/Bust: (can include just the head or neck up)
Halfbody: (half of the character, includes up to 50% of the body) 
Fullbody: (entire character shown or more than 50%)

Type of art

Sketch: (unpolished) 
Lined: (clean sketches or fully lined)
Lineless: (simple, no lines) 
Painted: (pained, can be digital)
3d Art: (exactly how it sounds)
Sculptures/Crafts: (clay figures, plushies, etc)
Writing: (well, its writing)


Unshaded: (no shading obv) 
Basic Shading: (simple things such as under the chin or legs shaded) 
Simple Shading: (only shadows visible)
Complex Shading: (has both light and dark values) 
Painted Shading: (can be more "realistic" to resemble fur or can be various levels of lighting and darkness painted on)


None: (premade assets, photography, simple colored square)
Simplistic: (hand drawn elements, can not be copied and pasted) 
Complex Background: (can be something like a more simple outdoor landscape) 
Scene: (characters interacting with the world around them, a little more detailed than complex)

Background Add ons

Colored Lineart: (colored lineart throughout the piece)
Painted: (entire background is painted)
Basic Shading:  (very small things shaded. such as simply just the shadow of a character)
Simple Shading: (only bits of shadows are cast throughout the background)
Complex Shading: (both light and dark values on the piece)
Painted Shading: (shading that can either be more "realistic" to match said background or has various levels of light and dark values painted on)


Minimal Animation: (very simple, doesnt have unique frames such as an eye blink or an ear twitch)
Moderate Animation: (has more unique frames, something like tweening various parts of the body or tail wags)
Detailed Animation:  (contains mostly the entire body moving, such as run cycles and the like)
Complex Animation: (things that are much more detailed than run cycles, can contain multiple scenes)

animation add ons

Colored Lineart: (colored lineart for each frame)
Painted: (animation itself is painted)
Basic Shading:  (very small things shaded, things like only under the chin and on the legs)
Simple Shading: (only one shading layer)
Complex Shading: (both light and dark values)
Painted Shading: (can be more "realistic" details or simply just several layers or light and dark values)


Colored Lineart: (can be only the inside lines in the art colored or can be the full thing, needs to be more than one color)
Companions: (your neb with their companions! bonus applies to only 3 of them)
Form: (any sort of form applies. standard, phoenix, etc)
Character Interactions: (characters interacting with eachother. Does not apply if theyre simply on the same canvas)
NOTM: (applies a 2x bonus to the art, this does not apply to other nebs in the image if there is any)


No rewards.


Category: General Prompts

Return unwanted items and receive Startoken equivalent! Click 'Show Details' for more info!


If you have any unwanted items, and cannot sell them nor do you want to donate them, you can add your item here plus add however many ST it would equal! 

EG. If you submitted a Crystal, your highest reward would be 120 ST, if you also submitted an Eyedropper it would bump it up to 170 ST!

How do I add items/add rewards?

  Once you click "Submit Prompt", you can skip any URLs and scroll to rewards. You can choose to either do the math yourself and have it checked over or leave it blank and have an admin calculate it for you. In the "Add-ons" section click "Your inventory", select any items/quantity of said item, and then just hit submit!

Please try and do the math yourself.

THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE PAYPAL/DEVIANTART POINT PURCHASES! Even if you buy something for its Paypal/Pts value, you will only receive how many Startokens the item is worth.

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


No rewards.

Shifty MYO Redemption

Category: General Prompts

Click "show details" for more information!


This prompt is for people who either dont want to join the discord server or just prefer to do things on site! It works the same as the discord channel, but if you're not aware you drop the link to your opened shifty MYO and we'll add the traits to it! You are allowed to ask for some requests (such as traits to avoid, subspecies you prefer, etc) but for the most part its random!



MYO Link: (ticket must be opened!! We can not do it if its in your inventory!)

Any Specific Requests?: (optional)

Difficulty?: (also optional, if you want more of a challenge you can ask for it here!)


No rewards.
Yuri vs Yaoi

Yuri vs Yaoi

Category: Award Prompts

Want to show your support?


With either of these neat little awards, you can!

The goal is to draw said character(s) acting "fruity" [haha get it], whether it be some good ol' hand-holding, arguing over the color of the sheets, or maybe just enjoying eachothers company!


If you're low on time or they're simply a proud supporter of their favorite sports team, some simple prideflag rep would do!



[Minimum requirement of 1 headshot, if multiple characters are shown in a peice they can all get an award!]

[Make sure to note which award the character(s) will receieve!]


No rewards.
6 results found.