Nebulruff Secret Santa Sign-Up

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by RamoftheEarth

Welcome to the Nebulruff Secret Santa, a mini event based around gift art.
Everyone who enters will be assigned a random person to draw art of their Nebulruff, and on the 25th, you can share the art you’ve drawn! Be sure to send the art to the person only on the 25th! If you need an extension please DM Emmet/RamoftheEarth

You can submit any amount of Nebulruffs, but only one will be drawn.

Art must have some amount of effort in it, a uncoloured, messy sketch wouldn’t be acceptable.

You have until the 30th of November to sign up, and RamoftheEarth will DM you on the 1st of December with the person you were assigned. You will be DM’ed on the 18th to see your progress, that’s a loose due date, but it should be finished by the 23rd. Don’t be afraid to ask if you need more time!

Keep it a secret!! You can share your art with others but don’t let the person it’s meant for see it! 

Please only sign up if you’re positive you can finish your art. However, life does happen, and there’s no shame in needing to back out.

If you have any questions, comment under this post or DM RamoftheEarth on discord!

Google form is here


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