Site News
Nebulruffs 2024 Advent Calendar
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by GrimfeirWelcome to the 2024 Advent Calendar. We’re doing this on-site because not everyone is in the Discord!
The rules are simple. Comment to Pre-claim a day based on the vague prompt.
All Preclaims are $20 or 2000 Points OR 4000 Star Tokens. Anything not pre-claimed will be posted each day throughout December. Pay close attention to what designer accepts what.
New rule: You can only claim 2 designs a day with Star Tokens.
Designers will not be revealed until the days have been claimed or on the day. This is to avoid designer bias.
Please read carefully for the taken days:
1. Snow - PRECLAIMED by Grimfeir (Paid)
2. Ice - Paypal/Points - Closed
3. Blizzard - Paypal/Points - Closed
4. Winter Birds - PRECLAIMED by Pickled-Corm (Paid)
5. Snow Leopard - PRECLAIMED by Panic89 (Paid)
6. Reindeer - PRECLAIMED by Religiouscunt (Paid)
7. Polar Bear - Paypal - Closed
8. Snow Man - PRECLAIMED by Cats18 (Paid)
9. Holly Berry - Paypal - Closed
10. Northern Lights - PRECLAIMED by Pickled-Corm (Paid)
12. Fireplace - PRECLAIMED by Cats18 (Paid)
13. Coal - PRECLAIMED by Skyethefox (Paid)
14. Tree Wreath - PRECLAIMED by Flooferlooser (Paid)
15. Ornament - PRECLAIMED by Religiouscunt (Paid)
17. Nutcracker - PRECLAIMED by Elegey_Sonnet (Paid)
18. Decorations - Paypal
19. Carols - Paypal
20. Presents - Cashapp
21. Toys - Paypal
22. Fairy - Paypal
23. Elf - PRECLAIMED by Grimfeir (Paid)
24. Krampus - PRECLAIMED by Grimfeir (Paid)
25. Santa - PRECLAIMED by Grimfeir (Paid)
26. Bells - PRECLAIMED by Panic89 (Paid)
27. Gingerbread - Paypal
28. Hot Cocoa - PRECLAIMED by Panic89 (Paid)
29. Candy - Paypal
30. Holiday Dinner/Eggnog - Paypal
31. New Years - PRECLAIMED by Panic89 (Paid)
Nebulruff Secret Santa Sign-Up
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by RamoftheEarthWelcome to the Nebulruff Secret Santa, a mini event based around gift art.
Everyone who enters will be assigned a random person to draw art of their Nebulruff, and on the 25th, you can share the art you’ve drawn! Be sure to send the art to the person only on the 25th! If you need an extension please DM Emmet/RamoftheEarth
You can submit any amount of Nebulruffs, but only one will be drawn.
Art must have some amount of effort in it, a uncoloured, messy sketch wouldn’t be acceptable.
You have until the 30th of November to sign up, and RamoftheEarth will DM you on the 1st of December with the person you were assigned. You will be DM’ed on the 18th to see your progress, that’s a loose due date, but it should be finished by the 23rd. Don’t be afraid to ask if you need more time!
Keep it a secret!! You can share your art with others but don’t let the person it’s meant for see it!
Please only sign up if you’re positive you can finish your art. However, life does happen, and there’s no shame in needing to back out.
If you have any questions, comment under this post or DM RamoftheEarth on discord!
Google form is here
Howloween Event Lore Drop! [2/2]
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by YakkoTW// Violence.
“There ya go buddy.” Amber brushed his pelt down with a paw, giving Yippers a firm pat on the back. “That ride was sick, wasn’t it?” She giggled, stepping back while he shook out his pelt.
“Sick? Well… you could call it that I guess.” A pop sounded as he stretched out his hind leg, instantly retracting it with a growl between his teeth. Ache radiated through his hip, a low thrum sparking with pain. “Pretty uh… hazardous too, dontcha think?”
“Oh these things are always hazardous.” She giggled, standing beside him. A faint glow emanated from her horns. A set of paws broke away from the spacedust, cold against his skin as they picked him up by his sides.
Precariously plopped onto the taller nebulruffs back, Yippers quickly wrapped his arms around her neck, paws crossing over the other. The ache was still clawing over his leg, but at least it wasn’t as powerful as before. “Thanks Ambs.” He peeked over her shoulder at the still dazzling circus, hundreds of nebulruffs still milling from tent to tent, attraction to attraction. Did we always have so many paws on the island? He squinted, trying to catch any of the faces passing them. A tall merruff turned his head away to talk to someone else, a kitten leaping into a barrel filled with sweets, another merruff trotting past them too quickly for Yippers to identify any important features.
Before all hope died out, Veronica’s halo peeked over the crowd. She stood on her hindlegs, wings flapping in an attempt to hold her balance. The nebulruff twisted her head this way and that, scanning the area before they finally locked eyes. A wide smile cracked over her face, jumping through the swarms before finally stopping in front of them.
Cotton candy stuck around her maw, a ring of foam that her tongue lapped at eagerly. “Finally— I’ve been looking everywhere for you guys. The sisters are setting up for the main event!” She squealed, dancing on the tips of her feet. “And they’re wanting Amber to be the leading star!” Yippers wrenched his head back as she shoved her face forward, eyes wide and dilated. “Don’t you think she’d just be a perfect fit, Yips? I think so, I do!”
Amber’s tail wagged behind them, Yippers feeling her start to dance along with the hyper nebulruff as his claws started to dig into her shoulders. “They do? Aww that's so amazing just— oh, they asked for me by name? What am I gonna do— is it like trapeze or beast-taming? That would be awesome to finally see any of them up close and personal, I can’t even— Just-... Where? Where are we going for this? Is everyone going to be there? Ooh, I’m feelin’ all jittery—!”
Yippers let his mind trail off, looking back at his sore leg as a stab of pain traveled through the nerves with each hop of an overexcited Amber. Well, she has a good reason- The center of attention for such a fantastical event. Though… Do they do this often? Just pick a random stranger to be in their big finale? Especially the last second? What is she going to even do? Did the sisters mention it before they came here? Like moth to a flame, groups of nebulruffs began to wander to the very heart of the circus. Children hopped down from their swings and playgrounds, and rides started to shut down with long lines turning tail to begrudgingly follow everyone else. His brows knitted together, a sharp pair of light ears disappearing in the sea of fur.
“Hey, Veronica?” The two were still chatting and squealing, Yippers clearing his throat before speaking louder. “Veronica!”
Amber quickly ducked her head, ears pinning. Sorry… “Do you know where Maddie is? She didn’t come over here with you, did she?”
“Oh, Maddie…?” Veronica’s eyes glazed over, staring off in thought. Her mouth formed a small ‘o’, looking at him perplexed before her eyes widened. “Maddie! Maddie okay… uh, no, no clue.” His jaw dropped as she shrugged, glancing toward the moving crowd. “She ran off to play with some little ones, haven’t seen her since. I’ll catch up with her at the sister’s tent, there's no way she could’ve gotten in any trouble with all the security around here.”
“You… just let her go?” Amber’s smile faltered, lifting a brow. “I suppose everyone else did, but that's a lot coming from you, V. Don’t you think Cherry—?”
“Ah-hahaha!” Veronica’s laughter was practically a shout, taking a deep breath before she continued with an even wider smile. “Don’t be so silly! Kids need to explore and-... uh…” She tapped her chin, looking up at the moon before shaking her head. “We’re gonna be late, come on!” Her halo levitated towards them and squeezed over Amber’s head, the nebulruff quickly abandoning it as she made a speedy dash deeper into the circus.
“H-hey— Wait!” Ambers head popped back up, Yippers yelping as he nearly fell backwards. Amber chased her, shouldering her way through the crowd. “You forgot your thing!”
Lights began powering down behind them, the pair at the very tail-end of the crowd that trickled between two high-standing curtains of an enormous circus tent. He craned his neck to look up at the Big Top, fabric glowing a warm hue from the light inside. Behind them, stars were blotting out from the sky— What? Yippers squinted, losing focus of the darkness swallowing the area surrounding them. The powdery edges of smog trailed through every nook and cranny of rusted machines, a towering wave of the inky abyss rushing up to drown them out completely. He whipped his head back, just a few feet from the tent. A beacon that rose high over the trees, the shadows of nebulruffs moving inside faint. She’s… She’s gonna make it. There was no reason to cause her distress now, plus— Who said this oncoming… hungry maw of darkness was a dangerous thing? No one else in front of them seemed to react despite how close it licked at their paws. Maybe it was just to goad stragglers towards the main event? A guide?
Yippers tried to shake off the unnerving chill that rolled down his spine, warmth billowing over them as she reached the light that spilled over the ground. He made it just a few paces inside before claws wrapped around his tail, yanking him from Amber’s back. His stomach dropped, losing breath in his lungs from the stab of pain through his leg. Writhing, another clawed hand grabbed him by his collar, the wicked grin of Lassy meeting him face to face.
“You’re a clingy little thing, aren’t you, runt?” She snickered, the other two sisters hanging limp at her sides.
Trudy’s hat slipped off, floating down to a confused Amber’s feet. She turned her head up, brows lifting high in shock. “Lassy!” She called, sitting on her hind legs. “Don’t drop him— What are you doing?”
Lassy laughed, the vines surrounding her stem falling over her face. “Don’t worry, I’m making sure your buddy here gets a front row seat to your grand show!”
All guests had found their seats on hills of bleachers, the deafening thrum of chatter filling the empty air. Veronica paced down one of the stairs, bouncing over to Amber. Her halo wiggled back over the nebulruff’s head, returning to its rightful place. Her words were indecipherable, Yippers only able to watch her mouth move. She tugged at Amber’s paw, the dappled nebulruff giving him a final glance before dropping back onto her feet.
“I better here you cheering for me in the crowd, Yippers!” She walked backwards, still glancing between him and the sisters before finally turning around to follow Veronica.
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s going to absolutely love what we have planned for you.” Lassy chuckled, claws maneuvering the nebulruff to tuck him in her mane. She dropped from the banister her tail clung around, a loud thud that caught not a single ounce of attention. They moved underneath the bleachers, a nibble of popcorn dropping under to bounce off Yippers’s nose. A ray of light stopped the sisters in their tracks, turning to walk between the rows to a velvety throne.
“Look at you, so special.” Lassy growled, her voice dripping with nothing but sarcasm. “I know it must be sp painful, knowing you weren’t invited to join your little friend. You both make the most fantastic duo. It almost reminds me of ourselves…”
Yippers kept his jaw locked tight, trying his best to let the scathing words roll off his shoulders. A wriggling worm of agitation scratched at his brain, his lip twitching.
The centaur chuckled, carelessly dropping him down onto the seat. She ignored his gasp of pain, brushing her claws off on their mane. “Perhaps next time. Perhaps by then you’ll finally be relevant to our lives. Anyway…” Lassy’s tail flicked as she turned around, the hair smacking him across the face. “Enjoy the show, it’s one to die for.” Disappearing behind the bleachers, her shadow moved further away until disappearing completely.
Yippers rubbed his side, finally letting his teeth bare in a spiteful growl. That was just unnecessary. He could brush off a lot of things, all of Amber’s ‘people’ didn’t have to be his own, but this case was a special one. Suspicion weighed on his mind, dropping his features into an unamused scowl. They don’t even deserve her, Amber is much greater than some cheap little showpony. There was a small flicker of doubt, Yippers chewing on the inside of his cheek. She can ace anything they throw at her… There wasn’t any chance she’d fail, no matter how cruel or unfair Lassy could try to be. His mind wandered to the possibilities, jumping from a high place into a small pool, taming some wild beast, leaping and dancing through the air, juggling fire in her paws. She could do it all, he was positive of that. She’d always find a way, and especially find a way to make it her own.
A carny had dropped off a carton of popcorn beside him, Yippers giving it a grimace before pushing it away. The tent had yet to go silent, the buzz of hundreds of voices constant in his ears. His fur prickled in growing irritation, looking on to the bare expanse of ground before them. A single, stout podium was at its center, striped pink, blue, and orange. That sickening sensation had bloomed in his stomach, growing with vines of fear pulling his muscles taut. Minutes had dragged by but it felt like eons, growing sick of the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
And then, with a ker-chunk of metal moving into place, A sheer light flashed down onto the podium. The sisters had appeared, the rest of the tent blending into the background. Some nebulruffs, especially merrs, shone unnatural colors. Blacklight. Yippers saw the glow of his flower in the corner of his vision, sending a hue of blue throughout his hair. Lassy held a microphone, strings tied between her and her sisters to hold their slack bodies upright. Their arms swung uselessly, jaws agape in soundless screams.
“Welcome, one and all! To the Travesty Sister’s Careless Carnival!” Her voice echoed around the room, pausing to let a roar of cheers praise her before continuing. “You have all been so lovely, so fun, so generous, and so absolutely brimming with excitement. We will have to leave in quite a short time, so it is our pleasure to make our great escape with the ultimate send-off.” Chains clicked together, the crowd silent before gasps joined Yippers own.
Amber hung above a metal box filled to the brim in water, chains tightly wrapped around her form with a comically large padlock just below her chin. She swayed upside down, eyes fluttering around the room. Yippers shot up to his feet, a set of paws sitting him back down as the generous carny from before pulled him into the chair. His fur stood on end, shivering in a stomach-churning cocktail of ire and paranoia.
“Tonight your delectable little Amber will face one of our greatest challenges. One that has taken many lives and more hearts than we can count. Bound with no hope of escape and her magic pulled from her soul, she will be forced to escape from this chamber of water.” Lassy turned to face him, holding the microphone close to the hollow expanse of her jaws. “Or… face the ultimate price.”
The crowd’s snarls and cheers thundered in his head like war drums, holding up their paws and stomping on the bleachers. Lassy hollered along with them, Yippers twisting his head to find any faces of horror or disgust. Vegas’s wing flapped against his side, flipping his head back to hoot with laughter. On the other side of the clearing, Veronica held Maddie on her shoulders, the small pup holding a flag with Lassy’s face printed on the front. She waved it in the air, not a single care in the world.
No matter how much he searched, he could not find Horizon. He was the only one to know this was a horrible idea. On one paw, he was grateful the phoeline had kept to himself on the outskirts of the village, but… now Yippers was alone. He couldn’t just sit back and let his best friend die, now could he? This had to be some cruel trick to test his faith. Amber had been their loudest defender, the sisters— Lassy wouldn’t just let her drown.
Lassy twisted the valves with her claws, the metal screech splitting through the air until she heaved the lid open. The rope holding Amber up snapped, dropping the nebulruff inside. Lassy quickly shut it behind her, pulling the valve shut until it squealed with strain.
Yippers shot up again, the carny shoving him back down with more force than before. In the dark waves of the shadowed water, he could see her horns glowing faintly as she thrashed around. Her tail lashed about, its flame end having simmered into a dull point. Its outline reached up toward the padlock, just a mere hair from being able to slide between the grooves. The drum of his blood pumping grew louder in his ears, watching the chains curl in as she tried vainly to unlock the chains that wrapped around her body.
The glow of her spacedust began to fade, flickering in and out of the water. The soft illumination against the cold, steel chains dying out with each passing second. Yippers could feel claws digging into his tense shoulder, the carny leaning over his throne with his cold breath sending icey chills down his back.
She’s not going to make it. Lassy was just standing there, her sisters groggily starting to awake with each weak thrash of Amber. Trudy patted her head, glancing around the room before shouldering a cackling Lassy. Quintsy shook out their pain, only giving Amber a passing glance before turning away, paws covering her eyes telling him everything he needed to know. She’s not going to make it, and they’re just going to watch her die. The crowd did nothing, only watching in suspense with mindless chatter about what they’d do once the circus left town. What happened to everyone? For as little as they may think about himself, the nebulruff knew well enough not a single townsperson would simply watch one of their own— especially not if it was their beloved Amber. Something was wrong… but he wasn’t going to let it stop him.
Yippers grabbed the carton of popcorn, slowly bringing it before him. The carny’s grip slackened, turning his head to watch the show until he whipped around and slammed the box over his head. Shoving him back, he leapt over the small fence and immediately beelined towards the water chamber.
A pair of claws slammed down on the earth in front of him, making lines in the dirt as Quintsy’s paws stopped him in his tracks. “Don’t! You’re going to ruin the show!” Her voice was thick with emotion, having pulled out a handkerchief to blow her nose. “Roger would just hate that— he’d hate to see our wonderful show fail—”
“Shut it!” Lassy smacked her over the head, the cuts in her gourd head having twisted to shape a wide, gnarling smile. Her vines curled and grew, forming a mane of their own that drowned out the other sisters who complained and snapped. “Go back to your seat, you little sniveling worm.” She hissed, the vines continuing to reach out as they fixed around the other sisters and pulled them together.
“Lassy, stop it. You’re being overkill—!” A vine wrapped around Trudy’s snout, snapping her jaws shut.
“Get out of my way.” Despite the towering figure, Yippers stood strong. He tried to jump around her but a paw swatted him back. His back hit the dirt, quickly scrambling back onto all fours. “She’s going to die! Let her out now.”
The centaur only laughed in response, the mane of flora flaring out. Their heads were mushed together, an unholy chimera with Lassy’s gnashing teeth in the forefront. “Or what? You heard this cowardly waste of air.” She glared at Quintsy, the beaked phoeline bowing her head with a whimper. “It’ll ruin our grand finale… it’ll ruin everything!”
“I don’t care!” Yippers bared his gums, challenging the other with a yippy bark. “You’ve stayed far past your welcome— now move!” There was no other way but to go forward.
His paws barely touched the ground, forcing his bruised leg to march along. Green talons lurched out, Lassy snarling in annoyance. “Don’t you even think about it, runt!” They narrowly missed his tail, the nebulruff running underneath her body. “Trudy— do something!” A vine squeezed her neck, the merruff acting in kind as her hooves stamped and kicked at the ground around him. They bucked, stomping and snarling in circles while Yippers had his stomach pressed into the ground. He leapt onto the podium, looking up at the tall chamber before quickly searching for some way to climb up to its top. His nose pressed against the glass, Amber’s eyes clouded over as her tail flicked periodically.
I have to hurry— Claws wrapped around his hind legs, slamming his jaw into the concrete as Lassy ripped him from the podium and flung him to the ground.
“You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” She spat the jab out quickly, grabbing him by the loose skin on his back and flinging him into the air.
His vision spun, weightless for just a few seconds until the centaur raised on their hindlegs and began to juggle him in the air. His stomach bounced around, dizziness weighing on his brain with every moment of freedom quickly snapped up by claws digging into his pelt. “Get a load of this, ladies, gentlemen, and everything outside and in-between!” Lassy’s cackle rang in his ears, sharp even against the crowd's laughter. “We got ourselves a little cloud, trying to rain alllll over our parade!”
His head smacked against the ground, vision going white. The tent had gone upside down, rows of bared teeth cackling at him as every onlooker screamed and hollered with laughter. Yippers hung limp, holding his head in a vain attempt to squeeze the throbbing pain from dinging around in his skull.
“Why don’t we show what happens to little sourpusses that try to ruin it all for everyone else?” Gripping him by his tail, Lassy heaved him into the air. The moon shone bright over his face, the only thing Yippers could make out between the ache numbing his body and the stars in his eyes. It perfectly fit the hole at the top of the tent, the light that had been shining down on Amber. He’d get to have a more up-close and personal look, A set of hooves on his back for a split-second before sending him off toward that very same celestial sight. The pain mixed in with everything else, the cold sensation of claws having raked over his skin, the hot bruises that quickly grew dark underneath his fur. Yippers squeezed his eyes shut, feeling suspended in the air as time froze around him.
Hurt. It all hurts. His labored breath dragged freezing air into his lungs, looking down at the small metal box that held Amber hostage. The centaur had turned back to the crowd, shaking her own hand as cheers from below made their way to his mind. But… Amber was hurting too. Her lungs, her eyes, her entire body could be shutting down by now… and he was here complaining. He was letting himself get pushed around by some egotistical sack of fur again. He was letting them get the best of him again.
Amber wasn’t around to save him this time. She needed to be saved. She needed him. What friend would he be if he didn’t even try to answer that call?
Yippers looked back up at the full moon, its light turning his fur pale. There’s only one way I’m going to even have a chance. He’d have to be careful, his only objective was the sisters… no one else. He fell back through the tent, twisting his body midair as his paws tripled— quadrupled in size. The flower billowing in his hair wilted, gnarled vines filled with thorns wrapping around his locks of hair. Tusks longer than his forearm grew out from his muzzle, Yippers pitchy bark turning into a deep, guttural howl of rage.
His paws made contact with the steel chamber, the thud echoing around the room. Lassy whipped around, the sisters staring in shock at their new and improved foe. Her face twitched into a frown before she inhaled, widening her stance as a cold grin cracked over her features. Quintsy opened her mouth to speak but the middle sister was way ahead, ripping at the mane and rendering the other two unconscious. No words were shared, all the nebulruff had to do was crank the valve once before she rushed ahead.
The crowd roared as Lassy’s claws made contact with his chest, tumbling to two away from the podium. Yippers rolled on his side, hopping up on his hindlegs to meet the oncoming centaur. She snapped and screeched in his face, hooves pushing off the ground to scrap and kick at his stomach. Grunting with each kick and new wash of hurt, Yippers planted his paws on the ground and began to push underneath her. She toppled over, but not without sending a swift kick that knocked him back several feet. His hip slammed into the water chamber, yelping as that faint pain from his earlier bruising came back with a vengeance. The chamber came careening down, kicking up a cloud of dust as Amber’s body floated to its bottom. Her spacedust had a light thrum of light in tandem with her heartbeat, though her eyes had gone glassy.
