2024 Howloween Event Lore Drop! [1/2]
Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by YakkoEugh, where is she? Yippers scanned the town square, those all-too familiar golden horns nowhere to be seen in the darkness.
She’s never gone radio silent for this long… Wriggling worms of guilt dragged his stomach down, the nebulruff pushing past a group of pedestrians. It couldn’t be what I said— I wasn’t wrong! She’s being dangerous, she’s isolating herself, she’s not telling me anything— His paws stuck to the ground, weighed down by another drop of anxiety. But, why would she? It’s… not my job to always be there. But as her friend that's what I’m for! After everything she’s done out of the kindness of her heart, it's my responsibility. That still didn’t feel right on his tongue, scrunching his nose in a harsh grimace. He wasn’t her caretaker, but that didn’t mean he had to abandon her entirely. He’d tried waiting for Amber to come back on her own, and as far as he knew that was worse than just ripping the bandage off.
I had been a bit harsh so soon after she got back…
Fine, just because he was going to apologize, it didn’t make everything he said wrong. Amber was good with compromises when it came to these sorts of things, so they’d be fine. She wouldn’t be upset anymore, and would most likely apologize for stomping away like that. Maybe… Yippers shook his head, there wasn’t a need to be so anxious. At this rate he might as well be the stand in for Sylvie with her nervous squawking and trepid steps. The faint question on the group’s progress flickered between his thoughts, but the nebulruff quickly pushed them down. Focus. Find Amber, trade sorrys, figure out what to do next.
A waving beacon caught his attention, sending a flash of bright white over his senses until its origin bobbed up higher in a makeshift lamp.
“Yips!” Lyla shook out her pelt, ears smacking wildly against the sides of her head. Dust powdered the air around her, Yippers harshly sneezing at the overall assault to his senses. “I knew it was you— well, I assumed so. It’s hard to spot you without Ambs with ya.”
“Hi, Lyla.” He rubbed his nose, a light streak of dirt appearing on his pale fur. Taking a small step back, Yippers cleared his throat before attempting a flippant tone. “Have you seen Amber at all lately? We…” It wasn’t a fight, was it? They didn’t fight— just… a small disagreement? Yes, but then that would mean they stormed off on each other over something so benign. Clearly the latter would be worse. “...haven’t gotten to hang out that much recently. She’s been very…” Reckless? Apathetic? Concerning?
“Distant?” Lyla finished for him.
Relief washed over him, thinning that growing doubt that had planted itself at the base of his gut. So it’s not just me…
“Yeah, I… I don’t know what’s going on with her.” Lyla sat down with a firm thud, another cloud of dust flying into the air. At least this time Yipper’s was far enough it didn’t immediately rocket straight into his sinuses. “I know we usually work most of the day, with me helpin’ Percy on constructions n’ her doin’ her research n’ all that.” She scratched the back of her neck, words slurring together in speedy dialogue. “Sometimes she doesn’t come home, sometimes I don’t, but I’ve been takin’ more days off f’er her but it feels like she ain’t comin’ home t’all. I know I ain’t got the prettiest place but I’ve finally been lettin’ her help me redecorate and reorganize. Even when she’s home she’s always in the greenhouse writin’ up a storm or wanderin’ off into the woods.” She shuddered, fluffing her fur out against the biting breeze. “Don’t like ‘em no more, not ever since that big fella moved in.”
“Yeah…” Wait. Yippers’s brows furrowed, those last few words clicking in. “-... Hold on. ‘Big fella?’”
The nebulruff nodded, tail lashing once before hovering back over them in a makeshift lamp. “Yeah, I don’t know when he moved in, but he’s been a real pain in my tail. I didn’t even get to finish explorin’ them caves he’s guarding all crazy-like. Seriously not is it— isn’t— it—” Lyla smacked herself over the snout, blowing a short raspberry before trying again. Each word emphasized with a nod of her head. “It’s not like I’d do anything, I don’t even think he goes into the tunnels.”
