Grimfeir Grimfeir

4 August 2022 (2 years ago)

Grimfeir's Profile

| Grim | He/Him | Minor |


|  Contact / Social Info  |

Please only contact me on my discord or main toyhouse if you need something! I don't respond to random 'Hi/Hello'  messages outside of servers unless we're friends, sorry :')

Discord - Grimfeir

DA - Grimfeir

Main Toyhouse Account - Grimfeir

Species Toyhouse Account - RatsBurrow

Other Toyhouse Acounts


Nebs are currently being resorted and folders are being remade! sorry for the mess </3 


| Folders| 

If you want to be pinged if a neb goes for sale, I have a pinglist here!

| My Meow Meows and Me | 

Mainly my sonas or characters that act like mascots. 

| 01 | 

Characters that are very important to me but don't represent me in any way. They will never be leaving me. 

| 02 |

I love these characters but can see myself selling them one day. Not for offers unless stated.

| 03 |

Still important to me but I can let them go. Entertaining offers but tent on most of them.

| 04 |

Characters I've lost interest in, up for offers!

| Family Folders |

Nebs will large families that I want to keep together in folders.  

| CBC Folders |

Character based character nebs, if I have 5+ characters (or plan on getting more cbc of the fandom) will be in their own folders.


| Character Keys |

These keys show what city they live in! More info about the cities can be found on my toyhouse

☀️ - Sunglow Avenue

🌑 - Moondrop Crossing

💫 - Starfall Kingdom

🌊 - Iridescent Sea

☄️- Comet Station

🎃 - Hallow's Eve

🕊️ - Dove Lane

🎭- Rigel Blacktop

🎂 - Birthday Palace

🎒- Traveler / Wanderers

📻- Downtown Media

⏳- Other / Unknown

31148 Startokens
3 Treat candies
33 Trick candies
Shifty Amphiptere Statue
Rare Potion
Mutation Potion
Rare MYO Ticket

Characters / Nebulruffs / Merruffs / Phoelines

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