He couldn’t waste anymore time, wrapping his jaw around the valve and wrenching his head back—
It snapped, Yippers falling back and spitting the metal out. His eyes widened, face dropping in horror. No. No. No, no, no, no, no no nonono— A weight slammed into his side, claws and hooves scratching and lobbing into his stomach and ribs as Lassy locked them together in a ball of hissing, spitting fury. He snarled as one of Quintsy’s claws came down across his face, lurching up. Teeth made contact with flesh, squeezing hard around Trudy’s abdomen. Their hindlegs out, the sharp sob of pain sending a wash of guilt through him he quickly smothered out. Focusing all his tension to his chest, Yippers shook them around before reeling back and tossing them into the water chamber. The metal lid bent in, portions of the glass shattering and exploding over the clearing. Some fell in, Yippers heart dropping as a large shard landed close to Amber's body. The crowd cheered their bloodthirst, starting to throw their treats and trash at a groaning Lassy. Others stomped their feet, claws scratching against the steel bleachers as foam built up around their mouths.
He rushed towards the chamber, looking down as its contents poured into the sand. It wasn’t enough, still inches above Amber’s head with the opening being too small to reach his paw into. The moon was still hanging high in the sky. I’m not going to switch back in time. He couldn’t smash the glass, that could just end up doing much, much worse. The metal lid had popped from its opening, the rest still securely shut despite the damage. I’m going to have to… carefully rip it apart… Sounded much easier said than done.
“Stop!” Lassy’s voice broke as she screamed at the top of her lungs, reaching a claw out. Their back legs had gone limp, having to use Quintsy’s claws to drag them through the dirt. “You don’t know what you’re doing, you filthy maggot-ridden dung-eating snake!” She whipped her head around to Trudy, the merruff still out of commission. “You.” Quintsy cried out as the vines wrapped around her sister’s body, taking control as they squeezed around her arms, neck, and torso. “Useless! All of you— useless!” Twisting, spiral vines grew from underneath her hooves, moving over her hindlegs before forcing them to stand upright. “Why must I always do everything myself!?” Her head snapped over to Quintsy, the phoeline quickly batting away the vines that threatened to do the same.
Yippers looked away, desperately trying to yank the metal lid off the glass chamber all at once. He grabbed either side with his paws, mustering up as much of his dying energy as he could before starting to pull. It slid against the sand, more water sloshing around inside. The cry of metal caught his attention, looking down to see water turn the pale sand to a dark brown mush. It’s working! A roar sounded, looking back up to see a vine-ridden Lassy staring right back at him. The sisters had disappeared underneath her mane, their entire body taken over by rotting patches of gourds, thorned, gnarled vines, and wilted leaves.
With an enraged howl, she charged, claws and hooves stomping against the ground in a rhythmic beat of drums. Yippers frantically began to pull, all he needed was to drain the water— Drain the water and he could focus back on dealing with their ringmaster. They drew closer, Yippers claws peeking underneath the metal as it began to give more and more. Hope filled him with new vigor, the ground underneath him growing wet with the scent of seas filling his nostrils.
A shadow washed over him, Lassy standing tall with her claws slicing through the air. A vibrant set of wings appeared behind her, blotting out the shining moon above. Yippers braced himself, still yanking at the water chamber as he awaited that piercing blow.
Her shout of anger quickly turned into one of fear, the sound flying over and behind him. Yippers’s eyes snapped open, looking over his shoulder to see a white cockatrice pecking and clawing at her face.
Horizon’s sharp caw pinned his ears back, a red flame building up in his gut before fire blazed from his beak and onto a writhing Lassy. His claws pinned her to the ground, wrapped firmly around her shoulders as her hooves kicked uselessly behind her. He hadn’t even given Yippers a second glance, tail feathers lashing in the air as his opponent fought underneath him.
Turning back to his task, it only took a few more yanks until he fell back with the lid between his paws. Amber rolled out with the last of the water, Yippers tossing it aside to stand over her. He carefully leaned forward, trying his best to press his ear against her chest without suffocating her completely. A light thud against his back pulled him away, turning around to see Horizon flapping his wings with a puffed out chest. He stood between them and Lassy. Her vines had been scorched, leaving nothing but a mushy pumpkin and burnt bodies beside her. Parts of her sludge-like features fell to the ground, no arms available to try and keep her face together.
“What have you done!?” She sobbed, turning to Amber’s body limp against the ground. “Why? Why!? No— no!” Looking around rapidly, she turned tail and ran through the same set of curtains they’d entered in. Her voice split through the sky, pleading, demanding, screeching over and over. The black smog poured in the tent, taking unrecognizable nebulruffs with it as they disappeared into airy plumes of darkness. The tent withered away, its ashes joining the swirl as it formed a cloud above them. Attractions and building fell, turning into smog before they could hit the ground. Where bare land had been, trees unearthed themselves blooming with life. Only the villagers were left, the fog lifting from their forest to chase after Lassy as she escaped towards the back of the island. They raised their heads, the smog pouring from their ears to chase after the dissipating cloud. Mumbles of confusion could be heard, Veronica calling for Maddie before pulling the small nebulruff into a tight embrace. Vegas was hunched over, shaking the rest from his pelt with an assurance that his complaints were known.
Horizon joined his side, shifting back into his phoeline form as the pair stared down at the unmoving body. Before he could jump to the obvious conclusion, darkness trickled from inside her open jaw and Amber spluttered away. She leapt to her feet, looking around dazed before finally meeting Yippers eyes. The nebulruff looked him up and down, breathing hard.
“What… What happened?” She looked around, coughing up more of the smog. “Where— Why is everyone out here?” Amber quickly found herself leaning against his side, Horizon giving a comforting pat on the back.
“Nothin’ necessarily needin’ nervosity ‘bout now, kay?”
“...” She squinted. “What?”
Yippers laughed, more about the fact any of that had happened but… well, it lightened the mood somewhat. “Ah, just— Let's get back home, alright? I’ll explain it to you on the way.”
Kneeling on his front paws, Horizon helped boot Amber onto his back before they made their way towards Hometown. Villagers walked beside them, some more in a rush than others. There would be… a lot to unpack when they got home.
2024 Howloween Mini-Lore
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by YakkoThis is not the second part of the Howloween Lore drop, that will be dropped Nov 10th This is just a short-story to learn a little about this year's mascot- So sit back and enjoy!
“Oh Yippers, don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud!” Amber giggled, running through the crowd as it trickled into the abundant circus. Vibrant, flashing lights formed arrows pointing in all directions. Every attraction, shop, path, and employee was littered in miniature beacons, Yippers stepping back as the nebulruff’s pin-prick pupils stared through him through the abrasive light. “There’s so much to do— Oh, the sister’s are just so generous for inviting me to their shows. I’m not even sure what to expect!”
“Amber—” Fluff enveloped his face, Yippers wrenching his head back in shock as a stick of cotton candy was shoved up his nose. An acidic scent slammed into his senses, scrunching his face in disgust before politely pushing the carny’s paw away. “Amber, listen. I’m sorry I had that outburst, okay? It’s just been a lot and Horizon’s—”
“Eugh, Horizon, Horizon, worry, stress, bleh, bleh, blah, blah.” At the final ‘blah’, she grabbed a stick of cotton candy from the carny and flicked it at him before taking a large bite. It melted in her mouth, a squealish “Mhm!” humming from her with a wide grin. “He’s not even here, so why are you trying to bring him up with all that negative talk?” The giddy nebulruff spun around, stopping Yippers in his tracks by setting a paw on his shoulder. “Okay, I may as well do this now before our whole night is ruined.” Rolling her eyes, she continued more solemnly. “You’re right. With me coming home, our friends leaving, these sudden guests-... it’s been a lot on everyone— you especially.”
Yippers simply sat there and blinked for a moment, slack-jawed in utter disbelief until he managed a quick splutter. “S-So you’re not mad?”
“I was.” She shrugged, taking another nibble of her treat. “But after talking with Lyla and Quintsy… I can see where you’re coming from. I just assumed we could go back to normal and forget ‘bout all that, but it was wrong for me to not think about how it might’ve affected you.” Another bite. “But— maybe this can be our little break before uh… talking about it or whatever you want to do. Some fun before the serious business, huh? The sisters do mean well, so I think instead of worrying about me and how mysterious and mystical this all is in a world full of magic, you should give ‘em a chance.”
For once, ever since she’d returned, Amber finally looked like herself. A cotton candy-filled, toothy grin spread across her face, head tilted to the side and ear flopping over her cheek with that soft glimmer in her eyes. “I gave you one, didn’t I? C’mon, return the favor, Yips?”
He couldn’t believe it. All these days, all this stress, all this fretting, and doubt and thinking it was all over— all that sickness that palpitated his heart and took the appetite from his stomach dissipated immediately. She’s not upset— We’re alright. So it was a good thing he’d come here, Amber had been looking forward to spending time with him again. “Y-yeah… yeah, why not.” Well… if all I had to do was wait a few days and talks for her to calm down, then it’s not so bad. Everyone needs it once in a while, I should’ve just slowed down— Yippers was torn from his thoughts as Amber pulled him forward with her tail.
“Ooo! Ooo! Look!” A small circus tent was tucked between two large jungle gym areas, almost impossible to see with all the sugar-high puppies running about. They leaped through hoops, and swung on ropes, a collection of phoeline kittens soaring high into the air in a mad chase for an enormous ball of colorful yarn. Looked a little dangerous, but a line of carnys was waiting to assist at the very edges of the park.
Have we always had this many kids? The sound of squealing made his ears pin, the taller nebulruff maneuvering them underneath climbing sets and dodging zooming children until they finally reached their destination. Amber had to lower her head, the ropes holding the cloth entrance up brushing the top of Yippers’s head as they entered the tent.
He didn’t know what to expect, but it was not mile-high bleachers encircling a gaudy theater stage with dozens of eyes shining dimly in the light. A mask not far from Quintsy’s own appearance was carved into the wooden beams on either side of the stage. In the left beam, she was grinning, a small and polite curve. Birds, clouds, sunshine, and a multitude of roses etched onto the surrounding surface. The right was much to be expected, mouth open in a silent sob with broken hearts and wilted flowers littering the space around her.
Amber continued to pull him along, following the curve of the tent’s wall until she spotted the sisters waiting for her beside a red curtain. Trudy reached out, pulling it aside for the pair before swiftly shutting it behind them. Yippers jumped as the heavy fabric knocked into his side, glaring at the curtain behind him before following Amber up a small flight of stairs. No use in making a fuss, we’re here to have a good time and it was probably just an accident anyway.
Settling down in cushioned seats, Amber hung her paws off the edge of the booth and leaned forward. Her eyes were alight with wonder, her tail smacking into the seat behind her. There she is… It felt like it’s almost been months since he’d seen a genuine grin from her, Yippers unable to fight back as his shoulders relaxed to a slump. After a few minutes, the lights would dim, Yippers barely able to make out actors moving around in the dark as they pushed the sets into place. The lights soon grew to illuminate the stage, a fitting room with rows and rows of dresses and shelves full of masquerade masks surrounding a group of well-dressed, chattering nebulruffs.
A short, beaked phoeline adorned in a long, flowing white dress littered with white roses and golden petals dragged behind her. The crowd echoed an “Ooh” as she joined an awaiting encirclement of bridesmaids giggling and whispering to each other. The closest spotted her first, starting a long chain of tapping shoulders, and hushed “She's here!” “Just look at her!” “How beautiful!” before all broke out into excited squeals. They rushed the beaked actress, dresses flaring and swiveling behind them as they hopped around and over her.
“Such a wonderful day, such a beautiful day, such a glorious day for you!” They purred in unison, tails brushing over her shoulders. They plucked a single red rose from their pelts, settling them in the bride’s hair to form a crown over her head. A veil dropped, more yelps and shouts of delight echoing around the room until the crash of cymbals caught their attention.
“Oh, hide, hide, hide!” A tall, delicately groomed nebulruff stood on the other side of the door to the room, a black bowtie just barely visible in the thick layers of fur that cascaded down his throat and chest. The bridesmaids began to shove the bride out the other side, tossing her out a window with such jankiness Yippers couldn’t help but give at least a snort of amusement among the giggling crowd.
The groom soon entered after, and another unison of “Hi!” greeted him as he entered. He looked around expectantly, peering behind chairs and a vanity. The bridesmaids followed him around as ducklings would, periodically glancing at the window to ensure their wonderful bride wouldn’t be seen by her groom. She was still lost in her dress, flailing around with more and more lace swallowing up her pale fur. That has to be part of the act, right?
“-and where would be my betrothed?” His attention was turned back to the nebulruff, his voice unsurprisingly the classic Prince Charming. Not too deep with the warmth of a hearth, pitching high at the end of his question. “I simply cannot wait at the altar, I must see her now—!”
“Oh no, no, no, no!” One of the bridesmaids stepped up, the others shaking their heads behind her. “You know the rules, you mustn’t see the bride before the wedding, it brings bad luck!”
“But you must understand, I love her!” Eugh-... Yippers cringed back, glancing at Amber only to see her watching the play with just as much enthusiasm as before. It’s… cheesier than I expected. Well, if he were to be forthcoming, Quintsy didn’t seem to be the sort to enjoy anything nuanced.
“-and that’s it!” The bridesmaids had managed to shove him out of the room, Yippers so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even been paying any mind to the classic romance drama unfolding before them. They dusted their dresses off, fixing their hair and soon enough one had gone over to the window they’d dropped their friend in.
A long pause, the nebulruff shifting around until she came back with a slacked jaw. “She’s gone!”
“She’s gone? What do you mean she’s gone?” All of them gathered in the window, looking on at nothing but floorboards as the soon-to-be had disappeared. Immediately they began to scatter through the room, chickens missing their heads as they peeked under furniture and opened every cabinet and dresser they could. They soon trickled out of the room, running around the stage as the set was pushed away and a new one was wheeled in.
The cut-out of a running fountain rolled to the middle of the stage on its wheels, more cut-outs of bushes and lamposts framing it before being settled into position. The bride peeked out, looking around anxiously before finally sneaking out. Her neck outstretched, looking over the bushes and walking to the other side of the fountain—
Only for the groom to peek out just from where she had come from. He followed behind her, ducking whenever she glanced over her shoulder while she circled back around behind the fountain. They continued their chase, the groom always disappearing just before she came around the corner, trotting faster and faster until the crowd's laughter started to build up. At the final bend, he’d turn around at the last second with a loud “Raah!”, standing on his hind legs as the bride fell back with a shrill squeak.
Ow. Yippers scratched at his ears, listening to Amber’s chortle beside him while the groom helped the bride onto her paws.
“What are you doing out here?” She’d try to shield her face, the nebulruff using just a paw to pull her arms down. “You shouldn’t be here— Why aren’t you waiting at the altar for me? What about the guests—!”
“I couldn’t wait, my love.” He cooed, using his nose to flip the veil behind her head. A small gasp left him, brows flying up as his eyes scanned over his face. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” The phoeline shied away, the groom quickly running to her other side in an attempt to see her once more. “Oh, do not hide from me, love. Who cares about a couple of guests? It’s just you and I, as it should be.”
“Not right now!” The bride yelped out, turning her back to him. “You know what they say, you mustn’t see me before—!”
“The wedding, I know.” He lowered onto his stomach, crawling forward until he was in her vision again. Rolling onto his back, the groom continued with a chuckle. “It’s all just formalities, dear. If it were up to me, our ‘wedding’ would be a night in the open moonflower field! Singing and dancing to our heart's content, counting stars and catching glitterbugs— planning all the things we’d do together, all the places we’ll see!” Even at this distance, Yippers could see the smile growing on the bride's face, poking out from behind her paws.
“Really?” Her voice was small and hopeful, sniffling as the groom jumped to his paws.
“Really! We wouldn’t spend a moment apart… not like you’re asking me to now.” He wrapped her up in a hug, the bride hesitantly reciprocating. “Don’t worry about some silly tale, my love. Nothing could ever stop me from marrying you, I simply wouldn’t allow it.”
“Alright, alright… I believe you.” She delicately tapped the budding tears from the corners of her eyes, turning her head up to face him. “But still, I don’t want to leave everyone waiting. It’d be rude!” The bride headbutted his shoulder, the actor doing well enough to at least make it look like it made him stumble.
“Fine, my darling, fine! Don’t leave me hanging, alright? The longer you take, the longer it’ll be before we can explore the world together! I love you.” Pressing his snout against her cheek, the nebulruff spun around and quickly ran backstage and out of view.
“...I love you too…” Her voice echoed in the now-silent room, the lights slowly dimming until shutting off completely.
It had taken longer than usual for the crew to set the stage, Amber having gotten up to grab a snack. She still hadn’t returned as the crowd’s chattering died down, a single beam of harsh light shining down upon the bride. She fluffed out the fur on her cheeks, turning her head this way and that in the mirror while humming a soft tune. It was almost hypnotic, Yippers having to blink hard to keep his lids from gluing shut until the soft click of a door opening caught everyone's attention. The bride turned her head, swiveling in her stool as one of the bridesmaids slowly padded up to her. Her head was ducked low, staring a hole into the ground before she reached the phoeline and lifted to whisper into her ear. Yippers leaned forward, ears straining in an attempt to make out what was said.
He couldn’t make a lick of sense of what she was saying, the tone too hushed for it not to blur all together into a monotone buzz. Whatever it may be, it couldn’t possibly be anything good. The phoeline’s eyes widened, mouth dropping as her face twisted in silent horror. Everything seemed to freeze, an uncomfortably long pause of silence digging under Yippers skin as the realization set in. She inhaled, doubling over and clutching at her throat in a silent sob. The bride lurched forward in dry heaves, falling from the stool in a way that was almost too— genuine. His paws itched, claws softly digging into the fabric as a piercing, ragged scream finally broke from the actress. The lights started to flash, Yippers squinting against them as the shadow of gnashing teeth and writhing tentacles engulfed the stage. The bridesmaid backed away in horror, her shout of fear cut off as she suddenly disappeared from the stage.
He couldn’t make out what was happening, the flashing lights growing too rapid and abrasive as they were directed solely at the crowd. Nebulruffs shielded their eyes, some, along with Yippers still trying to make out what was happening below. An altar with guests awaiting in pews appeared, the groom waiting expectantly. The screams roared back up, all at once everyone twisting their heads around to find its source. One by one they’d disappear, any guest that tried to run and flee being dragged across the stage by some unforeseen force kicking and writhing. The groom was the last to survive, but the shadow of the ferocious beast was cast back over the stage and he could only stick his paws up in surrender and give a half-uttered beg before he too was gone.
The lights cut out, a cheap music box playing somewhere to their right as a slow, groggy tune filled the empty void. Yippers rubbed his eyes, still reeling from the insanity of what just occurred before a paw on his shoulder made him jump.
“Hey, you alright? The show is over.” Amber shook him a little, a brow raised in curiosity while she looked down at him. “Have a nice nap?”
Before he could even ask one of the hundred questions spiraling in his head, Amber’s final question caught him off guard. Nap? Nap? What does she mean by ‘nap’? When did I even fall asleep? Sure he wasn’t impressed by the story, but that didn’t mean he’d tap out by leaning back and sleeping through all of it.
“C’mon, Trudy gave me a ticket to one of her rides!” Grabbing his collar, she helped drag him out of the seat before running down the staircase. “We got the front seat— it’s gonna be awesome!”
Amber pulled him along, skipping by the entire snaking line of patiently waiting carnival-goers. The music was blaring into his ears, perpetually pinning them back as he squinted against the neon signs pointing toward the entrance. Does everything here have to be so bright? He tried his best to step over the litter rolling over the ground, candy wrappers and glow sticks scattered around with even more dropping from oblivious puppies and kittens.
Once again the sisters were waiting for them, holding onto the end of a red silk that separated the V.I.P entrance from the rest of the crowd. Quintsy was rubbing her eyes with it, quietly sniffling to herself. They climbed up a rickety set of metal stairs, walking down the empty queue to the very end. The coaster was nothing special, just barely put together enough not to fall apart— and even that was questionable. Wooden boards nailed to its sides acted as ‘doors’, some of the lights punched out with crowbars and shattered bottles sticking out of its sides as ‘decoration’.
“Ooh, spooky!” Amber chirped, hopping inside and patting the seat next to her.
They slipped into the harness, clipping it over their chests before an employee came over to give it a small wiggle. Finally, the guest line would open up, only to quickly close as not even a sixth of the line poured into the ride and found their own seating arrangements. The tracks immediately led into a tunnel, Yippers looking around in a failed attempt to see where the rest of it went. Tall, concrete structures reached high above their heads, broken windows with tattered drapes fitting over the building in unaligned, mismatched shapes. Tipped over trash cans and power lines covered whatever free space below and above them, precarious flowerpots and moldy pies sat on almost half of the windowsills. For being a colorful, fun-loving circus, this didn’t look all that colorful or fun-loving—
The sudden rush of air and his body slamming into the back of the seat quickly reminded Yippers he was in fact on a coaster. Loud buzzers and shrieks of the guests behind him echoed down the tunnel, cheap decorations of ghosts and bats dropping down with bright lights illuminating their disfigured faces. Wind billowed through his fur, Yippers not even able to twist his head to glance at Amber beside him from the intense amounts of g-forces strapping him to the seat. His stomach dropped, the coaster rolling up and down sheer hills, it was enough to give him a whiplash. Yippers squeezed his eyes shut, trying to shut out the sickness churning in his stomach and the oncoming migraine from being tossed around— The ride just started!
