PHO-769: Megalophobia

name: Playground Pal, "Pal"
designation: MGPH, or"Megalophobia"
threat level: moderate

containment measures: MGPH is to be kept on site 3, section 6, outdoors, with large concrete fencing measuring about 30 feet enclosing the area. inside the fence is to be furnished with picnic tables, playground equipment, a section comprised of mulch or sand, and a 2-5 foot deep ball pit located underneath MGPH's monkey bar spine.

childrens snacks, such as juice boxes, chips, and cut fruit, are to be supplied throughout the hours of 9 am, to 2 pm. hot meals such as pizza, sandwhiches, nuggets and various sides are to be supplied from 11 am, to 12 pm, and 5 pm to 6 pm. appropriate personnel are tasked with repainting MGPH's metallic body and cleaning its windows. a licensed kindergarten teacher must be on site every week day for up to a minimum of 4 hours. a trained childs psychologist is to visit instances of MGPH-01 bi-weekly.

all personnel interacting with instances of MGPH-01 are to be relatively skilled or fluent in ASL.

after incident-MG-01, no children are to be involved with testing of MGPH, anomalous or otherwise.
(Addendum: exceptions are to be made for EMPH.)

after incident-MG-02, personnel must undergo psychological screening for irritability and anger issues before being cleared to approach within 50 feet of MGPH. anomalies must have a record of patient, non-violent interaction before being allowed within 50 ft.

after incident-MG-02, newly hired foundation personnel are to be accompanied by foundation personnel with MGPH-specific clearance until 4 visits have passed without incident. interacting with instances of MGPH-01 is not advised before this time.

description: MGPH is a large, cat-shaped preschool building, measuring 14 meters tall (from head to nearest leg) when dormant. many of its body parts are hollow buildings. the chest cavity contains the main classroom, connecting to the front storage and lunch room legs via hallway. the legs contain an extra classroom, a playroom, a lunch room, and a storage room each. the back leg flanks have paw-print shaped windows set into their front.  the door to the chest cavity, aswell as a ladder to a set of monkey bars shaped to resemble a spine, is located inside the chest itself.

the monkey bars, which are partially made of an unknown ectoplasmic material / bodily spacedust, lead to an elevated platform located above both back rooms. on this platform is the opening to its large, tube-slide tail. the inside of the tail is coated with the same spacedust material.

after sunset, the painted eyes of MGPH turn on like a spotlight, and glow enough to illuminate the fenced in area.

during the day, instances of MGPH-01, ghostlike apparitions of phoeline children ranging from ages 4-13, can be found playing in, on or around MGPH. these apparitions cannot speak verbally, but have been taught ASL by foundation staff to communicate their desires. they possess the average intelligence of children in their respective age ranges.

MGPH's abilities are, largely, unknown, as it spends almost all of its time in a dormant state. in 3 instances, it has become active. the majority of these instances was paired with immense hostility. when it is in an active state, is it capable of moving freely. its large size and the hard plastics and metals composing its body present a lethal danger to those it deems threats to instances of MGPH-01. personnel are to be removed from the premises immediately should this occur.

in the event it is impossible to remove personnel, a childs psychologist and a crime scene clean up crew should be dispatched as soon as possible. testing after this point must be halted for a minimum of 3 weeks.

incident report MG-01:  Date: [DATE REDACTED[, (WIP)











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