Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Yakko

This post will be used as a TLDR for lore drops! It will not contain lore drops from current events but will be updated once that event has passed! It will be a vague summarization and only include the most important details! This is not  recommended  as the sole tracker for the story, just a simple reminder!

Hearts Festival [2023]

Amber has been MIA for months and has been keeping a rather bad-mannered guest trapped in her basement trying to find answers on what happened August 5th.

Shop Event [2023]

Trench and Sylvie had been traveling together to Hometown. A mysterious figure bumps into them, asking for the nearest village. Question unanswered, they stalk off.

April Event [2023]

Maddox and Percival meet Trench and Sylvie halfway on their way to Hometown, only spending a short amount of time together before an explosion sounds off in the direction of Amber's home.

May Event [2023]

The village is evacuated in the wake of the explosion, the bad-mannered guest being revealed as Bullet, the explosion caused by a Griffin. The mysterious figure makes another appearance, seemingly controlling the beast. During their exit, Percival and Kip jump on, being carried away before Amber appears from the treeline. After snapping at her, Maddox runs off in the direction of the village.

Howloween Event [2023]

While the villagers fretted over or questioned Amber and her disappearance back in town, Cherry and Yippers learned about the news about Percival and Kip. A troublesome visitor appears. using mischevious magic to form a mansion to home the villagers while their town is under lockdown. Maddox is not among them, Cherry, Trench, and Sylvie escaping while Yipper hangs back to keep his eye on Amber. During their escape it is revealed the mansion is haunted and rotted, its butler, Edward warning them of the dangers of the outside world. Finding his tent crushed to smitherins, Cherry finds his scent trail and they head off.

November Event [2023]

Following his trail into the marshes, the trio is caught by a shopkeeper who gifted them magical amulets. In return she tells Sylvie to not only find her daughter but to show mercy to her.  Sylvie does not tell the others, the shopkeeper disappearing. On their way out, it is discovered the amulets have given them new forms they have yet to be accustomed to.

December Event [2023]

Kip and Percival, the latter wakes up surrounded by a mountainous range. He finds an unconcious Kip by the croaks of his frog companion. Figuring they had fallen off the Griffin as it raced through the sky, Pericival, using his dragon form, carries Kip into the sky and is met with other nebulruffs in their dragon forms traveling, They bring him to a village solely occupied by dragons but is soon chased out when Kip is unable to change into his dragon form. Shortly after leaving, Kip wakes up and starts worrying about Amber, snapping at Percival when he implies she might be dead and demanding he leave him alone.

MYO Event [2024]

 Cherry, Trench, and Sylvie, they're stopped by an ocean before them, Trench using his amulet to travel through the waters in his newly obtained form. They're caught by opposing merruffs, soldiers of another queen by the name of Mira who is warring with Queen Luana. Thrown in prison, they find Maddox and using his spacedust, Sylvies flames, and Trench's strength, they escape and continue on their path to the mainland.

Hearts Festival [2024]

Amber and Yippers, the latter follows Amber around town while she runs a few errands. Gambling at Vegas's casino,  returning items for more startokens, and finally traveling into the dense forest of the island to trade her money for a shifty statue from Bozo. After acting recklessly, Yipper's worry causes Amber to stomp off. It's later discovered she had left her wallet there, but when Yippers goes searching for it, he is unable to find it.

Track the Griffin Pt 1 Event [2024]

Finding a shore-side town,  Cherry, Trench, Maddox, and Sylvie go into a shop looking for supplies. The shopkeeper tells them Mira's forces have taken over the town and continue to do so along the shoreline. In return for gear and supplies, the group splits up to complete favors for the shopkeepers friends. While Trench and Cherry go diving for treasure, Maddox and Sylvie must clean out dangerous rat-sized lice from an old merruffs basement. After almost dying, Maddox uses his new form to lead the pest away and the group are sent off with their rewards.

April Event [2024]

During a nightmare, a memory surfaces of a child Pericival being bullied by other nebulruffs, specifically one known as Amaryllis. He's chased through the woods, only getting a moment of piece before he's caught again by one of Amaryllis's friends. In a moment of panic he attacked the other nebulruff, using his dragon form to scare the others away. He hides in the forest, search parties tracking through during nightfall searching for him. Found by Kip, the hyena promises their friendship and reassures Percival nothing will change. The nightmare ends with Percival being found, waking up to Kip simultaneously asking for help while complaining about his presence.

August Event [2024]

Cherry, Trench, Maddox, and Sylvie are traversing through the forest heading for the closest village to resupply, its been a few days. Cherry and Trench bicker the majority of the day away until they settle down for camp. Leaving Cherry and Maddox to set up camp, Trench takes Sylvie to net fish and try to figure if she's feeling alright or not. Summing up all her woes to "I'm fine." they are dutifully interrupted by a panicked Cherry who warns them an encampment of soldiers is nearby and ransacked their supplies. The three head off, spying on the camp until Maddox joins them and it's discovered Kip's hat is down there along with the supposed scent of Percival. They're discovered by soldiers during their eavedropping and must run to escape their troubles. Making a 'plan', Maddox and Trench split up to lead the soldiers away and left Cherry and Sylvie to fend for themselves. Finding a place to rest, Cherry gets little of her complaints heard before the wall of the cliff opens up and they're dragged down into an abyss.


September Event [2024]

Current Event.


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