After what felt like forever spinning in circles and flipping upside down, the rickety coaster exploded out of the tunnels, newspapers and bits of trash falling behind them. “Hnk!” His head smacked into the railing as the coaster slammed to a stop, the pulsing ache thrumming through his entire skull. Yippers clutched his head, feeling himself lean back as the coaster started its slow ascension up an unnecessarily monumental hill. “Oww… Ow!” A can hit the back of his head, twisting around to try and catch a glance at the perpetrator just for a rolled-up newspaper to nail him again.
He flipped around, a periodic ache in his head with more and more pieces of trash being flung at him. “What is—?”
“You gotta smack it away!” Amber giggled beside him, paws raised up to bat away any flower vases and rolled-up tissues being ejected her way.
There wasn’t use in questioning it, the more he sat here dumbfounded the more his head would be aching in the morning. Yippers did the best with what he got, having to wait until the trash was just a foot from his face before being able to reach it and swat it away. His eyes still scanned the area below them, hoping for at least some generalized area to expect the foul-smelling projectiles.
None stuck out to him, the little mini-game stretching out until they reached the very top of the hill and none of the trash could reach them anymore.
“You ready?” Amber bumped his side, wiggling in her seat as the click of the coaster crawling up the hill sent ripples of pain down the smaller nebulruffs brain.
“Ready as I’ll ever be…” Was all he could manage through the splitting headache before that heart-stopping drop was upon them. He did his best to dig his claws into the seat, but it was hard to get a firm grip when all you had to work with was surprisingly well-polished wood. They scrambled against its surface, everyone but Yippers yelling and squealing in delight. He was much too busy having a silent panic attack as his hind legs lifted from the seat, vainly attempting to pull on the leash attached to his harness and yank himself down. The nebulruff’s paws just barely grazed the leather, cursing his nubbiness until a recorded yelp of shock caught his attention. A whiskered merruff— a wooden cut-out of Trudy appeared in the middle of the track, body twisted to look like she’d fallen over.
The sound of fabric tearing pierced through his brain, but the sound was quickly drowned out by the rollercoaster decimating the cutout. It exploded into tiny bits of splintery shrapnel, Yippers soaring high above the coaster, past all the buildings, and out into the open sky with the harness still strapped around him.
There was just a second of peace, turning his head to see the colorful, gleaming landscape of the circus beneath him. Hundreds of dots of nebulruffs running from attraction to attraction, cheap carnival game stands, and food trucks littered at random. His eyes slid further beyond, past the black fog that had swallowed up the forest back towards the empty village. A lonely hutch still sitting on that hill, illuminated in the moonlight—
Yippers slammed face-first into a billboard. His body sprawled out, flattening to its smooth surface before sliding down. He peeled off, wind rushing through his fur for just a few more seconds before the smell of trash assaulted his senses. The soft cushion of rotten food and plastic cups surrounded him, blinking through his blurred vision just to see himself surrounded by the walls of a dumpster.
2024 Howloween Event Lore Drop! [1/2]
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by YakkoEugh, where is she? Yippers scanned the town square, those all-too familiar golden horns nowhere to be seen in the darkness.
She’s never gone radio silent for this long… Wriggling worms of guilt dragged his stomach down, the nebulruff pushing past a group of pedestrians. It couldn’t be what I said— I wasn’t wrong! She’s being dangerous, she’s isolating herself, she’s not telling me anything— His paws stuck to the ground, weighed down by another drop of anxiety. But, why would she? It’s… not my job to always be there. But as her friend that's what I’m for! After everything she’s done out of the kindness of her heart, it's my responsibility. That still didn’t feel right on his tongue, scrunching his nose in a harsh grimace. He wasn’t her caretaker, but that didn’t mean he had to abandon her entirely. He’d tried waiting for Amber to come back on her own, and as far as he knew that was worse than just ripping the bandage off.
I had been a bit harsh so soon after she got back…
Fine, just because he was going to apologize, it didn’t make everything he said wrong. Amber was good with compromises when it came to these sorts of things, so they’d be fine. She wouldn’t be upset anymore, and would most likely apologize for stomping away like that. Maybe… Yippers shook his head, there wasn’t a need to be so anxious. At this rate he might as well be the stand in for Sylvie with her nervous squawking and trepid steps. The faint question on the group’s progress flickered between his thoughts, but the nebulruff quickly pushed them down. Focus. Find Amber, trade sorrys, figure out what to do next.
A waving beacon caught his attention, sending a flash of bright white over his senses until its origin bobbed up higher in a makeshift lamp.
“Yips!” Lyla shook out her pelt, ears smacking wildly against the sides of her head. Dust powdered the air around her, Yippers harshly sneezing at the overall assault to his senses. “I knew it was you— well, I assumed so. It’s hard to spot you without Ambs with ya.”
“Hi, Lyla.” He rubbed his nose, a light streak of dirt appearing on his pale fur. Taking a small step back, Yippers cleared his throat before attempting a flippant tone. “Have you seen Amber at all lately? We…” It wasn’t a fight, was it? They didn’t fight— just… a small disagreement? Yes, but then that would mean they stormed off on each other over something so benign. Clearly the latter would be worse. “...haven’t gotten to hang out that much recently. She’s been very…” Reckless? Apathetic? Concerning?
“Distant?” Lyla finished for him.
Relief washed over him, thinning that growing doubt that had planted itself at the base of his gut. So it’s not just me…
“Yeah, I… I don’t know what’s going on with her.” Lyla sat down with a firm thud, another cloud of dust flying into the air. At least this time Yipper’s was far enough it didn’t immediately rocket straight into his sinuses. “I know we usually work most of the day, with me helpin’ Percy on constructions n’ her doin’ her research n’ all that.” She scratched the back of her neck, words slurring together in speedy dialogue. “Sometimes she doesn’t come home, sometimes I don’t, but I’ve been takin’ more days off f’er her but it feels like she ain’t comin’ home t’all. I know I ain’t got the prettiest place but I’ve finally been lettin’ her help me redecorate and reorganize. Even when she’s home she’s always in the greenhouse writin’ up a storm or wanderin’ off into the woods.” She shuddered, fluffing her fur out against the biting breeze. “Don’t like ‘em no more, not ever since that big fella moved in.”
“Yeah…” Wait. Yippers’s brows furrowed, those last few words clicking in. “-... Hold on. ‘Big fella?’”
The nebulruff nodded, tail lashing once before hovering back over them in a makeshift lamp. “Yeah, I don’t know when he moved in, but he’s been a real pain in my tail. I didn’t even get to finish explorin’ them caves he’s guarding all crazy-like. Seriously not is it— isn’t— it—” Lyla smacked herself over the snout, blowing a short raspberry before trying again. Each word emphasized with a nod of her head. “It’s not like I’d do anything, I don’t even think he goes into the tunnels.”
She’s seen him too! I’m not the only one— she knows! Tail thumping against the ground, Yippers leaned closer. “Exactly! Amber took me out to do some errands, and she didn’t even react when he th—”
“Oh, hold on Yips!” Her head snapped back, gaze lifting up to a collection of nebulruffs and phoelines wearing hard caps. The light illuminating his surroundings faded away, eyes struggling to adjust as he squinted against the darkness. The construction workers paused at Lyla’s presence, sharing words and a few giggles before she started gesturing towards Yippers.
Maybe she’s told others? Oh, that would just be perfect! Of course they’d all question her recent activity, even those who only had a vague idea of Amber would wonder why exactly she’d act so off. No sane nebulruff would do business with a dragon who threatened them every other sentence, and she always made it clear for her distaste for the casino—
His small step forward was followed by the group pulling away, Yippers almost believed it was due to him moving until Lyla turned around with a mouthful of small bags of candy.
“Ooh, sorry Yippers. I have to get back to the site to finish up for the night— Even if Percy ain’t here, we can’t just leave it all unfinished. That’s askin’ for a case.” She dropped them at his feet, turning tail. “Can you please bring those to Maddie? The crew thought it’d be nice seeing what's been happening with her parents and all.”
He could feel his smile slowly fade, weighed down by yet another task. She didn’t even answer my question…
Shoulders drooping, the nebulruff picked up the batch of candy bags and started heading towards Veronica’s Parlor.
“Hm? Oh… no idea.” She shrugged, holding a smaller nebulruff captive in her looped tail. Maddie writhed in her grasp, having started going spastic as soon as the savory scent of DigDogs filled the room. Veronica’s tail shivered with the younger nebulruff’s energy, that being the only thing having any ounce of energy. Yippers winced at the dark circles under the once gleeful and bushy-tailed shopkeeper now slouching over the table. Her fur had shifted from its flowery lilac to a pale blue. “I haven’t… haven’t…” She started to drift off until a headbutt from Maddie’s hopping figure snapped her back awake. “Haven’t! Seen her…” Veronica set a paw on her step-daughter’s head, slowly pushing her towards the ground. “Been too busy with… this one n’ the shops.”
Yippers paused, looking over the other with a mouth pulled tight. “Ah…” Probably should’ve hidden the bags better-... Sorry Veronica. “... I can see that. Well, uhm…” At least this answer was easier to get, I doubt even if Amber walked by, she’d even recognize her. Glancing down at the bouncing ball of energy squirming under Veronica’s paw, the nebulruff hopped down from the stool. “Have you tried hiring a… babysitter? Maybe closing down one of the shops? You look pretty wrung out, Veronica.”
She scoffed, Yippers catching the small roll of her eyes. “Yes, surprisingly. But no one can handle her… Percy is gone… so I’m stuck on that front.” Rubbing her face, she mumbled. Her words slurred together, only broken by a silent yawn. “I can’t close down my shop, do you know how cruel that’d be, Yippers? Cherry, tch, she’d be heartbroken if nobody got their goods. Plus, I don’t have the paws to protect her stock, so the best bet is getting rid of it and getting something out of it instead of just letting sneaky paws run havoc.” A sharp glare moved down to the nebulruff wrapped up in her tail. At least, it would’ve been if Maddie wasn't currently gnawing through the wrapper of her third DigDogs bar. “Maddie!”
She squealed a giggle, grabbed as many bars as she could fit in her mouth before dashing out from under the table. Her tail was fluffed out, a bobbing flag that weaved through the crates and shelves of fragile bottles of spacedust.
“Get out of there!” Abandoning their conversation entirely, she scrambled to her feet and slithered around the back, wings flapping wildly as she hopped a stack of crates. “Ooh, just wait until mom gets home! Mama is gonna tell her all the naughty things you’ve done and she’s gonna pluck your brows!”
Her threat was followed by more squeaky laughter, the small nebulruff effortlessly slipping between tight nooks and crannies to escape her lumbering mother. “Uh-uh!” The muffled dispute echoed out in the quiet shop, Yippers slowly backing away until his tail hit the glass door behind him.
At the sound of glass shattering and a cracked “No!” The nebulruff quickly turned around and trotted out into the street for a few paces until he was positive he was in the clear. Well… that didn’t work out.
He managed to search nearly half of the village, working his way through the outskirts of the northwest side. Amber, why do you need to make these things so difficult? She wasn’t at her house, wasn’t in any of their usual hangout spots, at this rate I should just go see if that dragon guy munched her up! Even if venom dripped in his agitated thoughts, the nagging sensation of fear fluttered his heart. Hopefully that isn’t the case…
A slow creak registered in his ears, faint in the cold night air. Yippers peeked up, a familiar food truck slowly rolling up the hill in the distance. Well… it couldn’t hurt. There wasn’t a single chance Horizon would’ve seen her, but a small chat couldn’t hurt at this point. He had a good set of listening ears, and Yippers could use some of that phoeline’s lax nature to calm the twisting of his heart.
The walk wasn’t long thankfully, quickly catching up with the traveling chef as he pushed a boot under his wheels and popped the back of his establishment open. Horizon had set out a thick blanket, curling up on the tiled floor in the moonlight until his ears pricked and he looked up to spot the nebulruff trotting towards him.
“Why’a marching, marrer?”
Oh, this was not going to help the growing headache. A dull thrum of pain hummed at the back of his head. “Looking for Amber, no luck.” Yippers hopped into the truck with him, flopping over with an exasperated huff. “We had a disagreement a few days ago, I haven’t seen her since.”
Horizon laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “How rough, a rupture within a radical rapport. How will Yippers resolve this? Maybe a sizzlin’ sauna to settle those stressed shoulders and sort that sneer.” The phoeline settled his head down against the blanket, spacedust starting to simmer to rounded flames. A soft warmth seeped into the nebulruff’s fur, Yippers inching away. He couldn’t get distracted now, eventually Amber’s would show up eventually. He had to be there to fix this supposed ‘rupture’.
“I don’t need your sass you… you…” How did he manage this so effortlessly? “...smnh-erd.”
“Nerd!?” The phoeline chuckled, bumping his shoulder. “Nah, nah, nah. Not nerd, ah…“ After tapping his chin, Horizon proudly puffed his chest. ‘I don’t support your sass, you scoundrel’ surpasses by miles.”
Snorting, Yippers glanced down at his paws, chewing at the inside of his cheek. I should be out looking for her… not fooling around. This was supposed to be a short visit anyways, just like Lyla, just like Veronica. If Horizon knew where she was, he would’ve said something. He wanted to waste time the nebulruff didn’t have. What if she’s home by now? Or the library? What if she was looking for me and now thinks I’m hiding from her? Unless everyone had agreed to say nothing, she hadn’t told anyone about their small, miniscule spat outside of the village.
“Yo, Yips.” Horizon bumped him again, smoothing back his feathers as he spoke. “You’re always mucking about in misery when you make a mountain out of a molehill about your marrer. It’s not healthy.” Snuggling deeper into the cover, he fluffed up a pawful of blanket to form a loose pillow. Settling his head down, the phoeline’s eyes fluttered close, murmuring in his sleep. “Let’er live with it for a lil’ while. It’s not that cruel of a kick-up.”
The buzz of noise finally stopped, only ‘It’s not healthy.’ peeking out from the string of nonsensical word mash-ups. Well, the rest didn’t sound too pleased either, Yippers nodding his head to the other’s statement. “Yeah, yeah… I know.”
“Do you?” Horizon piqued up, the nebulruff’s head snapping to shoot him a hard glare. His sight shifted to the side of the other's head, spotting twinkles of neon light hitting the blades of grass beside them.
The phoeline’s mouth continued to move, but he was much too busy trailing his eyes up over the plain until they stopped at the silhouette of the treeline. Yippers pressed a paw against Horizon’s mouth, turning his head to look at the architecture that was currently peeking over the treetops. A ferris wheel gleaming blinding pinks, cyans, and greens spun slowly, countless rollercoasters twisting over and through each other with carts rocketing over their rails. Fireworks crackled through the air, blinking lights flashing through the trees.
A rustle caught his attention, small moving figures of villagers moving through the grass towards the noise. Pups, kittens, and guppies led the hoard, even the most routine of children breaking away from their parents to make a mad dash to the eye-catching entertainment. The massive horde moved as one, growing chatter numb against his ears even from this distance.
“That is the most suspicious sight I have ever seen.” Horizon scrunched his nose up, looking between the wandering crowd and the rays of light bleeding through the treeline. It’d be broken by a moving figure, Yippers half-expected to see a familiar set of oak claws running along the plains only to see it was… definitely not that. Three bodies flail wildly in the wind, mane bouncing with each bound towards the oncoming villagers. Claws dug up the soil, hooves clicking against dirt with a blunt tail billowing in the wind. On its back was a meek set of wings, hanging limp against the sides and—
Amber was riding this proverbial horse into battle with a wide grin across her face and laughter echoing through the sky. Yippers rubbed his face, mouth falling open at the side. What is with her and strange monstrosities!? This was the third time now, a flame of agitation flickering at his tensed heart. Well, I guess I’m not getting that apology. Clearly she hadn't listened.
Yippers started to lift up before a paw held his own down, Horizon looking up at him with a sharp glare. “Hit me up if you need to hightail it, Yippers.” Oh, good. I thought he was going to stop me. That would have been yet another awkward squabble he didn’t need, especially with someone with such dialect as Horizon.
He stumbled through the crowd, pushing past some just to be stepped on by others. A sharp yip left him, the paw lifting from his back and allowing the nebulruff to wriggle his way to the wall of children separating him from Amber.
“Welcome one and all!” A chalky voice echoed into the air, vines trailing down from its speaker. The gourd-headed nebulruff cackled, movements jerky as their body lurched back at an odd angle before falling forward.
The body to its right perked up, a flowing stingray hood draping over the sides of her face. “To the Careless— ow!” The middle body snapped up just to headbutt into the other side before falling limp again. “To the Carefree Circus! Where you can have so much fun you’ll…” She rolled her eyes, voice holding nothing but deep-rooted sarcasm. “...die. I’m jealous— Stop that!” Another smack, the rightmost using her single paw to smack against the other before thudding into the chest of their conjoined bodies in a slacked hang. Wait— they’re-? No. No, no, no. Not unpacking that, not doing this again, I’m not letting some other ‘Edward’ try to kill us! Yippers began to thread through the sea of children.
“Brought to you b-b-by…” A shrill cry made his ears pin back, a beaked phoeline wiping nonexistent tears from her face. “-...the Travesty Sisters!” She wailed, breaking into a full sob until a strangled noise cut it short and she fell forward to make way for the middle… sister.
“Come, come! Take a ticket, free of charge! In fact, everything is free of charge!” A plume of smoke escaped from her carved mouth, hacking into her arm before a set of claws shivered out from the mane with thick handfuls of golden tickets.
Children quickly nabbed what they could, knocking them to the ground in a wild kerfuffle. As soon as they had a ticket snapped between their teeth, like clockwork, they beelined towards the growing carnival. Each disappeared body caused a blanket of fog to shoot out from whatever bush they had trampled, more and more chasing figures causing a thick blanket of darkness to overtake the forest.
“Trust me, you don’t want to go without one. Come on, it's free!” The middle sister shoved tickets into parents hands before they moved to random groups of nebs, tossing tickets their way before using their tail to swish them in that direction.
“Come on guys, it's so fun!” Amber squealed from their back, any hesitant nebs glancing over at her before shrugging and forming a line for a ticket. She giggled, hopping down from the ginormous figure and was quickly met with a sweating, trampled Yippers.
“What are you doing!?” He nearly yelped, looking at the two tickets held by Amber’s paws with disgust. “Don’t tell me you—”
“Already been there!” She chuckled, hopping on the tips of her feet. “It’s so fun, Yippers! I need to go find Laylah, she’s going to have the time of her life.” As the nebulruff turned to move away, Yippers instinctively reached out to hold her tail down with a paw.
Oh, shoot— He pulled away just as his paw had darted out, wiping it off while he cleared his throat. “Amber, you can’t tell me you trust these people. That-... ‘Carnival’ appeared out of nowhere! These people appeared out of nowhere, and you can’t tell me that you know that person and haven’t decided to tell me until now!”
“I mean, I could. But that’d just be lying.” Amber blinked, tilting her head to the side. “You shouldn’t be such a worry-wart, Yippers. I already told you I don't need you to babysit me. If these nebulruffs were so dangerous, then I would be dead by now, I’ve been with them the entire day!”
“You— That’s where you’ve been!?” He couldn’t believe it, he was appalled. Distance didn’t cut it, Lyla.
“Yep! And it’d been so fun. I really think you should take a ticket, these guys are lovely!” She picked one up off the ground, offering it to him.
Yippers simply turned away from it, not willing to take it or swat it out of the other’s hand. “Amber— please, just think this through—!”
“Think? Ooh, are you calling this lovely little lady brainless?” A foreboding figure appeared behind him, just a single paw making up a majority of his height. The middle sibling hung upside down in front of him, a permanent grin over her face. “Such a rude thing coming from a little runt!” She picked him up with the small talons, shaking him wildly in the air before the leftmost sister.
“As if you can speak, halfwit.” She sneered, backhanding the other over the head with her single paw. “As far as I can see it's Quintsy and I making us so grotesquely large.” A hoofed hind leg kicked against the dirt, tail flicking behind them.
“If you keep talking the only half there’ll be is your half being sent through a blender!”
“I wish.”
“Oh, girls, please…” The beaked sister picked herself up, nervously chewing at the tips of her paws. “Roger would hate to see us—”
“Shut. Up. About. Roger!!” The middle sister snarled in her face, Quintsy immediately shying away with a frightful cry. “Roger is not here! Roger will never be here! Roger is somewhere out there— probably with some other lady!”
That pulled another shrill wail, the phoeline’s body flailing around with her arm waving around erratically. She continued to screech and cry, the right sister covering one of her ears. “Now look what you did, Lassy, you ninny!”
“Maybe she should keep her trap shut! Y’know what?” A talon tugged on a strand from their shared mane, the ragdolling body falling limp with a hearty thump. “There, see? Problem solved.”
“You are such a rotten, calloused, conniving little—” Another strand of mane pulled, leaving only the middle sister remaining.
“Finally… no more yip yap yapping.” She took a step closer, attempting to hand Yippers another ticket.
His tongue pushed against the roof of his mouth, starting to form a no until Amber pushed past him to hop on their back and settle down. Lyla soon followed, Yippers head twisting back in shock. Where had she even—? How fast—?
“Yippers, you’ve already abandoned me once, so I wont be mad if you leave me again. At least this time I still have people who support me.” She rested her head on Lyla’s shoulder, the nebulruff’s head fixated towards the carnival. “If you want to stay by yourself all alone while we all have fun, you can do that. Just know this is the worst way to fix what you broke, m’kay?”