She’s seen him too! I’m not the only one— she knows! Tail thumping against the ground, Yippers leaned closer. “Exactly! Amber took me out to do some errands, and she didn’t even react when he th—”
“Oh, hold on Yips!” Her head snapped back, gaze lifting up to a collection of nebulruffs and phoelines wearing hard caps. The light illuminating his surroundings faded away, eyes struggling to adjust as he squinted against the darkness. The construction workers paused at Lyla’s presence, sharing words and a few giggles before she started gesturing towards Yippers.
Maybe she’s told others? Oh, that would just be perfect! Of course they’d all question her recent activity, even those who only had a vague idea of Amber would wonder why exactly she’d act so off. No sane nebulruff would do business with a dragon who threatened them every other sentence, and she always made it clear for her distaste for the casino—
His small step forward was followed by the group pulling away, Yippers almost believed it was due to him moving until Lyla turned around with a mouthful of small bags of candy.
“Ooh, sorry Yippers. I have to get back to the site to finish up for the night— Even if Percy ain’t here, we can’t just leave it all unfinished. That’s askin’ for a case.” She dropped them at his feet, turning tail. “Can you please bring those to Maddie? The crew thought it’d be nice seeing what's been happening with her parents and all.”
He could feel his smile slowly fade, weighed down by yet another task. She didn’t even answer my question…
Shoulders drooping, the nebulruff picked up the batch of candy bags and started heading towards Veronica’s Parlor.
“Hm? Oh… no idea.” She shrugged, holding a smaller nebulruff captive in her looped tail. Maddie writhed in her grasp, having started going spastic as soon as the savory scent of DigDogs filled the room. Veronica’s tail shivered with the younger nebulruff’s energy, that being the only thing having any ounce of energy. Yippers winced at the dark circles under the once gleeful and bushy-tailed shopkeeper now slouching over the table. Her fur had shifted from its flowery lilac to a pale blue. “I haven’t… haven’t…” She started to drift off until a headbutt from Maddie’s hopping figure snapped her back awake. “Haven’t! Seen her…” Veronica set a paw on her step-daughter’s head, slowly pushing her towards the ground. “Been too busy with… this one n’ the shops.”
Yippers paused, looking over the other with a mouth pulled tight. “Ah…” Probably should’ve hidden the bags better-... Sorry Veronica. “... I can see that. Well, uhm…” At least this answer was easier to get, I doubt even if Amber walked by, she’d even recognize her. Glancing down at the bouncing ball of energy squirming under Veronica’s paw, the nebulruff hopped down from the stool. “Have you tried hiring a… babysitter? Maybe closing down one of the shops? You look pretty wrung out, Veronica.”
She scoffed, Yippers catching the small roll of her eyes. “Yes, surprisingly. But no one can handle her… Percy is gone… so I’m stuck on that front.” Rubbing her face, she mumbled. Her words slurred together, only broken by a silent yawn. “I can’t close down my shop, do you know how cruel that’d be, Yippers? Cherry, tch, she’d be heartbroken if nobody got their goods. Plus, I don’t have the paws to protect her stock, so the best bet is getting rid of it and getting something out of it instead of just letting sneaky paws run havoc.” A sharp glare moved down to the nebulruff wrapped up in her tail. At least, it would’ve been if Maddie wasn't currently gnawing through the wrapper of her third DigDogs bar. “Maddie!”
She squealed a giggle, grabbed as many bars as she could fit in her mouth before dashing out from under the table. Her tail was fluffed out, a bobbing flag that weaved through the crates and shelves of fragile bottles of spacedust.
“Get out of there!” Abandoning their conversation entirely, she scrambled to her feet and slithered around the back, wings flapping wildly as she hopped a stack of crates. “Ooh, just wait until mom gets home! Mama is gonna tell her all the naughty things you’ve done and she’s gonna pluck your brows!”
Her threat was followed by more squeaky laughter, the small nebulruff effortlessly slipping between tight nooks and crannies to escape her lumbering mother. “Uh-uh!” The muffled dispute echoed out in the quiet shop, Yippers slowly backing away until his tail hit the glass door behind him.
