Nebulruffs is a free to join art based CS community! Our Terms of Service is here to outline proper behavior on both the site and in the species in general. Think of it as a rule page in a way! That being said please make sure to read it through just so you're all caught up on what is/isnt allowed!
If you're looking for our Privacy Policy please head here! Its best to read that too so you're informed on how your data will be used!
account creation and use
- In order to take part of this species you will need either an account on this website (most suggested method!!), a Deviantart account, or a Toyhouse account. While signing up for the site you agree to provide us with accurate information.
- Do NOT share your password with anyone!! Basically use common sense on our site. If you chose to ignore this we are not responsible for what may happen to your account!
- Creating a new account to avoid things such as bans, a user blocking you, and the like is not allowed! This account will be banned as well.
- You may NOT impersonate others or use their art without permission on this site, Nebulruffs is a community based on art so from one artist to another please respect other artists.
- We have the right to ban you from the site at any sort of time without informing you. Ban appeals can be made though depending on how severe your actions were!
community guidelines
our site and server are intended to be pg-13!
- When posting content to our site all content must be suitable for viewers who are 13+. While we allow things such as alcohol, smoking, gore, and body horror to be posted on the site these things MUST be tagged appropriately.
- You are NOT allowed to post NSFW content on our site, this applies to suggestive art and "sfw" fetish content. If you wouldn't look at it out in public keep it off of our site.
- We will NOT control what someone does off site or with their characters however, as long as they tag their work properly they are free to be in our species. If you have any sort of concerns about a user (such as not filtering art properly, sending it to underage users, etc) please do not hesitate to contact any of the admins! We will not tolerate this type of behavior in the community.
Please be respectful of all users in our community!
- Harassment of our members is NOT allowed and is a bannable offense. If you have a problem with someone you are more than welcome to block them or send us a report.
- Hateful remarks will NOT be tolerated. If you have an issue with this you are encouraged to leave. This is supposed to be a safe space for everyone.
- Please avoid heavy typing quirks, some users may use screen readers or just struggle to understand them in general. If you have an issue with this you are once again free to leave.
please avoid certain topics in our community
- 18+ topics are to not be discussed in both our server and on our site. A lot of our community is under the age of 18.
- Please avoid more heavy topics such as politics, religion, discrimination, and the like. We don't mind jokes such as "haha you're homophobic" because thats just being silly! But also if somebody tells you to stop then stop.
- Negative self remarks are to be avoided, theres a difference between brief ranting such as "yeah this thing happened and im a bit annoyed by this" and straight up venting.
Art related rules and the like
nebulruffs is an art based community!
- All artwork posted to Nebulruffs should be your own (unless you have permission to use a base/upload the art/etc!) Make sure all work is properly credited on our site! If you are caught tracing/copying/reposting/etc we have the right to give you a warning and/or ban you.
art submissions for on site currency
- All art must be of an official Nebulruff! You will not earn currency from drawing voided Nebulruffs or Nebulruffs who are not on the Masterlist.
- Please make sure you have permission to draw others Nebulruffs! There should be a little tab on the profile that shows permissions (such as writing and drawing). If you are in our Discord Server you can also head down to the requests channel!
- Star Tokens and items do NOT have a conversion for real currency, if a user feels the need to try to figure it out for some reason its their word. We do not oversee these transactions.
use of real currency for nebulruffs
- Artist are allowed to advertise commissions and adopts on site. As long as it follows the pg-13 rule we will not stop them.
- Because commissioning is allowed on site we are not to be held responsible if you get scammed. If this is the case though we have every right to ban the user. Just send us a report and we'll take care of that part.
- Nebulruffs cannot be sold for real currency unless they were bought for that price OR they have art added to them (this does not apply to things such as free art! you are more than welcome to add your own art to their worth though!)
tos violations and punishments
- Nebulruffs is a very lax species and we do not run off of a strike system, mistakes happen. We will absolutely step in to warn you though. If the action is bad enough we will monitor your behavior.
- We have the right to ignore any sort of report that we feel fit. We understand some people sometimes get into petty drama and if that is the case we have every right to warn you instead. Please save our report system for actual issues.
- We have the right to ban or suspend users at any given time without notice. If we feel this is fit than its fit.
- Banned users may submit a ban appeal depending on the severity of their actions. We will not tolerate harassment if they are let back into the species and you will be issued a warning if this is the case.
TOS is subjected to change at any given time, If you have any sort of concerns feel free to contact any of the admins ( or Mouselobite for faster responses. ) You may also send in a report or an anonymous message via our concern form