“What—? Amber, stop!” He reached out as the massive centaur turned its back, smacking the side of his face with their tail. They broke into a quick canter, more and more nebulruffs pooling in to follow them into the thick smog. Why does no one listen to me?
Yippers looked back, in just a few minutes the entire clearing had emptied, loud laughter, screams, and cheers sounding off from inside the forest. He glanced back over at Horizon, seeing the phoelines eyes glinting within the darkness of his makeshift home. He’s right… this is suspicious… He took a step towards him, hearing a crackle under his paws as a silky texture hit them.
A crumpled ticket poked up from the tall grass, a nagging prickle of fear itching over his skin. It was suspicious, there was no sense of reality in it, none of this should be happening and it had to be dangerous.
But… he couldn’t abandon Amber. I’m the reason she had to find someone else, I should’ve been there. I came here to apologize and I couldn’t even do that, I snapped instead. Shaking his head, the small nebulruff snapped the ticket between his jaws and quickly followed behind the trail of hoofprints left by the sisters.
2024 September Lore Drop! [Maddox]
Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by YakkoMaddox’s path arched to the right, the scent of fear and sea salt trailing away to soon be replaced by the aromantic wash of miscellaneous flora. Paws grazing the familiar ground, he bobbed and weaved through fallen oaks and bushels of briars and prickly shrubbery. Greens and browns blurred together, the fox’s ears pinning at the much-too-close thunderous roar of an oncoming leviathan.
Great, I get the big guy. Looking to his left, the vague blurs of Cherry’s pale fur and Sylvie’s cloak were long gone, but by the sounds of soldiers shouting orders, they hadn’t gotten away scott-free.
The crackle of roots being torn from the ground followed by a tree being hurled just a few yards in front of him was a quick reminder he had more important things to worry about. Most importantly some overgrown lizard throwing a tantrum and flinging his toys at an unsuspecting bystander. Alright, planning time. The last gaggle had taken them prisoner, and these guys already had a clowder of cats moping around in their dingy encampment. It’d be smart to lead this bumbling buffoon far enough he wouldn’t cause a problem with the girls, and it would be quite suspicious to turn himself in so willingly after making a big deal of not doing that.
Skirting around the thick oaks the dragon behind him easily tore from the soil, the fox’s head twisted around in search of a more enclosed space. Something he could get lost in, something that’d force the halfwit to actually put some effort in capturing him. He’d make a sharp turn, trying to slither his way into areas with dense foliage. A pleasant surprise was his… ‘armor’ wasn’t torn nor did it catch on the countless twigs and thorns he scraped by to escape his pursuer. Maybe it wasn’t that bad.
Maddox heard an agitated growl echo behind him, the sound of deforestation fading away to be replaced by the hiss and shiver of leaves. His paws moved quickly underneath him, only catching a quick glance to spot talons break through the ceiling just to haphazardly step between the thick trunks. A maw poked down, pushing past leaves to scan the forest floor and make contact with the eensy form of a certain fleeing fox. Soon after the soldier pulled his head up, foreclaws left the forest floor. Focusing back on the path ahead, the nebulruff was still keeping an eye out for a possible hideout until snaps of branches echoed behind him. Before Maddox could look around to see what had happened a tremendous thud slammed down behind him as his feet momentarily left the ground. He fell forward, hitting the ground shoulder-first as the world spun in an unnecessarily violent tumble before ultimately smacking into a rosemary bush. The gnash of teeth clattered in his ears, a snout pushed against the ground before the leviathan lifted his head and spat out a wad of dirt.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. Did this dingbat just try to pounce him? Wow, ha, funny, how ironic. Ooh, the leviathan was lucky he didn’t have his wyvern form on him-... he’d have an absolute field day knocking some sense into the slippery little eel. More pawsteps flying over the forest floor, more hops and bounds from a persistent leviathan, and the nebulruff still couldn’t lose the tail.
At least not until a furry blur darted out beside him and flung its glittery pelt down a burrow. The python constricting his heart would loosen its grip, Maddox immediately skidding against the ground to follow the rodent into its burrow. He leapt inside, paws scrabbling to dig into the warren. Dirt flicked out behind him, feeling the soil give underneath him and comfortably slithered down the tunnel. It led further down, a cough tearing through his throat as it tightened around him. It unsurprisingly reeked of the wet scent of dirt and stone, along with something else he really did not want to think about having to squeeze himself against the claustrophobic walls. His ‘armor’ brushing against the walls echoed, the fox growing somewhat uneasy at its refusal to pick up a single speck of grit or dust. Even with pinned ears growing clogged with mud, he could feel the thudding of the leviathan stomping above him. The longer it continued circling the area, the more his heartbeat picked up at the thought this currently-occupied warren would cave in and smother him. Just more of a reason to hurry up.
Something bumped into his face, feeling whiskers tickle his nose before the overgrown lagomorph shimmied back around and was generous enough to kick a mouthful of dirt into his face as it skittered back into the abyss. Maddox coughed, spluttering as he wiped it away with a paw. This is getting absolutely ridiculous— The relief of dirt scraping against his head caught his attention, blinking hard in hopes of making out his surroundings. It wasn’t much, only a few more gaping maws of entrances leading further in or hopefully out of the warren. Dragging the rest of his body out from the tunnel, Maddox splayed his body out and pressed his chin against the cold soil.
It was so… so much easier a few years back, back when Percival was little, back when they could hop in and out of burrows in their erratic game of chase, and back before he had this stupid dress. How long has it been… since our last game? Six years? He winced, teeth slightly bared at the memory. He’d gotten too big, I’d gotten too… old. Percival’s reassurance flared up that old embarrassment, that crooked grin that screamed “I’m trying not to hurt your feelings”.
I need that hat, and I need to smack some sense into that hyena. Who did he think he was anyway? Running at danger like that, knowing Percy would be right on his tail. It was all too familiar, a starry-eyed, horned nebulruff flashing in his thoughts. A breeze hit his gums, not even realizing he’d bared his teeth.
Wait— a breeze?
Snapping his jaw shut, Maddox pawed the dirt from his ears before flicking them forward. He held his breath, scooching closer toward one of the tunnels. A few seconds of silence… the faint echo of claws scrabbling dirt. No, not what he was looking for. He moved towards the next, straining his ears. Y’know, this was a good time to register the fact the bumbling oaf on the surface had gone silent, or hopefully went so far ahead he couldn't hear his footsteps anymore. Either way, it made listening for the whistle of air much, much easier. It tickled the fur inside his ears, lip twitching at the fluttering sensation. He made a soft right, once again having to squirm his way down the tunnel.
Eventually it’d start to lighten up, able to make out his paws dragging him along the floor. Songbirds’ melodies sounded above him, the rustle of leaves not far behind. The fox’s paws dug deeper, more frantically clawing his way up the hill as color returned to his vision. He squinted, a light breeze twirling through his fur as the sun pierced through the trees. See? It wasn’t so bad. Just a little rolling around in the mud. The blazing orb hanging in the sky was a bit more intense than he’d like, but Maddox wouldn’t have to worry about that for long as a thunderous rumble shook through his bones and darkness re-engulfed his vision.
The leviathan picked up his head, grimacing at the taste of earth melting onto his tongue. The protective layers of soil that had protected the warren had been scooped up, leaving a portion exposed to the outside world as its occupants scattered into the surrounding forest. He dipped his head under the treeline, glancing through the oaks in a half-hearted check for any possible associates before straightening his spine and heading back the way he’d come.
Are you serious-... Are you serious!? A string of curses raced through his mind and out his snarled maw, a rank stench of fish assaulting his nostrils. He bit his tongue, nose scrunching up in disgust. Have these fishheads ever heard of dental hygiene? Maddox didn’t bother looking around his newest form of punishment, already expending the majority of his care in the warren. An ache would kick up, thrumming at the back of his skull. He pawed at his ear, an aggravated growl gurgling up his throat. It was the perfect time for a migraine.
Even better once his capture started to shake his head, baring his teeth to sift out the mountain of dirt he scooped up and just to rile up the fox even further. Now that he could get a whiff of something other than salty, rotten sealife, the hum of voices and tall grass surrounded him. He’d get more comfortable with said grass, the leviathan shifting forms to a tall, frilled merruff wrapped his jaws around his midsection and lifted him up. Maddox blinked hard, yipping at a sharp jab in his hindleg only to whirl around and see a conch shell being poked into his skin. Blinded, covered in dirt, being stabbed, thank you, Mira, very cool. The secondary merruff sauntered off with the shell, side-eyeing the poofiness of his ‘armor’ with a poorly-hidden smirk. He didn’t have time to splutter a retort, the soldier padding into the bustling camp. It looked much bigger than it had from the outskirts of the field— Duh— being about the length of a ballpark.
His captor was joined by an even taller merruff, thick whiskers trailing down far past his jaw with a similar pair growing from the top of his head. Almost like horns. Weird… fleshy… wriggling horns. Thank Augustus Trench did not have whatever that was growing from his face. What was wrong with merruffs anyway? At least nebulruffs and phoelines had gimmicks. These guys were just weird—
“How did they manage to lose this little thing?” The merruff laughed, whiskers wiggling with the boisterous chuff. He raised a webbed paw, poking Maddox’s bow. “Throw him with the—”
“D’ya think it's wyvern? Smells old.”
The question pierced through his mind, immediately snapping his head to a pair of armored merruffs sitting beside a tent. They were sitting beside a barrel, noses twitching as they hovered over a hat. A frog hat.
“Of course it is, you ninny! The general said so himself, if you had listened instead of stuffing your gob with crustaceans, you would’ve known that.”
“Maybe he shouldn’t have gathered everyone during lunch! Last time I left my rations someone took like… all of it.”
“I think that was for the better.”
“You’re lucky your mother would miss you—”
Zip, zilch, zero, that was all he needed to hear. By the sounds of it, it was obvious they didn’t catch the boys, even better: They hadn’t a single clue who that ‘wyvern’ actually was. Glancing off to the side, the tent they sat beside was chock-full of wooden boxes, a trail of merruffs periodically carrying a crate over to an awaiting knucker dragon. It was a pair lying together, their long, delicate necks reaching miles into the sky. By their moving jaws, they were having a conversation. As a large pile of crates were collected at the foot of one, a winged merruff hopped up into the sky and began their tasking flight towards them.
“... Put him beside the others… by himself.”
The merruff carrying him nodded, momentarily shaking Maddox from his staring before he was enraptured right back in. The merruff landed, the knucker dragon having gotten some message and paused their conversation to slink its head down. His eyes trailed its path, brows flying up as the dragon shoveled the collection into its jaws and swallowed. It wasn’t a mystery as to why, finally snapping over to the… glass that took up a majority of the knucker’s stomach. Said crates tumbled in, a mountainous pile already having been collected and being saved for… something. After collecting the cache, it lifted its head back up and continued their conversation as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
How am I supposed to even unpack that—? Fabric surrounded him as he was carried to a tent, two guards standing on either side. The merruff set him down, backing up before making a series of clicks to one of the guards and disappearing somewhere further in the encampment.
Maddox perked his head up, quickly glancing around his small cut of the outside world for that recognizable green cap. On the good end, it was in clear view, right across the camp in fact. On the bad end, it was right across the camp, across the massive sea of open plain. A dark, land-dwelling fox traversing through crowds of brightly-colored, armored merruffs during daylight hours. That would go well.
Well— it wasn’t daylight hours, the sun beginning to dip further past the horizon and casting a dark orange, almost red hue. Perhaps he could’ve gotten away hopping from tent to tent, but it could take hours going the long route and held too many risks. Maddox looked along the fabric of the tent, feeling for any tears or weathered areas he could scratch through. A growl sent a shiver down his spine, whipping his head around to the oncoming foe.
The guard opened her maw, teeth bared as he sharply inhaled before letting out a long, drawn-out yawn. Her tongue ran over her snout, lifting a delicate claw to pick at her teeth.
Turning back to his short investigation, he crept as close behind one of the guards as he felt comfortable and gave a small sniff at the edge of the tent. Pushing his nose against the tarp, there was something hard on the other side, a flat surface with sharp edges. It stunk of finishing wax. According to Percy’s documentation, it was of poor quality.
Padding along the edge, not a single inch of the tent was ripped, there was no dip that he could squeeze underneath, it almost seemed like his entire cell was surrounded by what he assumed were more wooden crates. Nothing can be easy, can it? Fine, he’d use the insect. Widening his stance, the fox backed up to the very end of the tent. His focus flickered between the guards, ensuring they wouldn’t look before squeezing his eyes shut and changing form.
—and changing form. Come on. Change. Maddox looked around, for once agitated he wasn't growing any smaller. He should be sitting on a blade of grass or flapping his paper-thin wings and fluttering his way over to Kip’s hat. He raised a paw to stamp it only to quickly settle it back down. Right, guards. There wasn’t a single reason he shouldn’t have a face full of fuzz and quirked antennae sticking out of his head. At least… not if he hadn’t been tampered with. Trench had said something about being poked at during their jailbreak. Finding himself unable to use his form when he’d needed it. That conch… Unless they measured doses, which he was positive they didn’t, it would be an indefinite amount of time before he could use his single form again.
Already having to flee through the forest, slither through a warren, getting chomped on by some fish-breath, and now he couldn’t use his form. It was a miracle he wasn’t popping a blood vessel by now. The temptation was there, but for once he’d control that agitation and let it steam inside his mind. Impulsivity wouldn’t get him anywhere, and it definitely wouldn’t get him that hat.
The ‘armor’ was perfectly fine though, silky fabric glittering and just as bouncy as ever. Not a single stain or tear, even the thin lace looked fresh off the press. Fleck… she picked it out. She hadn’t said anything, poor thing. However, something else was definitely up with her, given time to pause there was finally a chance to ponder. The ‘armor’ should have been destroyed by now, at the very least the pale-colored fabric should be black with muck and grit. Sylvie has that enchanted silk, did Fleck do the same for me? That would be the most thoughtful thing anyone did for him, so surely that wasn’t the case. Perhaps it was just the textile, but that wouldn’t fly for the cloth constantly smudging dirt with each pawstep. Even if she did… What did that even save me? Doing laundry?
“Oh my great Augustus!!” A shrill voice shrieked, the guards snapping their heads up. A short merruff bounced towards them, round eyes locked onto Maddox as a squeaky giggle escaped him. Their armor clattered as they dashed into his tent, the fox instinctively pushing himself into the ground in a harsh cower. He giggled again, the guards quickly following him into the tent.
“Vera! What do you think you’re doing—” The male guard snorted, lifting a paw only for Vera to grab him by the shoulders in a violent shake.
“It's another fan!” Shoving him away, the merruff sat on his hindlegs and grabbed Maddox under his arms. His feet left the ground, unable to even snap a word out before he too was ragdolled around. “Shellback Mysteria!”
“Shellback—” The other guard stepped up, squinting at the fox through her helm before her eyes snapped open. “My whiskers! It is!”
Vera gasped, twisting his head over as the two stared at each other before falling into a fit of squeals. “Oh my goodness! You never told me you were a Shellback Mysteria fan!”
“You think I could just admit that in front of the entire platoon like that?” They shared more laughs, hopping on the tips of their feet. “I still have all my figures—”
“In the package, mint quality?”
“Mint quality!” Another cackle, playfully shoving and pawing at each other in spiked, hazardous armor. Vera set a sickened Maddox down, pulling and fidgeting with the lace and silk of his much more friendly ‘armor’. “It’s soooo pretty!” He pursed his lip. “Are we keeping this one? I can’t just let another fan go to waste like this.” He jabbed the nebulruff’s stomach, knocking him over. “It’s even a land-lover! You never see a land-lover showing their Mysteria pride like this.”
“You don’t, you don’t!” The tertiary guard took his place back near the entrance, periodically glancing at the two in serious concern. The female guard scooped him back up, grinning widely as those large fangs that protruded from her yawning jaw were shoved into his spinning visual. “It even looks custom fit, you must be some super fan or something! Tell me, what is your favorite act?”
“It’s gotta be when she used her magic bow to summon her super-ultra-mega-radioactive-glitterstorm broadsword to send her arch-nemesis into the Penumbra Realm! The actor’s were so expressive, and the actress for Shadow Shellback Mysteria even broke her arm just to sell the shot-... It was the act to play in Mira’s summer palace for its very first showing— and she loved it, I know she did!”
“Yeah, that one.”
His ears pinned at the piercing squeal that followed, Maddox wincing until giving a loud “Oomph!” as he was dropped to the ground. The pair’s chatter felt endless, momentarily breaking to look at Maddox hopefully only to fall into another fit of glee whenever he nodded or shook his head. He glanced around the tent, now these two were just dragging along this whole escaping process— and he was positive it would end terribly if they discovered he hadn’t a single clue what they were gnashing their teeth about.
“I have got to tell Pep— he is going to freak out!” Vera was quickly tailed by the other, the guard only hesitating as he bounded out to the middle of the encampment. He looked around, wagging tail and wide grin slowly beginning to falter. He took a few steps in one direction, glancing around before trying to pad over somewhere else. The female guard paused, her own brows furrowing.
“What’s wrong?” She shouted, her companion seeing mostly unbothered. Probably just tuned them out by now—
“He’s not anywhere near his usual post, he’s always sitting by the medical tent for his shift.”
After a long beat, the guard’s voice pitched to something more thoughtful. “Maybe he went out hunting for those prisoners? I think I saw him with two others—”
“Pyxis! General! General!” A voice echoed to his left, somewhere far within the bounds of his tent vision. The whiskered merruff immediately flew by the tent, waking the dozing guard while the other gaze a frightened yelp. He was tailed by a small party, weaponry secured by their sides ready for action.
“That sounded like him—!” Vera was already chasing after them, the female guard giving a quick shove of the other before following him.
The guard scoffed, glaring at her for a solid ten seconds before fixing his crooked helmet and staring off into the camp. The outburst had caught attention, nearly half of the patrolling merrs starting to collect near the edge of the camp while others stayed by their posts or continued their mundane tasks. Now would be the perfect time to act, if only he had a single inkling on what to act upon. Those merruffs tossing him around had not helped his migraine, swearing stars were still swirling over his head. Maddox scooched forward, trying to peek at the bumbling commotion that only seemed to grow until pawsteps grew louder and he ducked back into the shadow.
A stocky merruff walked past his tent, a harness tied around his chest and abdomen. He dragged a shabby raft behind him, walking beside the tent and out of his vision. A strain grunt sounded, the thud of wood careening down and being dropped on top of eachother bringing Maddox closer. He sat close to the wall, careful not to brush against the fabric as the merruff stocked up his make-shift sled. The shadow outlined in the fabric grew smaller, small bits of metal clinking together and the moving blur of the merruff moved away. The nebulruff followed as much as he could, still keeping himself firmly planted behind his dedicated captor who’d begun to doze off once again. The merruff dragged it over to the supply tent, unhooking himself from the raft to start picking crates up by thick leather handles and stacking them on top of eachother. He’d brush past the barrel holding Kip’s hat, Maddox’s ears shivering. That could be it, that could be his way out of here— at least his way to the hat. To the only clue to his son’s whereabouts.
Now all he needed to do was figure out how.
The nebulruff quickly moved back towards the wall, paws moving along the dirt until he felt the hard, packed texture soften. Anywhere would work, but this would make it easier. He glanced behind him, ensuring no one was watching before starting to scrap his paws against the ground. He had a short amount of time before everyone pooled back into the camp, and even then, all it took was the one guard watching him to ruin everything. He pushed scoops behind him, paws delicate in their movement as they created a small burrow. A small breath of wind hit his moving paws, Maddox checking over his shoulder once more before shoving his nose underneath the flap. His nose twitched, hickory and wax stronger until the side of his snout bumped into a wooden surface. Perfect.
Pulling back, he pushed more dirt out of the way, periodically squeezing his head to see how far he had left to dig. These guards are absolutely pathetic… Seriously, did they know nothing about the cunning fox? A puff of pride laced with cockiness warmed his chest, growing a bit more forceful with his scrapping pawfuls until his head and ears could peek out from under the tent. Flattening out his body, he squirmed and writhed until his shoulders squeezed under. Using his forepaws to drag himself out, the fabric of the ‘armor’ would only let out a small hiss as it brushed against the tent.
He shook his pelt out, giving a quick scan of his surroundings. To his left, a field that led to tall grass before a harsh cut of forestry. Standing in front of and behind him were shabby tents, their contents unknown and honestly not his problem. To the right, jackpot. Stacks of crates were built high, Maddox started to hop from crate to crate in search of an opening. They were all nailed shut, any scraps or dents not severe enough for a fox to take advantage of. At least not in the time restraint he was currently working with. Peeking over the edge, the stocky merruff had dropped off his final box and was beginning to latch himself back up to the raft.
How delightful— Cutting his own complaint short, the nebulruff tried to speed up the process, staying on the opposite end of the pile as the merruff began his trek back. His claws scratched against the wooden, vainfully hoping something would give, that a single one of these stupid boxes would just have another loose nail. Maddox pushed and shoved, not even moving any of them a single inch in hopes of creating a spontaneous den. He managed to squish his shoulders between two crates at the back of the pile, but the crinoline of his ‘armor’ stuck out like a sore thumb. Backing up, he peeked over the crates once again. The merr had made it a third of the way across.
The lethality of running across an open field while a majority of the merruffs armed to the teeth would absolutely be able to see shiny pink fabric in the growing darkness was looking more and more appetizing. Maybe he could just wait this round, hide back in his cell and give himself more time to make a more thorough plan now that he knew what was around him.