At the sound of glass shattering and a cracked “No!” The nebulruff quickly turned around and trotted out into the street for a few paces until he was positive he was in the clear. Well… that didn’t work out.
He managed to search nearly half of the village, working his way through the outskirts of the northwest side. Amber, why do you need to make these things so difficult? She wasn’t at her house, wasn’t in any of their usual hangout spots, at this rate I should just go see if that dragon guy munched her up! Even if venom dripped in his agitated thoughts, the nagging sensation of fear fluttered his heart. Hopefully that isn’t the case…
A slow creak registered in his ears, faint in the cold night air. Yippers peeked up, a familiar food truck slowly rolling up the hill in the distance. Well… it couldn’t hurt. There wasn’t a single chance Horizon would’ve seen her, but a small chat couldn’t hurt at this point. He had a good set of listening ears, and Yippers could use some of that phoeline’s lax nature to calm the twisting of his heart.
The walk wasn’t long thankfully, quickly catching up with the traveling chef as he pushed a boot under his wheels and popped the back of his establishment open. Horizon had set out a thick blanket, curling up on the tiled floor in the moonlight until his ears pricked and he looked up to spot the nebulruff trotting towards him.
“Why’a marching, marrer?”
Oh, this was not going to help the growing headache. A dull thrum of pain hummed at the back of his head. “Looking for Amber, no luck.” Yippers hopped into the truck with him, flopping over with an exasperated huff. “We had a disagreement a few days ago, I haven’t seen her since.”
Horizon laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “How rough, a rupture within a radical rapport. How will Yippers resolve this? Maybe a sizzlin’ sauna to settle those stressed shoulders and sort that sneer.” The phoeline settled his head down against the blanket, spacedust starting to simmer to rounded flames. A soft warmth seeped into the nebulruff’s fur, Yippers inching away. He couldn’t get distracted now, eventually Amber’s would show up eventually. He had to be there to fix this supposed ‘rupture’.
“I don’t need your sass you… you…” How did he manage this so effortlessly? “...smnh-erd.”
“Nerd!?” The phoeline chuckled, bumping his shoulder. “Nah, nah, nah. Not nerd, ah…“ After tapping his chin, Horizon proudly puffed his chest. ‘I don’t support your sass, you scoundrel’ surpasses by miles.”
Snorting, Yippers glanced down at his paws, chewing at the inside of his cheek. I should be out looking for her… not fooling around. This was supposed to be a short visit anyways, just like Lyla, just like Veronica. If Horizon knew where she was, he would’ve said something. He wanted to waste time the nebulruff didn’t have. What if she’s home by now? Or the library? What if she was looking for me and now thinks I’m hiding from her? Unless everyone had agreed to say nothing, she hadn’t told anyone about their small, miniscule spat outside of the village.
“Yo, Yips.” Horizon bumped him again, smoothing back his feathers as he spoke. “You’re always mucking about in misery when you make a mountain out of a molehill about your marrer. It’s not healthy.” Snuggling deeper into the cover, he fluffed up a pawful of blanket to form a loose pillow. Settling his head down, the phoeline’s eyes fluttered close, murmuring in his sleep. “Let’er live with it for a lil’ while. It’s not that cruel of a kick-up.”
The buzz of noise finally stopped, only ‘It’s not healthy.’ peeking out from the string of nonsensical word mash-ups. Well, the rest didn’t sound too pleased either, Yippers nodding his head to the other’s statement. “Yeah, yeah… I know.”
“Do you?” Horizon piqued up, the nebulruff’s head snapping to shoot him a hard glare. His sight shifted to the side of the other's head, spotting twinkles of neon light hitting the blades of grass beside them.
The phoeline’s mouth continued to move, but he was much too busy trailing his eyes up over the plain until they stopped at the silhouette of the treeline. Yippers pressed a paw against Horizon’s mouth, turning his head to look at the architecture that was currently peeking over the treetops. A ferris wheel gleaming blinding pinks, cyans, and greens spun slowly, countless rollercoasters twisting over and through each other with carts rocketing over their rails. Fireworks crackled through the air, blinking lights flashing through the trees.
