NEB-3400: Aurora's Links

Relationship Status: Family
"W-well, I still wanted to try, zeesh. Next time you get attacked by a- wait, no I couldn't fight that. A SQUIRREL, see if I care." (Brothers)
"I appreciate that you're trying to be protective, but I'm twice your size. I don't need to be protected." (Brothers)

Relationship Status: Family
"Like hell you'll go back! I know the minute I let you go you'll be running back off to where you're not s'pposed to be!" (Siblings)
"Aurora hey I can walk on my own two paws! You don't need to drag me! I'll go back!" (Siblings)

Relationship Status: Family
"C'mon dad, teach me how to fight! I'll be great at it! Promise!" (Adoptive son)
"Aurora, I don't doubt you'll be an amazing fighter someday. But I don't fight, I'm sorry. I'd be happy to purchase you some guide books, though." (Adoptive father)

Relationship Status: Family
"Hey papa? Why didn't you keep us? It doesn't look like there's anything that wants to hurt us here... so?" (Biological son)
"There's... much more going on behind the scenes that you know, Aurora. There's not a day that goes by that I don't wish I could have, though." (Biological father)

Relationship Status: Family
"Hey, father? What's the pack like? You don't talk about your family much, and I've been... curious." (Biological son)
"I... it's. Well. It's my family, as... difficult as they can be. It's a rough-and-tumble life, but I care for them, and they care for me. Simple as that." (Biological father)