At least, that's what he was thinking before he tried to wriggle back under the tent. His snout pushed the fabric but came to an abrupt stop as his head tried to move under. No matter how much he nudged or tried to manhandle his own skull underneath the thin opening, he couldn’t get back inside. The fluttery, sharp drop of anxiety stabbing through his chest gave rise to the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat in his ears. He couldn’t get in a crate, he couldn’t get back into the safety of the tent, and he—... He’d have to run. He had to run and hope he could sneak back in to get that hat even if that. They knew Percival was with Kip, that was the only reason his scent was on it! If they could read the scent, then it had to have dropped only a few days before they got here, right? Yeah, yeah they were close enough and he could figure it out. They’d just have to travel faster, Trench and Sylvie wouldn’t mind, it was just… her… that would whine and complain about it. But that was three versus one, so it was fine. It was all fine.
Maddox took a few bounds before looking at the ‘armor’ strapped around him, this—... this was the root of his problem. That idiotic little girl had set him up for failure knowingly,just to make fun of him. It was her fault, if she’d just left him alone it would be fine, he’d be out by now with the hat. He fixed his teeth around one of the gloves, ripping his head back to tear it off. It was more durable than he was expecting, the fabric standing strong as his teeth gnashed and chewed. Ok, fine, maybe those were meant to deal with all the terrain he would be walking through. Twisting his head back, the nebulruff tumbled and writhed along the ground, squirming against the ground as he bit and pawed at anything he could reach. The ‘armor’ was persistent, unyielding no matter how many times he tore his head back trying to just make a single rip. In the small flash of the innards of the camp as he chased his own tail, the merruff had made it another third, one more and Maddox would be kaput. It only made his snarling and bites more erratic, more frantic with dirt being flicked into the air. It’s even worse than a wire-trap! He’d rather deal with the constricting pain of steel around his throat than this stupid, dingy, well-made ‘armor’ making everything so much harder for him. Inspired, Maddox’s paw dug into the collar as he stretched his head up in some attempt to do… something. Get out of the ‘armor’, but it wasn’t doing much.
“Is someone there?” A foreign rumble sent a cold shudder down his spine, pawsteps growing more frequent as the merruff picked up the pace. More and more pairs thrummed in his ears like drums of war, voices starting to pick up as the curious merruffs pooled back into the encampment.
Maddox slithered back into the shadows, desperately pawing at his neck. He tugged at the silk ribbons of the bows that ran down his chest, the scent of saltwater hitting his nose while another “Hey-...” sounded closer. His paw ran over the small, pink bow at the forefront, pressing down to grab it—
Glitter fell to the ground, disappearing into the soil as the cold touch of grass sent shivers up his stomach. He felt… compressed, looking around with a few extra inches of height. He looked down at his paws, or, the severe lack of them. His heart twisted, fur standing on end while he tried to get a single glimpse of his own body. The cold against his stomach would never leave, even when he tried to stand it was ever persistent. The merruff came into view, eyes washing over him with a raised brow. The soldier brushed past him, looking behind the tents and giving a quick glance to the open field before shrugging. “Eh, must’ve been the wind or somethin’.”
Maddox felt another spike of horror as the soldier bee-lined towards him, opening his maw and taking a hold of his scruff. He thumped against the other’s chest, carried until he was dropped off on the raft. His muscles bunched, immediately making an attempt to run, but he was frozen in place. Even as the merruff stacked more and more crates and that fear melted into confusion, he couldn’t move. What…? The thud of wood above him made him twist his head up, looking at the underside of a wooden crate that should be currently crushing him to death. It didn’t, sitting neatly above him while another pile was created. Beside him were even more, fitting like a perfect puzzle piece on the makeshift raft surrounded by boxes and merruffs who would most definitely be seeing him by now.
After a few more beats, the merruff hooked himself back up and began to drag them through the encampment. Merrs of all shapes and sizes walked past them, not even giving Maddox a passing glance as he was brought to the supply tent. On the way, the familiar sight of Vera being followed by the female guard came into view as they broke from the slew of merruffs returning to their posts. They split off, the guard trotting over to the holding tent and shaking the other awake. She must’ve said something, the other nodding as he puffed his chest out and took a more professional stance. The guard pulled away, running to beat his carrier to the supply tent and meeting the one currently taking post.
His carrier reached there just a few moments after, starting to unload crates. The female guard made a series of clicks, the other nodded and raised to their paws. He grabbed his pike, walking off elsewhere while she switched places and settled beside the barrel holding Kip’s hat. She was just a little in front of it, thankfully. It wouldn’t be hard to just yoink it from the top and slither away, Maddox knew he had the paws to do the job.
His carrier grabbed his scruff, reaching up to settle him at the top of a pile before turning around to grab another. Okay… maybe that girl isn’t as stupid as I said… but couldn’t she make the ‘armor’ more… practical? There was no other explanation for it, someway, somehow, he’d been turned into a crate. The cramped feeling, that had to be some form of… shielding? Cloaking? There was absolutely the question exactly how this all worked and why on earth Fleck nor Lily had said anything, but again, that could be pondered later. It took much longer that he hoped for the guard to unload all the crates, taking his sweet time latching the harness back up and making his way back towards the diminishing pile.
Now… how do I turn back— As soon as the thought was uttered, another puff of glitter surrounded him and disappeared just a few seconds after. He could finally look down to see his paws, the rough texture of wood against his paws with his tail brushing against more crates behind him. Maddox slinked down the crates, sticking to the shadows while he padded along the wall of the tent and reached the barrel. The frog hat had been through it, stained with muck, one of the eyes having been chewed through. Straw stabbed into the fabric, giving it a prickly look as darkness finally began to swallow the encampment. Good, now was his best chance to run. His eyes fixed on the back of the guard's head, her finned tail curling around the bottom edge of the barrel. Keeping his steps light, careful not to brush against the grass in high steps, Maddox set a paw against the barrel and craned his neck up. The taste of mud hit his tongue, nipping the remaining eye of the hat and slowly dragging it from the barrel. As soon as the majority had been successfully removed, he gave a quick push off the barrel and balanced on his hindlegs. Waddling back, Maddox pulled himself back up the pile of crates and crawled to the very back of the tent. A thin strip of land was all he had to work with, it was all he needed. Dropping down, his ear strained for any breathing or pawsteps nearby.
There was nothing, things were finally looking up. This time he wouldn’t have to worry about it being a one-way street, easily digging underneath the tent and dragging both himself and the hat out into the field. Yellow, piercing eyes shone through the dark, carrying the frog hat between his jaws while the fox darted for the tall grass. Looking over his back, excitement tingled his paws at the oblivious fishheads behind him. They’d trail over to a knucker dragon spreading its wings, the other of the pair he’d seen earlier. In its container… phoelines. His paws skidded against the ground, Maddox stopping just before the grass raised high over his head. He turned to face them, spacedust growing softly in a conglomerate of colors. Phoelines of all shapes, colors, and ages. Kittens latching onto the adults, withered elders laying flat against the surface of the glass. Muzzles were strapped over their faces, the nebulruffs eyes widening as he made eye contact with one of the adults. Her entire body had a dim glow, stars littering her pelt with just the tip of her nose being covered in fur. She stared into his soul, face jaunty with bones peeking out from her cheeks.
Maddox backed up, at a loss for words before whirling around and making a mad dash into the grass and soon enough, the forest.
2024 September Lore Drop!
Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by YakkoTrench
With a hearty laugh, Trench darted off to the left. His hefty steps would grow more audible— at least after Cherry’s indignant screech echoed behind him. She’d be fine, it was just a bit of light teasing after all! Hopping over a river of brambles, he’d take the opportunity of having an mostly open runway to check behind him. Armored merruffs were gaining, the large sail of a leviathan taking a sharp right. Good luck, Maddox! Another pair of maples went flying into the air, this overgrown fish was being quite liberal with his tantrum. You’re gonna need it, bud. With a chuckle, Trench turned his attention back to the three musketeers chasing close behind. Fortunately, the greenery would start to thicken back up to its prior state before they’d come upon the encampment. It would open up some room to dodge and weave— if he could get a break from the constant appearance of thorny brambles and nooks too tight to squeeze through.
“Rrrready!” A merruff behind him rolled his tongue, adjusting the shield at his side to face inward. The other on the far end of their path did the same, adjusting her shield with a firm nod. They lowered their heads, tucking themselves as far behind it as they could.
He could feel his neck straining trying to twist it further, Trench struggling to swivel his head just far enough to get a good look at the scrawny merr between them. Huh? Ready? What does this guy think he’s ‘readying’ for? Whatever it was, he was sure his hide would be able to take the damage. It was fine.
“Aim!” The sound of air hissing dug into his ear, Trench giving an agitated growl as he narrowly missed an oak. The bark scraped at his scales, it wasn’t enough to trip his paws, but it’d pulled him just that much closer to the trio behind him. Ok… maybe his hide would be sustaining some damage.
A long pause, the rapid steps behind him an obvious sign they hadn’t left. Even after the hissing had stopped, they’d be just as persistent as ever which made sense but was really inconvenient for getting whatever this was over. On the great Augustus above— Trench tried to twist his head back to get a view of what the goons were planning, but his neck wasn’t entirely privy to snapping bones just for a clear image at something directly behind him. His shoulders were starting to burn, perhaps Cherry had been right about cardio strangely enough. Shaking his head and getting back on mental track, clearly running in a straight line wasn't going to do him any good, but the brambles littering the ground beside him weren’t looking too hot either. Though a clear spot would open up ahead and it was coming in fast… it did look like a bit of a squeeze however—
“Fire!” Trench’s muscles sprang into action, kicking out towards the nearest gap in the foliage as sharp pricks of pain littered his hindleg and tail. Gritting his teeth at the pain, their toxin felt all too familiar as it trickled into its nervous system— puffer spines. Almost immediately the weight of his limp tail would fling him forwards, rolling down the shallow slope head first. What’s the point of scales if these darn things don’t protect me from squat!
Tumbling down, paws and webbed claws affixed themselves, three pairs and then some kicking just for good measure. No, no, absolutely not. He was not doing this game again, he’d had a taste of prison life and it was far more anti-climatic than he had hoped. Tensing his jaw, Trench grabbed whatever he could, and slammed his fangs down. A yowl split through the air, satisfaction soothing his wounded pride as a slippery tail squirmed in his grip. Their small ball of flailing limbs and snarls would grow— or at least Trench would. His teeth retracted, a hard beak taking its place. Carapace shattering everything in its path, trees careening down as those two extra sets of paws were flung off. Hearing them land with a loud “Oomph!” it was just whichever soldier he had clamped down on. Landing on his… flippers, Trench tossed the merruff high into the air. She’d twist, trying to adjust her body with a panicked squeal. Ah, how convenient. A deflated little pufferruff, this had to be good.
Snapping her back into his maw, he was careful enough not to swallow or crush her underneath his tongue. It was just a little scare tactic-... they’d be fine. “Now look’it here you coalition of dingy little—”
“Pyxis! Kin of Pyxis!” A whiskered soldier would screech from below, eyes snapping wide. His partner shuddered behind him, tripping the soldier as he tried to scramble away. Their paws flew in the air, Trench so bewildered he instinctively spat out his hostage. For how fast their chase had begun, it was finished with an even greater quickness.
“H-hey now-...” How was he supposed to react to this... unearned fear? He hadn’t even been able to dangle their friend’s life over their heads! Trench stumbled back, watching as his former hostage took one look at him before immediately darting off. The merruff would sit there stunned, trying and failing to wrap his head around what had just occurred. Well… that was easy. A little too easy. There wasn’t use dwelling on this ‘Pyxis’ they’d lost their courage for, he knew well enough he had not a single clue what or who it was. Perhaps Maddox or the girls would have an idea, though it wasn’t likely. They’d be able to ask around… but by that response he’d just gotten, they’d have to be delicate with such a subject.
“Maybe this shell ain’t so bad after all.” He mumbled, shrinking back down to his canine form. Plucking spines from between his scales, he’d let himself catch up on what he did know. It was a useful piece of info after all— about Pyxis, maybe… ah! “Maddox, you ol’ sardine. Prolly got your tail handed to you already.” There wasn’t a chance that stubborn fox was going to leave that hat behind, and for good-ish reason. Percy was a good kid, he had no qualms hunting him down. Anywho, a merruffs scent was hardly something to miss, Trench didn’t need a masterful sniffer such as Cherry’s to follow the scent of salt and metal.
Okay, round two. No Cherry to screech, no Maddox to get his block knocked off, no Sylvie to… well, she’s fine…ish. Crawling on his stomach, Trench lowered his fin as his eyes narrowed at the encampment above. Maddox had said there were prisoners holed up somewhere, the merruff careful not to peek his nose out too far from the foliage. Even if it had been the echoing wails of fear, he couldn’t risk yet another chase. His hind leg still hadn’t gained feeling, it’d already taken long enough to just limp his way back over while also keeping an eye out for soldiers lurking around every corner. Maybe, he didn’t exactly see or smell any apart from the ones that had chased them, but one could never be too safe.
Nothing looked out of order, but given time with no one screaming in his ear, his brow would furrow. It was still swarmed with soldiers but… How? There’s barely any room for half of them and yet there they are…
Trench glanced over the field, Maddox’s other observation was just as true, there wasn’t a chance he’d get close enough for an in-depth peek. There was a chance however that the new form would work, but that would bring its own risks. He glared at his limp limb, if only someone had kept those spines in their own dang pelt. Turning his head back to squint for just a moment longer, an exasperated sigh huffed out of him. This would be a lot easier if he had Sylvie’s sharp eyes, maybe that nebulruff would even be able to sniff out a possible secondary encampment. Straining as much as he reasonably could before he went cross-eyed, the merruff could only for-sure make out an area dedicated to supplies. Crates and barrels filled with what he could only imagine was food and tools. Maybe our supplies are somewhere in there… It still crawled under his skin that everything Lily had gifted them had gone to waste just like that. It probably wouldn’t have done Cherry or Maddox any favors if they scattered lugging around heavy odds and ends, but it’d bother him all the same. Hopefully after this whole debacle, they’d reach the nearest village and spend some of that gold they’d gotten their paws on.
Unless that had also been in their supplies. If that was the case… ooh, his blood pressure was on the rise. Cherry had better have kept some on her body somehow, and he knew well enough to split some of his between Maddox and Sylvie. The rest… admittedly went into their supplies but it didn’t change the fact he didn’t put all his eggs in one basket. After a few more scans and having to duck his head from watchful eyes, the merruff rolled his shoulders and groaned in agitation. If Maddox was in there he was either incapacitated or… yeah, that was about it. There weren't any chains that could hold him down this time, the entire camp should be on its head trying to wrangle him down. Probably is just the case he ain’t there, last time you got yourself tied up in a knot they were sure to complain about it. Maybe you’re not as rusty as I thought, you ol’ sardine. That boosted his moral just a smidgen more, his scans and that theory also telling him the hat wasn’t in their possession anymore. Maddox wasn’t there and he wasn’t leaving that hat. So, no hat? No Maddox, and vice versa. Though that did raise the question on why the encampment wasn’t in more shambles, he’d think a group of nebulruffs on the run would cause some havoc for the merrs trying to hunt them down. As if on cue, his favorite trio of nitwits would weave through the grass, still tripping over their own paws as they’d give yelps and shouts of warning. Real question is why it took them so long-... Trench narrowed his eyes before ultimately deciding the best course of action: Hightailing it out of there before they all got up in arms.
Maddox is probably just heading towards the girls—... it’d be best if I met ‘em before another round of soldiers cause a ruckus. Now, where did he say they’d meet? Leviathan attack yada yada yada…. scurrying around… Cherry’s whining, yeah, sounded about right… hm. He knitted his brows together, glancing down towards his paws. Leviathan, Scurrying, Cherry. Leviathan…. Scurrying… oh no. No, no, no.
You have got to be kidding me. The merruff’s claws had involuntarily woven into the earth, searching desperately through his memory for even a single hint of where they were supposed to regroup. Maddox had interrupted them, they got chased, had a few laughs and then just split up. There hadn’t been a plan, that had been a game. Cherry and Sylvie weren’t made for living out in the open, Sylvie proved that on their initial journey and Cherry… Cherry would just end up doing something stupid and getting them caught. Good intentions wouldn’t cure impulsivity, it’d be even worse if Maddox somehow did find them first with their tumultuous relationship. If he was even still out there to begin with.
He shook his head violently, shoving down that nagging itch of doubt in his chest with a final glance at the encampment below. Maddox had more experience with these types of situations, that was a fact. It hadn’t gone too well last time but it was better than the pure ‘Winging it’ mentality a certain someone lived off by. Eugh, the dread was getting heavier, crawling to the depths of his stomach like some sort of parasite that made his webs stand on end.
Why and how on earth did I let myself get like that!? Growling to himself, he looked across the field to the decimated forest that leviathan had caused. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him either… Trench ripped up a patch of dirt as he tore his claws from its hold, shaking off what little he could and started his trip the long way around. A bad leg, two-... three lost friends he was supposed to keep charge of, and now an entire army was after them. Mira… That name still felt like acid on his tongue, teeth bared in a silent snarl. What do you think gives you the right to come back, to show your face again in another attempt after all these years? He could see it now, the queen towering over him, teeth bared in a perpetual look of disgust. Her had-been horns raised high as they curved around her scaled dome in a natural crown. She wouldn’t even give him past that initial snap to speak his piece, by now bits of him would be floating around as fish food. The doubt already broiling in his chest would only worsen, Trench becoming more worried that doubt was trying to become something else, something worse.
He shook his head, now wasn’t the time to run around like a headless chicken. He needed to get to the others— at the very least Sylvie. His instincts were nothing to laugh at and during their talk by the river, red flags had started to appear, this same doubt in his stomach had lingered when she spoke. We have to have another talk, somewhere that isn't interrupted by Cherry or Maddox’s bickering, somewhere that doesn’t have her wanting to take flight and get herself into even more trouble. Just like in the marsh, she’d been anxious, sure, but she hadn’t acted so… reserved. Reserved? That couldn’t be the right word, she was always reserved. Timid? No, no… she was that too. Maybe… reluctant to share important information that could cha— Okay, y’know what? I’ll just speak the main points, whatever they’ll end up being, and leave it at that. Can’t beat around the bush with her, she already does that enough.
Great, now Trench could take a long walk planning his talk with the withdrawn phoeline… as he talked to himself.
Sylvie rubbed her shoulder, hissing through her teeth as ache thrummed throughout her entire right side. She could feel Cherry start to stir beside her, letting out a much louder groan of pain. The vines or ropes or whatever that had been— those were gone now, but had been replaced with a thick pair of shackles chaining their forepaws together in its steely grip.
“Cherry… you alright?” Looking around, it’d take a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the inky blackness around them. Jagged stone encircled them, dark waxy vines crawling down the sides of the wall to pool around the floor. They weaved through each other, creating an artificial cushion that really didn’t break the fall, at least not as much as anyone could ever hope. There was no doorway, no vent, no tunnel, they were completely trapped with the gaping maw of an abyss hanging just above their heads.
“Eugh… no.” The nebulruff snorted, twisting her head around in a vain attempt to scan their surroundings while she wobbled to her feet. “Sylv’s, boost those flames or something, girlie.”
“Oh, sorry.” Mumbling the small apology, she’d feel Cherry discover their newest predicament as the other pulled on the chain with an even more aggravated huff. The phoeline glanced over her shoulder, waiting for her spacedust to slowly grow into a warm light to guide their way. It wouldn’t no matter how much she focused on collecting her energy to her tail, it wouldn't flare up. Not even an extra wisp. Odd…
Fine, she could do it the old-fashioned way. Taking the deepest breath her little lungs could muster, she plugged her nose with a paw and sealed her mouth shut. She could feel pressure grow in her ears, screwing her eyes shut as her flames would finally start to grow. They crackled softly, feeling some graze over her face until she once again focused the energy to her tail.
“Thanks! Now, where are we?” Sylvie stumbled around her, dragged along by the nebulruff’s moving paws while she wandered around the hollow. Cherry moved her paws over the walls with an inquisitive look, poking some patches of stone that stuck out from the wall. “Think there's a secret entrance? I’m not seeing another option.”
Before she could even answer, Cherry dragged her back to the middle of the room, staring up into the darkness above them. “I don’t have my noodle dragon form… Do you think your cockatrice form is small enough to fly us out of here?”
Sylvie opened her mouth but the disapproving shake of the other's head stopped her in her tracks. “No, no… even your phoenix form would be too big and that thing is like-... tiny.”
What’s the point in asking—?
Her internal grumbling was interrupted by the sound of stone dragging along stone, the scratchy rumble digging into her brain until the phoeline slapped a paw over her ear. It wasn’t much help, her other paw firmly stuck to the ground as Cherry jumped to face the noise with a puffed chest. She quickly ushered Sylvie underneath her, tucking her neatly below her chest before facing the crackle of gravel skipping along the ground.
They were… huge. Even bigger than Cherry, and she would dare to argue even bigger than Trench. A pair of lionesses stalked towards them, broadswords floating above their heads aiming at Cherry. An opening had been created, it was easy to assume some mechanism was in the works to keep them effortlessly trapped. They had much more dire things to contemplate as always, one of their captors standing idly in the doorway while the larger of the two began to circle around them. They had gleaming helms of silver, plates of armor strapped around their shoulders and forearms. Their weapons would move seamlessly through the air, always keeping their pointed edges facing Cherry.