A rustle caught his attention, small moving figures of villagers moving through the grass towards the noise. Pups, kittens, and guppies led the hoard, even the most routine of children breaking away from their parents to make a mad dash to the eye-catching entertainment. The massive horde moved as one, growing chatter numb against his ears even from this distance.
“That is the most suspicious sight I have ever seen.” Horizon scrunched his nose up, looking between the wandering crowd and the rays of light bleeding through the treeline. It’d be broken by a moving figure, Yippers half-expected to see a familiar set of oak claws running along the plains only to see it was… definitely not that. Three bodies flail wildly in the wind, mane bouncing with each bound towards the oncoming villagers. Claws dug up the soil, hooves clicking against dirt with a blunt tail billowing in the wind. On its back was a meek set of wings, hanging limp against the sides and—
Amber was riding this proverbial horse into battle with a wide grin across her face and laughter echoing through the sky. Yippers rubbed his face, mouth falling open at the side. What is with her and strange monstrosities!? This was the third time now, a flame of agitation flickering at his tensed heart. Well, I guess I’m not getting that apology. Clearly she hadn't listened.
Yippers started to lift up before a paw held his own down, Horizon looking up at him with a sharp glare. “Hit me up if you need to hightail it, Yippers.” Oh, good. I thought he was going to stop me. That would have been yet another awkward squabble he didn’t need, especially with someone with such dialect as Horizon.
He stumbled through the crowd, pushing past some just to be stepped on by others. A sharp yip left him, the paw lifting from his back and allowing the nebulruff to wriggle his way to the wall of children separating him from Amber.
“Welcome one and all!” A chalky voice echoed into the air, vines trailing down from its speaker. The gourd-headed nebulruff cackled, movements jerky as their body lurched back at an odd angle before falling forward.
The body to its right perked up, a flowing stingray hood draping over the sides of her face. “To the Careless— ow!” The middle body snapped up just to headbutt into the other side before falling limp again. “To the Carefree Circus! Where you can have so much fun you’ll…” She rolled her eyes, voice holding nothing but deep-rooted sarcasm. “...die. I’m jealous— Stop that!” Another smack, the rightmost using her single paw to smack against the other before thudding into the chest of their conjoined bodies in a slacked hang. Wait— they’re-? No. No, no, no. Not unpacking that, not doing this again, I’m not letting some other ‘Edward’ try to kill us! Yippers began to thread through the sea of children.
“Brought to you b-b-by…” A shrill cry made his ears pin back, a beaked phoeline wiping nonexistent tears from her face. “-...the Travesty Sisters!” She wailed, breaking into a full sob until a strangled noise cut it short and she fell forward to make way for the middle… sister.
“Come, come! Take a ticket, free of charge! In fact, everything is free of charge!” A plume of smoke escaped from her carved mouth, hacking into her arm before a set of claws shivered out from the mane with thick handfuls of golden tickets.
Children quickly nabbed what they could, knocking them to the ground in a wild kerfuffle. As soon as they had a ticket snapped between their teeth, like clockwork, they beelined towards the growing carnival. Each disappeared body caused a blanket of fog to shoot out from whatever bush they had trampled, more and more chasing figures causing a thick blanket of darkness to overtake the forest.
“Trust me, you don’t want to go without one. Come on, it's free!” The middle sister shoved tickets into parents hands before they moved to random groups of nebs, tossing tickets their way before using their tail to swish them in that direction.
“Come on guys, it's so fun!” Amber squealed from their back, any hesitant nebs glancing over at her before shrugging and forming a line for a ticket. She giggled, hopping down from the ginormous figure and was quickly met with a sweating, trampled Yippers.
“What are you doing!?” He nearly yelped, looking at the two tickets held by Amber’s paws with disgust. “Don’t tell me you—”
“Already been there!” She chuckled, hopping on the tips of her feet. “It’s so fun, Yippers! I need to go find Laylah, she’s going to have the time of her life.” As the nebulruff turned to move away, Yippers instinctively reached out to hold her tail down with a paw.