“I thought the scout said there was a phoeline? The little gray one.” The lioness circling them stopped somewhere behind them, Sylvie tucking her tail under herself while her eyes focused on the one in the doorway.
Her thick brows furrowed, lapping at her maw. Her eyes trailed down in thought before, unsurprisingly, they locked with her wide stare. “Ah, under the… the uh…” The lioness’s voice trailed off, scratching her neck with an unnecessarily huge claw.
“Nebulruff.” The gentle reminder echoed behind them.
“Yeah, the nebulruff. Sh… yeah, she’s under there.” She tilted her head, the cold glare they’d come prowling in with melting to an intrigued stare with raised brows and a flicking tail. “I thought Odin was the smallest a phoeline could get, but this one is so tiny! I think he’ll be glad—”
“Oh, right… sorry.” Clearing her throat, the lioness puffed her chest with a quick salute. “Serious, professional… intimidating.”
Sylvie could feel the nebulruff shuffle above her, a growl rumbling in her chest. Her arm was yanked to the side as Cherry twisted around, barking a loud “Hey—!” until it was cut short by hitched breath. Assuming the worst, the phoeline snapped her head back with a fearful hiss only to see the lioness was carrying Cherry away by the scruff of her neck. Well— it was technically by her head and neck with how the lioness had grabbed her, but she didn’t seem to be in any pain. Just a little paralyzed, but that was instinct.
Sylvie was stranded on her own, watching as the chain elongated to match the short distance the lioness had carried her. That would have been useful when I was being dragged around… thanks chain. The smaller lioness stepped onto the vine platform, keeping her steps comparatively delicate despite the massive paws she adorned. Sylvie felt her nose press up against her ribs, taking up a third of her body while she sniffed her cloak.
“She’s got a bit of mana on her…” Commenting quietly to her sister, the lioness’s nose poked at her shoulder before sniffing around her face. “It’s around here.” A large paw came down on Sylvie’s head, squishing it into the ground. “Oh! Sorry, you’re just— really small. Can you lift your head?” The pressure would quickly release, the lioness taking a step back while her sister chuckled. Her sword would float beside her, giving a small poke at her hindquarter. “Ow- Stop that! I said I was sorry!”
The playful display was a note of interest, but Sylvie would play it safe and zip her jaw shut. She lifted her head, the lioness now more carefully aiming her paw to tap at the scarf around her neck. Her sister would set Cherry down and pad up to join them, her sword snapping in front of the nebulruff to keep her at bay. An annoyed growl left her, but Sylvie was grateful to see she knew better than to try to outrun a sword. She sniffed around the silk, glancing at her sister with a growing smile before poking the golden silk hanging from Sylvie’s cloak.
“It’s around here. You had it right the first time.”
“Ooh, dangit!” The lioness jumped, stamping her forepaws into the greenery underneath them. She paced around, muttering incoherent complaints to herself. The sword would remain where she had stood, moving to follow her little tantrum with a severe lack of emotion. Though Sylvie swore it felt… fond… ish. “I always get that wrong— why am I the one that has to search people?”
“Because you’re much too young to be scouting, and much too inexperienced to be handling whoever may be coming through here.” The lioness trailed her, lightly bumping their heads together before setting a paw on her back. “It’s very weak magic, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Mother will be very happy to know that you at least smelled it this time.”
“I had a stuffy nose that day!”
The larger sister would give a soft laugh, patting the others back before turning her head to face Sylvie. “Don’t mind Trixie, she’s learning.” She pulled away from her, Trixie grumbling even more while the lioness sat beside the miniscule phoeline. “I am Ruby. One of our mother’s scouts spotted you and your friend fleeing from one of Mira’s outposts, we were hoping you managed to escape there?” After a pause, she rolled her eyes with a small scoff. “I mean-... you had come from there.”
The cats— the phoelines. These were the phoelines Maddox had mentioned during their chase. Her recognition seemed to have been noticeable, Ruby’s eyes lighting up with her. She lowered herself down, laying with her body stretching far beyond Sylvie’s. “You’re from there? You found a way to escape?” The lioness inched closer, nose ghosting against her own.
Sylvie felt her heart twist, guilt weighing it down as she shook her head. Ruby frowned, but didn’t seem too surprised. “N-... no. No, we didn’t come from their camp. We stumbled on it and they found us. That's why we were running. But we did see—!”
“We know.” The silence following the solemn response was deafening, Trixie bowing her head while the swords hovered lower. Taking a deep breath, Ruby ran a paw over the phoeline’s head, down her back. “Don’t feel bad, little one. It was a hopeful thought anyway.”
“So what now?” Cherry’s stern tone echoed through the room, flinching as the sword beside her swung around to face her. Sylvie could tell by her quivering paws she was nervous, but her narrowed eyes would never leave Ruby’s. “I doubt you’re just going to let us go, so what are you going to do with us now? Keep us trapped here forever? Are these vines nebulruffs you’ve captured and used your magic to turn into some makeshift net?”
The accusation was met with another long strand of silence until a sharp guffaw shot out of Trixie and was soon followed by her sister’s own polite laugh. The sisters giggled and wheezed, Ruby covering her mouth with a paw until she was able to bottle up the giddy laughter and cleared her throat. “Goodness, no! But I appreciate the creativity, we’ll keep that in mind for later.” With a wink, she continued. “ Of course, we can’t just let you go without mothers permission, but it would be difficult for a nebulruff and a fellow phoeline to get in any trouble down here. We can just check you in, Mother will probably ask you a few questions, and then you’ll be on your way!”
Syvlie’s jaw dropped, Cherry’s reaction not any different. “Really?” The nebulruff whispered, looking at the two sisters as if they’d lost their heads. Sylvie couldn’t blame her, with all the back-to-back, consistent bad luck and being hunted it was… already so odd these phoelines were being so kind. She’d been expecting a fight when the lionesses walked in, now she had no idea what to do with herself. Was it really that easy? Just like that?
The pair fell into a much more controlled fit of chuckles, sharing a glance before Ruby nodded her square head. “Yes, really. You three can quit it now— Olive! If Trixie hits you back I’m not going to save you!” Sylvie’s head snapped to see where she was waving her paw, watching the sword slowly creep close to poke the lioness again before Ruby’s warning grabbed both of their attention.
Trixie immediately gave an offended hiss, batting at the sword while it quickly backed away. The phoeline’s slacked jaw dropped further as the handle stretched out to a long tail, four legs growing out while the blade twisted and inflated and fur began to coat its surface. In just a few seconds a tall phoeline had taken its place, giving Trixie a cheeky grin while he skirted around the edge of the hollow and through the doorway. The other sword and their shackles would transform as well, the phoelines’ tails held high as they followed Trixie out of the room.
Cherry immediately stuck herself to her side, still looking around with a light sense of suspicion while they tailed the others. The lionesses raised their heads, giving a low roar that echoed up the ceiling. It’d echo quite a few times, Sylvie knowing well enough to know that this room had a ceiling, and it was far above them. Pawsteps sounded all around them, becoming a constant drum until lights would start to appear up the walls. It was tails, tails of all shapes and sizes that would highlight stone and moving legs. Paws came down on large mushroom heads, the fungi sparking into vibrant green luminescence. The air was sucked from her lungs, it was like stars start to poke into the sky as more and more phoelines slithered from dens carved into the walls. It was like clockwork, some phoelines lighting mushrooms that grew along the walls while their winged brethren made a short glide to a large spire in the middle of the clearing. Their claws dug into rock, smacking what fungi they could reach before running up or down stairs to reach every little source of light they could get their paws on.
Even for as massive as the room felt, there was just enough room for two phoelines to walk up and down stairs, most of the room being the circle of rocky ground around the spire. Sylvie could already feel her paws become sore from the constant scratch, wondering just how dry and tough the pawpads of the occupants of this space must be. It made her nose scrunch up, out of everyone… why were phoelines underground like this? Away from the sun’s warmth? It had to be due to Mira’s forces… there was absolutely no way this lifestyle was by choice.
“Trixie!” A cacophony of high-pitched giggles and yelps snapped her out of her thoughts, litters of kittens stumbling over each other to collect underneath the lioness’s paws. They had bundles of the bioluminescent mushrooms tied around their necks, pawing and jumping around her with a myriad of questions.
“How’d it go? Did you do good?”
“Did you have to stab someone?”
“Are they nice? Is there a neb-beb-ba?”
“Do they have scales? Or spikies? Do they have flames like us?”
“The scout said there was a kitty! A small one like Odin—!”
“Hush! Hush now, little scamps—.” Trixie held up a paw, looking down where she was stepping before setting it back down. Her teeth were bared in a large grin, Sylvie flinching at the ginormous size of her incisors.
Her sudden movement was caught by one of the kittens, his eyes widening with a loud gasp. Stripes waved down his ginger pelt, pale blue eyes piercing through the dim light. He smacked some of the other kittens, tail puffed out in excitement. “Look, look! Lookit! Another phoeline! It’s her!”
Immediately a dozen small paws would find their way over her, Sylvie weighed down as a cub set all of its weight on her back. Her already exhausted legs gave out, hearing the cackles of Trixie and Cherry as the small phoeline was smothered with soft fur. She spat out the wispy tufts, unable to do anything than cover her head as the litter crawled over her with light steps and curious noses poking into her cloak. A kitten nipped her ear, pouncing on her face before its small paws stomped on her snout to crawl over her head and onto her back with the rest of the swarm. They had their own comments and arguments, an incoherent jumble of questions that would only start to die down momentarily as the unstable weight left her back and they all clambered underneath Cherry.
“It’s a neb-bah! It’s so tall!” A kitten would paw at her underbelly before a lion cub barreled them over as they were chased by another. A small horde would be created, more and more kittens and cubs joining the chase and pouncing on top of each other until the newcomers were nothing but a faint memory.
Sylvie quickly shot to her paws, shaking out her pelt as the giggles and squeals of delight moved further into the cave and up a flight of stairs. She felt Cherry wipe grit and leftover kitten fuzz from her, the phoeline swearing she swallowed at least a mouthful just from sheer amount of them alone.
“So sorry about that, we don’t get visitors often— even less since we’ve gone into hiding.” Oh, good, it wasn’t by choice— well, it wasn't good good, but it was a relief to know they hadn’t turned their back on the sun. Living down here your entire life… It sounded miserable.
“Don’t worry about it! We love wee lil’ babies, don’t we Sylvs?” Cherry seemed to have lightened up with the surprise visit of kittens, a grin having planted itself on her face.
She nodded, keeping track of her pawsteps as Trixie led them up one of the two flights of stairs. They moved in a straight line, Sylvie feeling fur brush against her as phoelines tracked down the steps past them. The higher they went, the more fatal the fall would be. Even with their larger, more precarious steps, the lionesses didn’t seem too worried at the idea. The passing figures would give them lingering glances, pairs whispering to each other once they passed Cherry.
“You’re quite the novelty, nebulruff. We never got many visitors even when we lived out there, and down here, well, we get them even less.” Ruby commented when they reached the midpoint of the staircase, at least six flights of stairs still ahead of them. Sylvie’s joints were all out thrumming with ache at this point, begging them to numb already.
“Oh— Sylvie!” Cherry batted at her tail, feigning an offended scoff. “How dare you not introduce us, I’m Cherry and this is my best friend, Sylvie! We have two other fr… members of our party, they’re out there playing with Mira’s soldiers like a couple of goons. Maddox and Trench.” She upturned her nose, Ruby chuckling along.
“I don’t suggest it, if they aren’t caught already, they will be soon. We haven’t lost too many, but for those we have there's been no way for us to reach them. An all-out attack would be lethal with how many soldiers are coming and going, not to mention such an open space and no one to watch the young. We aren’t even sure why they’re hunting us with such persistence.”
“Yeah, we haven’t a clue either, just like we have no idea what the guys' plans are. Bunch o’ meatheads…”
That would be followed by a small pause, Ruby’s voice much more thoughtful. “Do… you know where they are?”
Sylvie could already picture the nebulruff’s pout on her face, Cherry glancing off to the side. “No… I don’t know if your scout heard but… I’ve already planned to knock some sense into them when we do find them. They won’t leave without us, especially Trench. For as stupid as what he did was… he’s not going to abandon us like that.”
The lionesses made small hums of sympathy, Trixie nodding her head as Ruby spoke again. “Well, hopefully you have a good swing.”
That earned a shared burst of laughter, Sylvie feeling the corners of her mouth upturn in a grin. They stopped at a small platform, the gaping maw of a large den awaiting them. The staircase would continue up just one more flight to the very top of the spire, vines hanging over its edge. Trixie would nudge them inside the cave, her and Ruby following them close behind as they took a few steps inside.
“Mother, the guests.” Ruby murmured, a dark blob in the corner of the room shuffling to life.
Sylvie had thought the lionesses were huge, but this phoeline… She was monstrous. Most of her body was made up of dark burgundy spacedust, Sylvie trying to track her tail to gauge her demeanor only to find she didn’t have one. Only her head was fur, tan with black markings around her eyes and snout. Graying around the muzzle, two incisors would protrude far past her chin, one chipped. She had the mean glare her daughters could not possess, staring them both down while her gaze would slowly trail between the pair of them.
Cherry’s throat was dry, evident as she spoke with a raspy tone. “Hello ma’am—”
She paused with her mouth open, Cherry giving a slow bow of her head before trying once again. “Hello, Brutus, I’m Cherry and—”
“I heard.”
The nebulruff’s jaw snapped shut, Sylvie able to tell she was trying to keep a polite smile on her face despite the tension choking out the room. Sensing her wariness, Trixie took a small step up with a more chipper purr.
“They’re just passing by, the scout was correct in his assumption. They’d been on the run from Mira’s forces and have other members who are currently keeping them busy, but this pair would like to be on their way as soon as possible… after the questioning.” She’d be careful to note, Brutus watching her with that same intimidating glower.
“I see.” Her large head swung to face Cherry, looking her up and down. “Where are you from?”
“Nowhere around here— a small island… I… don’t think it has a name but is south of here—”
“Worshaw Isle.”
Cherry blinked, brows flying up. “Oh! Well… yeah, sure! You clearly know the geography around here—”
“How did you get here?”
What was this lady’s problem? “We crossed the water-... duh, but then wandered into a town by the coast. It’s… a whole story that I’m sure isn’t important to you but we’re basically tracking my step-son and his friend with our other two members… yeah.”
Brutus tensed her jaw, contemplating her words before nodding. “You’re right, I don’t care.” Her eyes would suddenly flicker to Sylvie, specifically the golden silk attached to her.
“What does that do?”
Her throat closed up for a moment, looking between Trixie, Cherry, and Ruby for support only to discover they would offer nothing more than supportive soft smiles. She took a small step forward, trying to ignore the fact that this phoeline could gobble her up whole if she really wanted to. “It’s…” How had Lily described it—? Was it just as simple as healing? “It can tend to wounds, it’s got some sort of spell or incantation on it…” Seeing the saber’s brow twitch up, she’d quickly add: “I don’t know how to use it, I haven’t had the chance or… or reason to really try…”
Brutus waited a few moments before rising to her paws, the things practically twice as big as Sylvie’s head. How did she even walk up and down the stairs if her daughters had to walk along the very edge just to let others pass? Were they even related at this point? Her daughters were so kind and bubbly… this phoeline was absolutely terrifying and most definitely knew it. She cowered down as the massive figure stepped up, looking up at her with a flinch as she spoke.
“Watch the nebulruff. Do not let any harm come to the Phoenix’s favored.” After the lionesses nodded, she felt the small pinch of teeth grab her by the scruff and pick her up. Great, now Sylvie could compare her body to the elongated incisors on either side of her and calculate just how easy it’d be to skewer her tiny little cat body. Even if the hold was gentle, the phoeline couldn’t help but imagine Brutus easily tossing her off the side of the cliff as she carried her out of the den and up the extra flight of stairs. Her entire body took up the staircase, the sound of fur brushing against the wall constant until she’d pull away to walk onto the spire. Sylvie’s tail dragged along the floor, the large phoeline having to bow her head to dodge the small stalactites. A large bundle of vines were at its center, seemingly the origin for all the plant life in the cavern as there was no other source to have been seen in the enclosed space. It shuffled, a pair of hazel eyes peeking out from the shadows until a phoeline’s head peeked out. They were just a bit larger than Sylvie herself, though their slouched posture would have their chin dragging along the vines that cushioned their frail body. Long whiskers hung from their face, eyes covered by matted wads of unkempt fur, she could even spot bald patches that littered the body still curled up in the nest of weaved vines. He lifted his head, movements shaky as the hint of bone peeked through around his cheeks and collar.
“Bubbah…?” There was fondness in his exhausted sigh, the phoeline twitching his nose. “Is that you? Have… have they found Cordelia yet?”
“No, Jarl.” Brutus set Sylvie down, stepping forward until she could settle herself beside his nest. The phoeline tapped her nose against his forehead, lingering for a moment before pulling away to settle her head against the ground. The aged phoeline— Jarl, quickly took his place, resting his small, frail jaw atop her muzzle.
“Oh, how terrible…” Despite the context to their situation, a small smile stretched along his features. A weak purr rumbled in his chest, broken by small fits of coughing that made Brutus’s ears pin back.
“I have good news, though.” She’d keep her words small, muzzle barely moving as it lifted just enough to murmur. Jarl didn’t seem to mind the jostle, ears quivering as if just keeping them perked up was taking monumental amounts of effort. “This phoeline… She's going to help you. She’s going to get rid of that pesky sickness of yours. Are you excited to eat? To have the kittens visit with treats?”
“Oh, yes!” His tail flopped over once, the end of his gleeful response. “They’re so pesky… not even a single little vermin to chew on! I hear them looking for them though… you better be sure to-... to tell them to save me one.”
“I will, Jarl.” Brutus wouldn’t move from her post, eyes snapping to Sylvie. “You. Do it.”
She was frozen to the ground, helplessly looking at the other for more instructions. Do it? Do what? How was a strand of silk supposed to heal someone. She untucked it from under her cloak, bringing out the glimmering fabric. No matter how many times she flipped it in her paws or twisted it around, there were no instructions, not even an incantation to utter. It looked like just any other ribbon, if not a bit more glittery with a weird silky film covering its surface.
“Wrap it around his neck… gently.” The phoeline would speak up, growling the last word as if Sylvies life depended on it— which she wouldn’t doubt if it did. Brutus watched her like a hawk, following her every movement as the small phoeline walked up beside a resting Jarl. He’d gone oddly silent, Sylvie wondering if he was even still there with them until he took in a ragged inhale that was followed by another phlegm-filled cough.
She loosely draped it over his neck, taking one end to wrap it around it a few times in a silky scarf. Sylvie set her paws on it, waiting.
And waiting. And waiting. A minute went by that felt like an eternity. Brutus wasn’t instructing her on what to do next, and nothing of note was occurring. Her lips pursed to ask what to do next until a soothing warmth entered her aching pads. The ribbon started to glow, a gentle, comforting light that highlighted each patch of balding skin and clumps of dirt stuck in the phoeline’s fur. Sylvie could feel the aching in her joints dissipate, shoulders slumping with Jarl having a similar reaction. His broken breathing would slowly start to even out, the phlegm disappearing from his throat, and his perpetually furrowed brows relaxing. The phoeline’s head slumped to the side, a snore following after Sylvie slowly unraveled her silk and tucked it back inside of her cloak. She hadn’t noticed it at first, but Brutus had let her eyes close, nestling closer against the other phoeline as more and more of his weight was pressed into her muzzle.
“Thank you.”
Sylvie blinked, even if her hardened tone did little to change, she… felt good. That felt good. After so many experiences tearing her heart further and further down to her stomach, that little glimmer of delight would start to drag it back up to where it belonged. She’d actually helped someone, and didn’t need to get her fur torn off to do it. She’d helped someone in need, not done them a small favor. Helped. A smile started to grow along her face, Sylvie bowing her head. “You’re welcome.”
She swore she could see the corners of the saber’s mouth twitch up before a curt roar echoed up the cave. Brutus flinched, still taking her time sliding Jarl’s head to his pillow of leaves before quickly trotting down the stairs to the front of her den. Sylvie gave the aged phoeline one last glance before running down the steps after her, spotting the running body of Ruby coming out from the hollow they’d entered in.
“Merruff! Just outside the den, he’s armed and reeks of Mira’s kind!”
Trixie had joined her side along with Cherry, Sylvie taking her place beside her nebulruff companion. Brutus tilted her head back, a low growl humming down the hollow that caused an immediate reaction. Phoelines walking out and about made mad dashes to caves and dens, grabbing a kitten or cub on the way. Only when the clearing was empty would the entrances close up, the lively hollow becoming a ghost-town within just a few seconds with nothing more than staircases leading up to the spire. The luminescent mushrooms would fade out with time, the only light source being Trixie’s and her own spacedust. It was terrifying how quickly everyone was just… gone. She couldn’t imagine it hadn’t been practiced countless times— had Mira’s soldiers really caused this much in such a short amount of time? They couldn’t have been here for long with how rudimentary their campsite was, right? Just a few lost phoelines and they were already so fearful? Well— everyone but Brutus seemed to be fearful, her fangs bared with a challenging growl.
“Is he alone?”
“Yes ma’am! Our scouts have yet to witness any surrounding soldiers. He’s on a solo patrol most likely.”
“Cocky, mangy, snaggle-toothed mutts—” Brutus paced, barely taking a pause before she started to stomp down the steps. “Bring him to me at once! This may be our only chance to gather information, do not let him get away.”
Brutus and Trixie charged ahead, bee-lining for the entrance. Cherry’s scent washed over her, fur pressing against her side as she lowered her head to whisper.
“Sylvie, do you think…?”
Oh, oh no.
This post will be used as a TLDR for lore drops! It will not contain lore drops from current events but will be updated once that event has passed! It will be a vague summarization and only include the most important details! This is not recommended as the sole tracker for the story, just a simple reminder!
Hearts Festival [2023]
Amber has been MIA for months and has been keeping a rather bad-mannered guest trapped in her basement trying to find answers on what happened August 5th.
Shop Event [2023]
Trench and Sylvie had been traveling together to Hometown. A mysterious figure bumps into them, asking for the nearest village. Question unanswered, they stalk off.
April Event [2023]
Maddox and Percival meet Trench and Sylvie halfway on their way to Hometown, only spending a short amount of time together before an explosion sounds off in the direction of Amber's home.
May Event [2023]
The village is evacuated in the wake of the explosion, the bad-mannered guest being revealed as Bullet, the explosion caused by a Griffin. The mysterious figure makes another appearance, seemingly controlling the beast. During their exit, Percival and Kip jump on, being carried away before Amber appears from the treeline. After snapping at her, Maddox runs off in the direction of the village.
Howloween Event [2023]
While the villagers fretted over or questioned Amber and her disappearance back in town, Cherry and Yippers learned about the news about Percival and Kip. A troublesome visitor appears. using mischevious magic to form a mansion to home the villagers while their town is under lockdown. Maddox is not among them, Cherry, Trench, and Sylvie escaping while Yipper hangs back to keep his eye on Amber. During their escape it is revealed the mansion is haunted and rotted, its butler, Edward warning them of the dangers of the outside world. Finding his tent crushed to smitherins, Cherry finds his scent trail and they head off.
November Event [2023]
Following his trail into the marshes, the trio is caught by a shopkeeper who gifted them magical amulets. In return she tells Sylvie to not only find her daughter but to show mercy to her. Sylvie does not tell the others, the shopkeeper disappearing. On their way out, it is discovered the amulets have given them new forms they have yet to be accustomed to.
December Event [2023]
Kip and Percival, the latter wakes up surrounded by a mountainous range. He finds an unconcious Kip by the croaks of his frog companion. Figuring they had fallen off the Griffin as it raced through the sky, Pericival, using his dragon form, carries Kip into the sky and is met with other nebulruffs in their dragon forms traveling, They bring him to a village solely occupied by dragons but is soon chased out when Kip is unable to change into his dragon form. Shortly after leaving, Kip wakes up and starts worrying about Amber, snapping at Percival when he implies she might be dead and demanding he leave him alone.
MYO Event [2024]
Cherry, Trench, and Sylvie, they're stopped by an ocean before them, Trench using his amulet to travel through the waters in his newly obtained form. They're caught by opposing merruffs, soldiers of another queen by the name of Mira who is warring with Queen Luana. Thrown in prison, they find Maddox and using his spacedust, Sylvies flames, and Trench's strength, they escape and continue on their path to the mainland.
Hearts Festival [2024]
Amber and Yippers, the latter follows Amber around town while she runs a few errands. Gambling at Vegas's casino, returning items for more startokens, and finally traveling into the dense forest of the island to trade her money for a shifty statue from Bozo. After acting recklessly, Yipper's worry causes Amber to stomp off. It's later discovered she had left her wallet there, but when Yippers goes searching for it, he is unable to find it.
Track the Griffin Pt 1 Event [2024]
Finding a shore-side town, Cherry, Trench, Maddox, and Sylvie go into a shop looking for supplies. The shopkeeper tells them Mira's forces have taken over the town and continue to do so along the shoreline. In return for gear and supplies, the group splits up to complete favors for the shopkeepers friends. While Trench and Cherry go diving for treasure, Maddox and Sylvie must clean out dangerous rat-sized lice from an old merruffs basement. After almost dying, Maddox uses his new form to lead the pest away and the group are sent off with their rewards.
April Event [2024]
During a nightmare, a memory surfaces of a child Pericival being bullied by other nebulruffs, specifically one known as Amaryllis. He's chased through the woods, only getting a moment of piece before he's caught again by one of Amaryllis's friends. In a moment of panic he attacked the other nebulruff, using his dragon form to scare the others away. He hides in the forest, search parties tracking through during nightfall searching for him. Found by Kip, the hyena promises their friendship and reassures Percival nothing will change. The nightmare ends with Percival being found, waking up to Kip simultaneously asking for help while complaining about his presence.
August Event [2024]
Cherry, Trench, Maddox, and Sylvie are traversing through the forest heading for the closest village to resupply, its been a few days. Cherry and Trench bicker the majority of the day away until they settle down for camp. Leaving Cherry and Maddox to set up camp, Trench takes Sylvie to net fish and try to figure if she's feeling alright or not. Summing up all her woes to "I'm fine." they are dutifully interrupted by a panicked Cherry who warns them an encampment of soldiers is nearby and ransacked their supplies. The three head off, spying on the camp until Maddox joins them and it's discovered Kip's hat is down there along with the supposed scent of Percival. They're discovered by soldiers during their eavedropping and must run to escape their troubles. Making a 'plan', Maddox and Trench split up to lead the soldiers away and left Cherry and Sylvie to fend for themselves. Finding a place to rest, Cherry gets little of her complaints heard before the wall of the cliff opens up and they're dragged down into an abyss.
September Event [2024]
Current Event.
2024 August Lore Drop!
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by YakkoIt felt like iron had been strapped around her paws, each lumbering step running ache up her limbs. The sun had visited them nearly a dozen times… her warm presence usually met with huffs and whines of annoyance. There wasn’t a point in arguing, Cherry and Trench split bearing the load between them— They had more room to argue. Dapples of sunlight broke through the trees, thick oaks and maples shielding them from the heat.
“I miss Lily…” Cherry groaned, the bundles of firewood rhythmically swaying from side-to-side. Mud caked her legs, dark bodies of dead insects poking out from her pale fur. Sylvie’s eyes lazily trailed over to Trench, who had already begun to meet her whining with a stern huff.
“Don’t you start. You can’t keep whinin’ every tail-flippin’ second just because it’s a little sunny out.” He hadn’t changed much, if not a little more irritable. “We still have a few miles, once we reach the next village we can restock.”
“I don’t care about restocking!” The nebulruff sat down with a thump. Her hindleg picked up, harness rattling while she scratched a clump of knotted fur on her neck. Leaves and flecks of clumped dirt shot from her incessant paw, scattering onto the ground. “I need a bath. I need real food, not some dried berries and twigs!”
Trench side-eyed her, retaining his steady pace through the foliage. “I told you not to go through them brambles, n’ you should be grateful we have any food at all.” He glanced around, grimacing at the never-ending woods that surrounded them. “Nothin’ ‘round here but berries n’ twigs anyways. At least we know these ones are edible.”
“Technically anything is edible.”
The merruff opened his mouth, eyes widening as they flicked to Cherry. After staring at her slack-jawed, Trench ultimately clicked his jaw back shut and looked ahead, tail lashing behind him. Sylvie had to jerk her head back, feeling wind rush by her as his tail smacked into a nearby trunk. Wincing as an acorn bounced off her head, she let her head hang down to watch her paws drag along the ground.
The soil cooled her sore pads, even if it was just for a few seconds. The white fabric around her arms turned to a dark brown at the base, a small flicker of annoyance twinging her heart. Lily had warned her it would happen, that a simple wash would fix it, but still… they’d gotten their supplies out of her kindness. It’d be awful to take that for granted…
She was especially grateful for the clothes, the fur draped over her back protected her from sharp branches and while she had no real use for the enchanted silk— it seemed to have soothed her shoulder. The orange amulet gleamed in the pale light, the etched marking taunting her. It was mostly agreed that if they had their forms this trip would be easier— well, at least until Trench reminded them it’d just make them sitting ducks. The warning immediately brought back the memories of what Lily had told them, how an opposing merruff queen known as Mira had started overtaking the mainland, how she was out for Luana’s head. A curling flutter of sickness plagued her stomach, her frown deepening. It was better not to think about it— even better if she didn’t ask about it.
She felt warm scales against her face, Sylvie hastily backing up. Looking around, it was as if they hadn’t made any progress. Oaks and maple, maple and oaks, a sea of brambles and bushes with only a thin trail parting the foliage. The warm buzz in her mind lifted, blinking rapidly to register their surroundings before a dark mass flickered in her peripheral vision and she was shoved to the side by a powerful tail.
“Stop acting like a child, Cherry. We still have—”
“I don’t care! We’re hungry, tired, stressed, and I’m sick of having to tell you that!” Cherry growled, fur standing out on end. “It had been hours, Trench— it's been days of nonstop walking.” Had they been arguing the entire time?
Sylvie shook her head, looking between the two. The nebulruff had sat herself on the path once more, looking just as ragged as she had before. An orange hue had washed over them and their terrain, it quickly clicked that it was almost nightfall— How long had it been?
“It’s what needs to be done. This isn’t your hometown, its the real world.” The merruff punctuated each word, keeping his voice even. “N’ who is this ‘we’ you’re talkin’ about? I have been carrying myself just fine— Depths below! Maddox has been traveling with barely any hitch!”
That last comment pulled a scoff, Cherry rolling her eyes. “Are you serious? The only reason he’s been quiet is because he isn’t even here! He’s been running off ahead trying to get himself lost just like last time.” Before the other could come to his defense, Cherry gestured towards the silent phoeline. “And this we is us! You think Sylvie isn’t tired? You think she’s not wanting more than a few hours of sleep?”
Knitting his brows together, Trench stepped forward. “Sylvie isn’t a child, she can handle herself and if she had somethin’ to say she would have told me by now! We traveled together through more demandin’ terrain than this!”
“She's not going to do that!” Cherry’s voice lifted to a shrill shriek, eyes flickering from one to the other. “She’s only doing what she’s told— she wouldn't bother us with sore feet o-or an empty stomach!” She threaded between them, guiding Sylvie to her side and out from behind the merruff. “Has she asked you for any rations? Maybe a lift?” An arm wrapped around her, Cherry squeezing them together with a pursed lip.
Trench’s furrowed brows deepened slightly, looking off to the side. His mouth would open before tightening back up, his quizzical expression starting to twist into something else. Something that made the phoeline’s heart twist with anxiety. Concern. “No…” He slowly shook his head, eyes trailing down to meet Sylvie’s. “She hasn’t.”
“See!” Cherry would immediately squawk, tail starting to wag behind her. “I know my girl, she’s still a wee little thing.” Sylvie spluttered while a paw patted her quite aggressively, the dirt from the nebulruff’s fur making her sneeze. “So we should make camp right here.”
His attention focused back onto Cherry, thoughtful tone hardening once again. “We can’t just plop ourselves anywhere—”
“Yes, we can!” Dropping her shoulders, her head swiveled around to scan their surroundings. “Look, right here!” Grabbing the phoeline’s scarf between her teeth, she led Sylvie to a tree, stamping down the grass and settling her between the roots. Cherry tore a few branches from a nearby bush, making a sizeable pile before laying down. A small wince of pain flashed across her face, cracks sounding while the limbs snapped under her weight. “See? Me and Sylvs can lay our little selves right here, and you and Maddox can make your own beds over there.” Her paw flicked past a few trees, Trench immediately squinting while his head turned to follow her paw.
“...You mean by those thorny brambles?”
Cherry grinned, propping up her head. “Exactly! I mean— It would be rather fitting. Wouldn’t it?”
“No, I don’t think it would.”
Their bickering continued to drone on, Sylvie shuffling in her ‘makeshift bed’. They’d figure it out, probably ending in resting here through Cherry’s sheer stubborn will. Her chin settled against the rough roots, trying and failing to move and adjust to find somewhere comfortable to rest her head. Forelegs tucking underneath her, the phoeline closed her eyes. All she could hear was the voices of the other two, maybe a flapping of wings or the snap of a twig.
Why can’t they just… hush? A small puff of air hit her brow, debating if it was even worth opening her eyes just to find a leaf had danced by her until the sound of paws hitting the ground got her attention.
Maddox shook out his pelt. Somehow, through all the creeks, mud, sand, brambles, and whatever else they had gone through, he looked untouched. His… ‘armor’... was just as vibrant and glittery as it’d been before, it was as if every grain and glob of muck slid off him. He trotted up to Trench, the merruff immediately turning his attention from the still raving Cherry to lower his head.
He whispered something into the others ear, Trench nodding along until something caught his attention. A smile creeped along his face, teeth slightly bared once it starting to grow into a wide grin. He wrapped his arm around Maddox, scrubbing his head with his other paw. “Good on ya, mate!” Patting his back, Trench interrupted the nebulruff’s complaining about the difference between poisonberry and boysenberry. “Hey! You’re getting your wish, Maddox found a small nook with a river nearby. If you want to get a camp set up Sylvs n’ I can get some fish.”
Sylvie perked up at her name, catching a look from Trench while he passed her to follow the fox’s lead. A grumpy mumble sounded behind her, watching Cherry begrudgingly get up from her pile of sticks. “-woulda found it anyways… he’s not even going off path…”
Sticking close to the other, her stomach twisted at the questioning glance Trench had given her on his way out. She already knew he’d ask questions during their fishing, her mind racing to set the stage. What happened? A… a lot happened. Those things that Edward fella had said… how she almost lost an arm during their escape from the mansion. The shopkeeper that somehow no one has ever seen before, the promise Sylvie had made to her. The fact that they were attacked, that they were imprisoned, how she’d seen her friends hurt for the simple mistake of struggling against their binds. Not even mentioning the lice…
A dread weighed down her heart, face twisting to a strained frown. The edges of her eyes burned, feeling the flames of that fear and anxiety she’d felt only drag her down further. That had only been what— three days? Four? Their only sense of peace was traveling and even that was plagued by incessant arguing. Maddox still hadn’t spoken to her since their chore, and whenever he spoke to Cherry it was always the same: Yelling.
That was just one question he could ask, and it spiraled so far she was sure the message would get lost. Maybe… maybe Trench would help her reel it back in. He had a good head on his shoulders, he helped her during their trip to Hometown, she’d be fine. Sylvie let out a shuddered sigh, enjoying the warmth of Cherry’s tail before it would inevitably pull away.
It wasn’t a clearing per se, but there was a small patch of tall grass surrounded by shrubbery and thick oaks. Maddox was already digging himself a small den between a collection of brambles, Cherry dropping her firewood on the opposite side of their campground with a relieved huff. The phoeline watched as she started to unbind the small logs, forming a chunky teepee until the latest reason for her upset stomach lumbered up beside her, net draped over his back.
“C’mon, they’ll survive without us. Just like they did last time.” Trench used his nose to turn her around. Reluctantly following his lead, the merruff would shove foliage to the side and allow Sylvie to slip through.
To say the air was thick would be an understatement, only the sound of rushing water and rustling leaves filling its loud silence. She kept her eyes glued to the glimmering water, the natural tranquility bringing her some peace of mind. Slim bodies of fish underneath the surface slipped by— at least until they were forced against the net and started to struggle and writhe. Her nose scrunched up at the sight, a pang of guilt making her already queasy self want to curl up and die. They were fighting against each other, a mass of panic until their muscles were too heavy with fatigue to fight anymore. It… wasn’t fair—
“What’s wrong, Sylvs?” The deep voice interrupted her internal warring, Sylvie’s eyes snapping up to look over at the merruff. “Somethin’ on your mind?”
There’s a lot on my mind… the butler, the shopkeeper, those guards… Maddox almost getting me killed. The phoeline quickly shook her head, that last remark making her heart skip a beat. He didn’t mean it—! It was an accident, he was just scared!
“Is it the fish? There’s no reason to feel bad for ‘em, it's just nature. Not like they’ll be goin’ to waste anyways.”
So what if he was a little late? I’ve been in worse conditions…! He was there in the end and I survived, so that's all that matters. We got it done, got the supplies, and we’re on our way. He wouldn’t have watched me die. He wouldn’t have, and he didn’t.
And he’s struggling too! He’s always had trouble with his forms, he even said so himself at that weird merruff town. He was brave for doing that, he was brave for saving me. I should be grateful for it— I am! How can I not be?
A weight pushed against her shoulder, Trench using a paw to give her a firm poke. “Sylvie!”
“Oh— No, I’m fine.” She pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth, squeezing her jaw shut.
“You sure don’t look fine. C’mon Sylvs, what's goin’ on up there?” He lowered to a crouching position, leaning closer. “I know you’re a quiet one but you haven’t even chimed in once.”
There’s nothing to chime into when it's just arguing.
“You even been eatin’?”
When I’m hungry.
“Sleepin’ good?”
I never have.
“That shoulder still botherin’ you?”
“I’m fine.” A tightness formed in her throat, sewing it shut. She fought down the urge to deepen her frown, just managing to retain the shallow arch. I’m so tired… I want to go home. “It’s just a lot is all.”
“It sure is…” The firm pressure of his scales made her eyes burn, manually keeping her breath even. “It’s not like our little trek to your little town… it’s… more difficult. Sylvie could tell from his awkwardly spaced words that he was really trying to sound understanding. He doesn’t want to tell me to just suck it up. “But we’ll make it. I ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to ya, just like I didn’t let anythin’ happen to ya then. N’ while Maddox n’ Cherry are at each other's necks right now… they wouldn’t let you get hurt neither.” They did. “I’m sure after a proper meal you’ll feel better. Me n’ one of the other two can gut ‘em for ya.” I’m so glad.
“Great.” Catching her snippy remark, Sylvie quickly softened her tone. “Thank you— a lot. Thanks…” She flashed him a hopefully convincing grin, eyes flickering over Trench’s face. Even if his body seemed to relax at her words, the furrowed brow told her she still wasn’t in the clear.
“I’m always here for ya, Sylvs. When n’ if you ever wanna talk about somethin’, just give me a call.” With a quiet grunt, the merruff dragged his hindlegs back under himself and stood up. “Now lets go see if we got enough heads.” He started ahead of her, Sylvie starting to lift to her own feet before a blur shot off to her left. She froze, looking between the rustling bush and Trench’s moving form. It hadn’t had a recognizable form— at least not from the split-second it’d been in the corner of her eye. Heart rate picking up, the phoeline turned her back to the noise and quickly trotted up behind the other. She tucked herself next to his tail, feeling it rhythmically sway against her side with every step. It was better than being out in the open.
Trench didn’t even get to finish pulling the net from the river before a crash sounded behind them, Cherry nearly knocking into him. “Soldiers!” She whispered harshly, eyes wide with new twigs sticking from her knotted fur. “From Mira, they found our camp and know intruders are here— thats us!”
The merruff immediately dropped the netting, Sylvie’s heart dropping with it. “What— How? Did they see you?” He looked around her, craning his neck. “Where’s Maddox?”
“That's the thing, he followed them after I… said one of them had Kip’s scent.”
Trench’s jaw hung open, the phoeline feeling his body tensing with anticipation. Cherry continued, ears lowering while she glanced off to the side. “And… we may have gotten into a little scuffle beforehand… He wouldn’t let me make the fire how I wanted, and it was my job! They might have heard— but they didn’t see us!... At least I don’t think.”
“If they heard you from camp then they would’a heard you barreling through here like a madwoman!”
Cherry scoffed, throwing him a dirty look. “You didn’t hear me until I nearly bumped head!” She puffed out her chest, proclaiming proudly: “It's my special talent.”
“It’s special alright. Now, we have to quietly find out where they came from— I’d take a shot that they have another encampment somewhere ‘round here.”
“Luckily for you and Maddox, I saw where they were heading. Hopefully that pea-brained dunce didn’t get himself caught again.” The nebulruff brushed past them, Sylvie chasing after the pair as they carefully slithered between the greenery.
They stopped a few feet from their camp, the firewood Cherry had been carrying… along with Trench’s supplies were gone. Sylvie didn’t have too much time to dwell on it, Cherry quickly sniffing the air before darting away from the path. She’d check over her shoulder as they picked their way through, watching that clear line to their next destination start to blend in with the rest of the forest before disappearing completely. Hopefully someone was keeping track…
It wasn’t long before Cherry started to slow down, starting to crawl with her stomach dragging along the grass. Trench followed suit, Sylvie still taking up the tail-end. They lined up at the edge of an open field, finally a break from the dense blanket of leaves that had ‘protected’ them from the sun's light. Trench had been right, it wasn’t as large as the one in the ocean, but by the looks of the armor— They were Mira’s. Tents encircled a clearing, merruffs milling about. A landing area held a dragon, pouches full of what she guessed was letters and… supplies? Supplies strapped around their neck and chest. After a few more moments, they’d take flight further east.
“What’s the plan now, huh?” The nebulruff turned to Trench, who was still eyeing the soldiers, those all-too familiar stress lines creasing his features. She could practically see the gears turning, his eyes flickering over the encompassing area. He opened his mouth to speak, but a huskier voice would leave.
“I say we—” Maddox would appear beside them before a large paw surged forward, smacking him square across the face. Trench’s swing had been paired with a shrill shriek from a rather pink nebulruff, the trio looking on in horror as their companion went flying back into a pile of bramble with an even louder yelp of pain.
A shriek and a yelp. A shriek and a yelp that echoed. That echoed multiple times.
“Fish whiskers!” Trench immediately jumped to his feet, helping a thorny fox out of the prickly bush. “Now what’d you do that for!?”