Oh, shoot— He pulled away just as his paw had darted out, wiping it off while he cleared his throat. “Amber, you can’t tell me you trust these people. That-... ‘Carnival’ appeared out of nowhere! These people appeared out of nowhere, and you can’t tell me that you know that person and haven’t decided to tell me until now!”
“I mean, I could. But that’d just be lying.” Amber blinked, tilting her head to the side. “You shouldn’t be such a worry-wart, Yippers. I already told you I don't need you to babysit me. If these nebulruffs were so dangerous, then I would be dead by now, I’ve been with them the entire day!”
“You— That’s where you’ve been!?” He couldn’t believe it, he was appalled. Distance didn’t cut it, Lyla.
“Yep! And it’d been so fun. I really think you should take a ticket, these guys are lovely!” She picked one up off the ground, offering it to him.
Yippers simply turned away from it, not willing to take it or swat it out of the other’s hand. “Amber— please, just think this through—!”
“Think? Ooh, are you calling this lovely little lady brainless?” A foreboding figure appeared behind him, just a single paw making up a majority of his height. The middle sibling hung upside down in front of him, a permanent grin over her face. “Such a rude thing coming from a little runt!” She picked him up with the small talons, shaking him wildly in the air before the leftmost sister.
“As if you can speak, halfwit.” She sneered, backhanding the other over the head with her single paw. “As far as I can see it's Quintsy and I making us so grotesquely large.” A hoofed hind leg kicked against the dirt, tail flicking behind them.
“If you keep talking the only half there’ll be is your half being sent through a blender!”
“I wish.”
“Oh, girls, please…” The beaked sister picked herself up, nervously chewing at the tips of her paws. “Roger would hate to see us—”
“Shut. Up. About. Roger!!” The middle sister snarled in her face, Quintsy immediately shying away with a frightful cry. “Roger is not here! Roger will never be here! Roger is somewhere out there— probably with some other lady!”
That pulled another shrill wail, the phoeline’s body flailing around with her arm waving around erratically. She continued to screech and cry, the right sister covering one of her ears. “Now look what you did, Lassy, you ninny!”
“Maybe she should keep her trap shut! Y’know what?” A talon tugged on a strand from their shared mane, the ragdolling body falling limp with a hearty thump. “There, see? Problem solved.”
“You are such a rotten, calloused, conniving little—” Another strand of mane pulled, leaving only the middle sister remaining.
“Finally… no more yip yap yapping.” She took a step closer, attempting to hand Yippers another ticket.
His tongue pushed against the roof of his mouth, starting to form a no until Amber pushed past him to hop on their back and settle down. Lyla soon followed, Yippers head twisting back in shock. Where had she even—? How fast—?
“Yippers, you’ve already abandoned me once, so I wont be mad if you leave me again. At least this time I still have people who support me.” She rested her head on Lyla’s shoulder, the nebulruff’s head fixated towards the carnival. “If you want to stay by yourself all alone while we all have fun, you can do that. Just know this is the worst way to fix what you broke, m’kay?”
“What—? Amber, stop!” He reached out as the massive centaur turned its back, smacking the side of his face with their tail. They broke into a quick canter, more and more nebulruffs pooling in to follow them into the thick smog. Why does no one listen to me?
Yippers looked back, in just a few minutes the entire clearing had emptied, loud laughter, screams, and cheers sounding off from inside the forest. He glanced back over at Horizon, seeing the phoelines eyes glinting within the darkness of his makeshift home. He’s right… this is suspicious… He took a step towards him, hearing a crackle under his paws as a silky texture hit them.
A crumpled ticket poked up from the tall grass, a nagging prickle of fear itching over his skin. It was suspicious, there was no sense of reality in it, none of this should be happening and it had to be dangerous.
But… he couldn’t abandon Amber. I’m the reason she had to find someone else, I should’ve been there. I came here to apologize and I couldn’t even do that, I snapped instead. Shaking his head, the small nebulruff snapped the ticket between his jaws and quickly followed behind the trail of hoofprints left by the sisters.