“What do you mean what did I do!” Maddox thumped him on the nose with a few light smacks that caused the merruff to jerk his head back with a sneeze. He tried to shake it off, but from his watery eyes Sylvie could tell that it had hurt. “As I was saying—”
“HALT.” A deep voice roared, only getting the split-second sight of gnashing teeth before a leviathan crashed through the trees. The soldier rolled quite the distance, Sylvie spotting several more changing forms to dash along the field to their location.
They didn’t need to be told twice, taking the obvious hint and breaking out into an all-out sprint. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Maddox quickly took the lead, followed by Cherry and Sylvie with Trench watching their backs.
She could only trust the billowing fur beside her, paws barely touching the ground as the roaring of snapping trees sounded behind them. Greens blended together, ignoring every branch and thorn that tore into her clothes. Sylvie looked around wildly, there was nowhere to hide— trying to claw up a tree would only work for her, and that leviathan didn’t seem to care about the flora at the current moment. They could only run. Maddox’s dark pelt would slip by her, stealing a glance over her shoulder to see him join Trench’s side.
“They have Kip’s hat— I saw it! It has to have his scent on it.” The fox shouted, taking a sharp inhalation of breath between each sentence. “We can track them from there, I know my boy ain’t leaving his side.”
Trench laughed. How in the world can he laugh in a moment like this!? “How do you expect us to do that, huh? I respect the moxie but I am not in the mood to be getting my scales ripped off!”
Someone shouted, an oak careening through the air before crashing in front of them. Shrapnel shot out, a stinging sensation running along her face as broken scraps of bark pelted into her. Squeezing her eyes shut, it was Cherry shoving her to the side that got her back on her feet.
The pair behind them didn’t seem too bothered, Maddox having ducked behind the other before skidding to follow the leading two. “They got prisoners— n’ they look like Luana’s people with some cats. I’m thinkin’—”
“Do not tell me you’re going to hand yourself over. You don’t think they got a message going ‘round about a certain pack o’ nebs on the run?” Trench’s interruption was met with a check into his shoulder. It didn’t seem to accomplish much.
“I’m hoping they ain’t! We need that hat. I’ve already checked, there is no way we are sneaking in there. Too open with too many fish-heads skulking around.”
“Hey now…”
“Shut it, Trench.”
After a moment of silence that was filled with orders shouting behind them and the ragged pants of Cherry beside her, Trench spoke back up.
“Well, might as well get ‘em away from the girls, huh? Someone needs to keep Cherry on the right track.”
Sylvie heard her snarl through her pants, though through all the noises, Maddox’s laugh was clear. “Ha! Alright, you got yourself a deal. Ya’heard Sylvs? Don’t let her get lost.”
“As if you aren’t part of the reason we’re even out here!” She snapped her head back, baring her teeth. Sylvie kept her mouth shut, neither laughing along or making a move to shoot either of them a dirty look. After all, they were about to be hunted down with at least one of them going behind bars again.
Footsteps faded as the two split apart. Straining her ears, Sylvie could hear their pursuers' voices growing more faint. They’d still push through, a cliffside starting to crawl higher and higher beside them. Vines entangled its surface, the phoeline only stealing a short glance until she bumped into Cherry’s backside. She had flopped onto her stomach, tongue lolling out of her mouth in an attempt to cool down.
“These clothes… are… so heavy.” The nebulruff pressed her face into the cold grass, Sylvie looking behind them only to see another set of trees flying through the air a few miles away. The sight made her stomach drop, unsure if it was Maddox or Trench being the one chased. Catching her fearful look, Cherry rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry… about them. Stupid… stupid little stupidheads…” Her voice cracked, catching her attention. “It’s… it’s not my fault Maddox couldn’t keep his nose out of my business. It’s not my fault he snuck up on us— he yelled too! I’m…” Trailing off, she pressed her forehead into the ground with a groan.
Her heart twisted, Sylvie joining her side. “It’s not your fault… we’re… we’re all a mess right now.”
“It’s not like I’m trying to get in trouble! It’s not like I’m purposely messing up!”
“It’s not. You’re doing your best.”
“I am!” Throwing her paws up into the air, she hopped to her feet. “They didn’t even tell us where we were going to meet up. Those halfwits just wanted to have a ‘heeheehaha fun little chase’— like come on!” That’s… actually true… “What happened to Trench being a big ol’ planner, huh? Maybe a hint? A general idea? I asked for a plan!”
A twig snapped, Sylvie’s head snapping towards the forest. Her eyes darted around, glimpsing a dark shape. A soldier? “Cherry…?”
“What are we gonna do now? Just run around until we happen upon a village? Trench had the map in his supplies and those are gone! Wait until one of them finds us? Maddox still has to get his tail kicked in to get that stupid hat!”
Another blur, Sylvie feeling her heart start to pound against her chest. She backed up, tail pressing into the cold stone of the cliffside. “Cherry.”
“What if the scent is too old? Maddox’s scent was just a few hours, these could be days— weeks long! I know neither of them got good sniffers, so they’re just gonna have me do it without even thanking me! I wanna find the boys too but give a girl some credit!”
“Cherry—!” Too late, vines wrapping around her hindlegs before dragging her back. Darkness surrounded her, the maw that had opened up in the cliffside closing up.
A yell followed hers, more stone grinding against each other before a large mass of fur pressed into her. Cherry’s scent filled her nose seconds before the ground underneath them gave away and in the inky abyss of the cliffside, they fell down the cavern.
2024 April Event Lore Drop!
Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by YakkoPercival blinked, feeling cold grass underneath his small paws.
Not again…
Looking up, beech trees surrounded him, only thin trails of orange telling him the sun had yet to dip below the horizon completely.
Please let me go…
Dad would want him home for supper— or whatever he was able to find.
I didn’t want to…
He glanced down, the moth still fluttered weakly on a stem of grass. As gently as he could manage, Percival ran the tip of his paw over its shredded wings. It was an accident, he’d only meant to chase it around… maybe bat it around a bit, he’d never caught one before. It was so… weird. Even when he pushed it over it’d simply scramble to cling to him, wings flapping wildly as the bug recuperated from the nudge. No matter how many times he did so it’d always depend on him to keep it afloat, desperate for something to hang onto. A small pout formed, Dad would never let him keep it, he’d probably tell him it’ll die anyways or worse— squish her. Percival continued to pet the fluffy exterior, making his way over her thorax until a voice called.
“Perrrcy~” Much deeper than his, though even in the sing-songy tune it still cracked. “Where are you buddy?” Percivals stomach dropped… along with his paw.
With a gasp he lifted it up but it was already too late, she slid to the ground with a soundless thump. Still he tried to scoop her up, scrambling to his paws before a solid form shoved him back down.
“Hey bud!” The scarlet nebulruff greeted him, tone kind but it didn’t take a genius to see the cruel grin splitting across her face. Two others took to Percival’s sides, the three towering over him as Amaryllis spoke. “Whatcha’ got there?”
“Nnh-nothing-” Barely mumbling the words one of the other big kids ripped Percival’s arm down, the flattened moth falling to the ground. Giddy chuckles of feign disgust resonated from the trio, Percival only able to burn with shame as they muttered amongst themselves.
“Eugh, didn’t your mom ever tell you to never play with dead things? Oh, wait-” Amaryllis snorted, the others following suite with their own loud laughs at the fox’s expense. “I suppose it could’ve been cool if you killed something with teeth, but I suppose bloodthirsty lunatics can’t be picky.” She bared her teeth and called it a grin, though Percy knew much better than that. He kept his jaw screwed shut, staring down as he flattened himself to the ground. Earning another scoff, Amaryllis threw the moth in front of Percy’s snout before smashing it even further into the ground with a paw. “Do you like that? Seeing something with more worth suffer? Here, we’ll all join in— Poppy come here and help me teach Percy how to really teach this lil’ guy a lesson!” A merruff jumped to his paws hearing his name, padding up to join her before stopping completely at the sound of Percy’s voice.
“Stop it…” He swallowed, risking a glance up. “...please.” Percival flinched back as Amaryllis’s face quickly contorted into anger, twisting her paw as she shoved the moth’s corpse even further into the dirt.
“What did you just say?” A guttural snarl sounded deep from within her throat, crouching down to hover her fangs over Percival’s eyes.
He squinted, blinking rapidly as drops of spittle flew at him. Percy let out a shallow breath, trying to fixate on her paws rather than the teeth mere inches from his face. “I didn’t do it on purpose… it was an accident.”
Amaryllis stared at him, Percival almost thinking she’d back off until her jaw wrapped around the bridge of his nose, snapping down he let out a yelp of pain. The nebulruff pulled back before Percival could counter, knowing even if he had the time he’d never risk it. “Accident? You’d know a lot about those, wouldn’t you?” She sneered, a fresh meanness to her voice. Amaryllis cuffed him over the ear, “Talk back to me again and you’ll end up just like that stupid bug, you freak.” another smile crawled up her face, a small “ooh” sounding from the cohorts behind her.
“I’m not a freak, stop it!” Despite the warning Percy couldn’t help but let out the whine, stamping his paws as he jumped to a stand. Dad had always told him to just ignore them until they left him alone but he couldn’t stand every painful pang that struck his heart with every snide remark. “Leave me alo-ow!” Another yip sounded as Amaryllis pushed him back down, leaving him to cower underneath her as she stood over him.
“What did I say, you stupid little pest!?” She swatted at his ear again. “Can you not hear me? Are you as lousy as your dumb dad?” The nebulruff narrowed her eyes, no humor in her words as she growled. “Figures. It takes a monster to raise a monster.”
“I’m not a monster!” His yelp earned another strike, stinging pain on his nose causing tears to well up.
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you show us you aren’t a monster?” Amaryllis grabbed Percy by his scruff, dragging him out from between her paws before slinging him into the nearest trunk. “Prove you aren’t a parasite draining the life out of everyone you talk to. Especially that ditzy little hyena.” The nebulruff whipped around to face him, staring down a challenge.
Percival lifted his head, a ringing pain against his ribs. He tried to lift himself up but his trembling legs gave out, a whine stifled as he tried and failed again. “What, did that hurt?” Amaryllis’s voice sounded out, followed by a forced laugh. “Come on, don’t be a wuss Percy!” He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to drown her nasally voice out as he leaned against the tree. Ache growing, Percival inhaled sharply, feeling his face grow warm as tears forced their way out of him. It only worsened his shame, trying his best to stop the outpour and hide them but Amaryllis was quick to snicker. “Awh, is someone crying? Such a pathetic little mons—” Before she could finish her sentence, Percival bit back the roaring pain that seared across his body as he skirted around the tree and fled deeper into the forest.
Hearing a surprised cry behind him he looked around wildly for anywhere to hide, nowhere seeming dense enough as his only plan was to stay out of their claws until they got bored and left or he could make a break for it and make a mad dash to the village. The sound of pawsteps soon crunched behind him, twisting to the left as he hopped on a log and leapt over a bushel of thorns. Hitting the ground running he spotted a brook and veered towards it, sliding through the mud and water before reaching the other side. He’d clean up when he got home— he’d just say he was playing in a mudhole— all that mattered was sight and scent. Bracing himself Percival kicked out, barely clearing more bushes as he zig-zagged his way through the forest. Twisting his ears he could still hear them but much farther than before, a part of him prideful he was even able to create distance in the first place.
Lungs itching he pressed himself against a tree and caught much-needed air, eyes still darting around. Percival knew the woods well enough he could make a general assumption of where he was, but even now his mind was too on the fritz, unwilling to risk bumping into Amaryllis and her cronies when he’d finally gotten away. Glancing around, he was careful with his steps, only padding over fresh green leaves or bare patches of dirt whenever he could. Percival made his way through the thinning trees, feeling grit and gravel underneath his paws as he reached the end of the island. Looking over the cliffside he couldn’t help but give the setting sun a passing glance, the clouds a soft pink as they rippled throughout the sky. Purple began seeping in across, a few stars already becoming visible— Dad would have his hide if he didn’t get home soon. Picking his way carefully, he’d simply walk around the forest and pass his pursuers completely.
It seemed to be working, flicking his attention whenever a branch snapped or he swore he could hear steps but nothing came, Percival pushing through the hurt to get home as soon as he possibly could. He could’ve never heard the soft whistle of wings descending behind him, it wasn’t up to him— no pup would think of an enraged dragon swooping in around the cliffside and zeroing in on him without emanating a single roar or growl. Percival was almost numb at first as the sheer velocity rolled him and Poppy through the jagged stones, even giving her own hisses of pain even after they came to a stop. He was pinned on his back, webbed paws holding his shoulders down as her finned tail weighed on top of him.
“I have him! Amy!” She shrieked, voice hoarse as scraps on her scales began to turn red. “Amy, over here!” Her voice echoed into the sky, Percival squirming as he tried to break free from her grasp.
“Stay put!” A faint voice sounded from inside, Amaryllis wasn’t even close— he could only guess the other kid was somewhere in there with her. “Keep talking!”
“By the cliff, the cliff!” Poppy had to lurch forward to yell, using all the air in her lungs as she gave a cough. Percival tried to squeeze out from under her but the moment he had give she only pressed him further into the ground. “Hurry, he’s all… wiggly!”
As soon as he heard a crack, much closer than when Amaryllis had originally started he became more panicked, heart pounding against his chest as now his punishment would be much much worse than if he’d just sucked it up then. Percival was so close— it couldn’t end like this, he didn’t want to come up with another lie. The guilt tore into him every time Dad asked and he had to say it was from playing too hard, or he slipped, or he ran into something, or he didn’t remember— he didn’t need to give Dad more reasons to consider taking precautions to keep Percival under watch, he hated being around that tent. It wasn’t fair, they all would have homes to go to by the end of this- they’d have entire families waiting for them- they’d go to school the next day while Percival would have nothing but an angry dad and a glaring bruise. No matter how much he fought it was for nothing, he was too small, he was barely surviving, he had no one to call for help.
Time seemed to slow as Amaryllis and her friend broke through the treeline, her eyes boring into Percival as he beelined for him. He could make out every individual fang, the sharp glint in her eyes, how her claws scraped through the grass. Eyes widening he looked up at Poppy, mid-shout as her grip loosened seeing Amy. Her mouth curved upward, tail beginning to wag as she’d done just as Amy had asked her, chasing down a helpless pup so Amy could treat him like a ragdoll.
He didn’t mean it, it was an accident. The happy call turned into a shrill shriek as Percival’s body elongated, teeth digging into her gills. Amaryllis stopped in her tracks as he became taller, feeling horns protrude from his skull. Her gleeful snarl dropped into a look of horror, not even giving Poppy a second glance when she fell to the ground, pawing at her now shredded gills. Percival was breathing hard, feeling the cold grass underneath his claws. He only watched Amaryllis turn tail and flee to the village, brows furrowed in anger he ran his tongue over his maw before widening his stance and bellowing out a screaming roar. Near the end he heard a much quieter scream, looking down to the merruff as she cradled herself. Even from his afar he saw her body trembling, weakly pawing at her neck as soon as Poppy uncovered her ears. He’d done it again. Percival took a step back, nearly falling off the cliffside before slithering into the forest. For once being small helped him, even with the tight squeezes he was able to flee. His heart dropped, what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t go to Dad now— not ever, he’d never forgive him— he’d know Percival was the disappointment everyone called his dad. He couldn’t go to the village at all, they’d see his form and chase him off anyways— he’d messed up. Dad always told him to keep it to himself and he couldn’t even do that right. Dragging himself through the trees he came to a small clearing, a large mineshaft being his only option to hide. Adults warned him— everyone— to stay out but this was all he had… they wouldn’t look for him in there, he’d promised Dad he’d never enter it.
The search parties had gotten close, but none entered, only scanning the opening without even glancing into the tunnel. They all called Percival, begging him to come out from his game of hide and seek but he’d been unable to calm his heart enough to even change back to normal. He could only tuck himself in a tight ball, watching the lights of lanterns flicker by. His head throbbed with pain from crying but still the tears rolled down his face, mudpuddles forming underneath him as even when there was a break he’d only work himself up again in a cruel cycle of mourning. He didn’t know what he’d do after this— living in the forest forever, hiding from anyone and everyone who entered. Surviving off what he could forage, living in this smelly mineshaft for the rest of his life, he could feel another dam of tears build up and begin to break until a small green light shone into the dip of the tunnel. Percival inhaled sharply, holding his breath as froze, worried a single movement would echo and alert whoever was outside. The green light grew stronger, pausing before inching further and further down the tunnel. He tensed, ready for a shout of fear or anger as the source of the light came into view.
A ribbit sounded, peering down he made out a frog, its tadpole tail squirming excitedly as it croaked again. Dread spiked through Percival’s heart, this was the worst case scenario. Shaking his head he tried to hush the frog, unable to place his paws over its croaking mouth as he’d just end up hurting something else.
“No, no, no, shh!” He blew air at the frog, hoping to annoy it elsewhere but soon enough a small patter sounded as a hyena slid down the tunnel. Percival covered his face with his claws, shying away. Maybe he could blend into the wall, or he would think Percival was asleep and leave him alone…
“Cici?” Kip whispered, still it was loud enough for Percival to hear and wince at. “Percy?”
“Go away…” He couldn’t bring himself to ignore Kip, mumbling into his tail as he’d wished Kip would do just that and tell no one where he was hiding. “... you can’t be here.”
“You can’t either, it's dangerous here!” He squeaked, his frog ribbiting in agreeance as it hopped right up to Percival, illuminating his quivering frown.
“I-I’m the dangerous wh-one here!” Percival’s strained, wiping his puffy eyes. “I’ll h-hurt you.” Just uttering the words made him want to wail, wanting nothing but to be locked up in these tunnels so that’d never happen, so everyone— Dad and Kip too— would be safe from him. “I’m- I’m a muh-mons-ster.” He curled into a tighter ball, if he thought about it hard enough the tunnel would collapse.
Kip was quiet for a few moments, pursing his lip as his brow furrowed. “No you’re not. You’re Percy!” His tail wagged with his paws tapping the ground, clearly pleased with the correction. “If you were a monster you would have eaten me by now, just like in the books Amber reads us!”
“That's not true! I-I killed that m-moth and-and Poppy! I don’t wah-want the same thing happening to you!” His body shook with each sharp inhale, sniffling. Why didn’t Kip get it? The proof was in the pudding!
The hyena tilted his head to the side, brows still knitted together. “Poppy’s not dead.” Percival stifled, peeking over his tail to look at him. “Her neck is hurt but her mom took her to the hospital— they said she was fine and would just need some thingy…” He trailed off, gearing turning in head head trying and failing to remember the name. Shaking his head he looked back up at Percy with a smile. “See! You didn’t kill Poppy and the moth…” Kip paused once more before shrugging. “I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose, you don’t like when Amber squishes the ones in her books n’ stuffs.” He reasoned, making it all sound so easy. “So you’re not a monster, how many times do I have to tell you Ama…Amy…Amarill…”
“Amaryllis.” Percival helped him along, a small smile curving the corners of his mouth watching Kip do his best to pronounce her name.
“Yeah Amyrillus!” Kip yipped happily, a playful growl lightening Percival’s mood. “She's a big dumb stupid head— always thinking she knows better! Amber is a teacher and I live with her so that makes me smarter.” He snorted, puffing out his chest before adding. “And you’re my best friend, so that makes us equally as smart.”
Percival let out a small giggle, furling his tail as he lowered his head against the ground. Kip squeaked excitedly, running up to him as he lifted up and hugged his snout. Even if it barely felt like anything, Percival let the tears slip down the sides of his face, for a much better reason this time.
“Do you really mean it? We’re best friends?” He murmured, careful not to move his mouth too much lest he topple the hyena over.
“Absolutely!” Kip responded immediately, barely giving Percival time to finish his sentence. “The best, always havin’ each others backs!” He pressed the side of his face against Percival, slightly muffled by his fur. “Forever and ever!”
Percival paused, hiccuping breaths as he closed his eyes. His lip still trembled but he could feel his body finally relax after tensing up for so long, relief blanketing him in a soothing warmth at the hyena’s words. Kip had never done anything to make Percival doubt him— and he knew nothing would tear them apart.
“You’re not scared of me?” When he opened his eyes again Kip was at his level, the roof of the tunnel stretching high above them as he’d finally become a fox again. Percival let out a small gasp, Kip still wrapping him in a big hug until he too realized… he shouldn’t have really been able to do that.
“My lucky paw!” Leaving an in awe Percival the hyena jumped around, his frog following excitedly. “It did it, it made you small again!” His tail was whipping around widely, Kip running behind Percy before nudging him away from the tunnels. “Come on, we have to tell Amber my lucky paw worked!” He squealed, Percival having no choice but to follow him… willing to chase him around the island a million times if that's what it took for Kip to believe in him like that.
The rest was a blur, Nebulruffs and Merruffs gathering around them, Amber taking Kip to the side, Maddox holding Percy close to him while swearing if he ever did that again he’d put a cone on him right before squeezing him into another fearful hug. Amaryllis nor her friends were anywhere in sight, remembering entering the tent and Dad tucking him into bed. Percy closed his eyes as Maddox watched over him, still muttering about worrying him sick as he finally found the peace to be lulled into sleep. The warm caress of his dads paw turned into a hard knocking as Percival shook himself awake, wiping the haziness from his eyes to meet not a ragged, grumpy ol’ fox but a ragged, grumpy ol’ hyena.
“I told you to stop following me.” Kip glared down at him, he’d grown so much since then… his round face sharpening and broadening with the rest of his features. Despite that he looked so… gaunt, easily mistaken as years older than he actually was. “Percy!” His yelp spooked him, blinking rapidly as the fox’s attention turned back to Kip’s face.
“Stop following me… but, while you’re here… can you teach me how to start a fire?”