2023 November Event Lore Drop!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Yakko“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Sylvie piqued from atop Trench’s shoulders, for once she was much more well-off than her companions as Trench yanked his foot from yet another mud hole.
Cherry shook her head, sneezing out a beetle as Maddox’s trail led deeper into the murky waters. “The nose never lies Sylvie, plus we don’t really have anything else to go off of so…yeah.”
Sylvie bit her tongue, eyes wide as she scanned their surroundings, searching for a way to continue the mind-numbing dialogue. Only the fireflies could calm her nerves, flickering in their winding trails around the moss-laden trees. Her ears swiveled at each twig snap, each ripple of water, each chitter or chirp. The sky had finally begun to lighten but it would be at least another hour or so before the sun peeked over the horizon, why was she taking so long? Had something happened? Was she just as fearful? Why did these shadows seem to reach out to Sylvie’s light? Sylvie cowered at the gnarly trees whose knots were enunciated by her flames, their branches reaching out like talons to take what was hers. Trench’s interruption of her spiraling thoughts and questions almost toppled her off of her perch.
“Hey- can you loosen up on the claws? My shoulders are still sore y’know.” His face scrunched as her grip tightened trying not to fall off.
“Oh, yeah…sorry” Sylvie’s voice was barely a whisper as she tugged her claws out, feeling Trench relax once her death grip was loosened.
Attempting to lighten the mood, Trench cleared his throat and spoke thoughtfully. “Too bad this here is all freshwater, otherwise traversing would be easy-peasy.”
Cherry scoffed at the notion, swatting aside an especially nosey reed bush. “Yeah right, with how you ‘traverse’ we’d be smackin’ up against every submerged log and trunk in this entire marsh!” She rubbed the bruise on her head, regretting it as soon as her paw touched the irritated area. “Me n’ Syvlie would know.”
“Sylvie can be argued, I think you’re just a clutz.” Trench let out a hearty laugh, Cherry rolling her eyes despite the smile growing on her face. “Speaking of, how’s the battle scar holding up Sylv?”
She smiled meekly, the bandage’s trim had curled as the threading came loose but for the most part, it was doing the best it could. “I’m fine, It’s fine.”
“Good, good…sure it’s doing better than Cherry’s fat nose, I’m surprised she can smell anything after that butler freak bopped her with an entire door!” Another string of laughs and chuckles soon followed with Cherry quickly spitting back a defense.
Sylvie tuned them out as much as she could, only catching a single word here or there as she closed her eyes and allowed her shoulders to sag.
Cherry circled an exceptionally large sycamore, doing a double-take she raised a brow. “Okay…the trail ends here but…there’s no Maddox? Or anywhere he could have gone…” She leaned down once more, there was no doubt he was here at some point, and quite recently. “Do you think he went up? Why would he do that?”
Trench stepped forward, examining the bark for any scratches. “Maybe to get a better look of the surroundings…or for all we know he was just so mad that only climbing a tree could calm his nerves.” He forced a laugh, no marks were etched into the trunk. “What do you think Sylvie?” He twisted his head to the side to check up on the small phoeline. “Sylv?”
Trench circled, unable to get a clear view of his back. His thrashing even caught Cherry’s attention, looking up from where the scent was fixated the most. “Where is she?” Trench turned his back to the sycamore, had she gone off for some reason? The yelp behind him caught his attention as he whipped around, Cherry? The nebulruff was absent, the only clue left behind being a ripple where she just stood. It led nowhere, had she gone under? Above? Before Trench could call out either of them a vine wrapped around his ankle, whipping him from his feet it dragged him up the entire tree. Momentarily airborne, tossed above the treeline Trench could spot a shoreline just past where the marsh ended, had they really traveled that far? He felt gravity tug him back down, twisting in an attempt to catch himself as he was sent flying down the middle of the hollowed-out sycamore.
Anyone would expect the landing to be harsh, splintery, and maybe a little fatal, but instead Trench was welcomed in the warm embrace of a bed of lush greenery. Feathers twice his length lined the nest, looking around the only way out being a doorway with a tacky patterned blanket hiding the other side. Slowly, still entirely not sure why he wasn’t dead or at least extremely maimed, Trench lifted himself from the bedding, crawling forward and listening for any sign of movement. Using a webbed paw he pushed aside the blanket by just a sliver, peeking into the other room he spotted Cherry…and Sylvie! Slightly more confident Trench entered the emporium. Identical shelves lined the walls, knick-knacks, pickled organs, and items of mythical descent hid in the shadows, with only a meek warm lantern saving them from eternal darkness. Where there wasn't a pricetag there were plants, mostly those belonging to much warmer climates than what was expected here, but by some miracle, their leaves were a perfect healthy green, not a single rot in sight.
“Ooh! And that one?” Cherry’s coo brought Trench back from his thoughts, her voice squeaking with interest as she eyed an array of shiny jewelry.
A third party joined them, at first to Trench’s shock but in all fairness they were drowning in the shadows, their form seeming to drain the adjacent lantern of its already flickering light. Their voice was aged, and scratchy, that of a nebulruff who inhaled nothing but pure ash and smog.
“This ring protects you from those of avian descent.” A gnarled claw spun the ring around, its ruby facing Cherry’s glimmering eyes. “This-” They pushed forward an anklet. “-has the ability to give you the strength of a dozen dragons.” Their words were followed by an array of oohs and ahhs from Cherry as Sylvie’s eyes were glued to the hood figure's rotting talons.
She squeaked as Trench shouted from his corner of the room. “Cherry! What in the mother of pearl are you doing!?”
Cherry whipped around, flashes of surprise and embarrassment crossed her face before she twisted it into a haughty glare. “I’m trying to get us some supplies!” When that didn’t seem like enough she quickly added: “And I’m seeing if this wonderful fellow shopkeeper saw Maddox.”
“Looked like you were googling at some questionable trinkets.” He snorted, eyeing the shopkeeper cautiously, the last time he trusted a hooded figure in the wetlands it did not go well.
“They’re not questionable! They’re enchanted.” She waved her paws around to enunciate the ‘enchanted’ aspect. “I thought maybe we could use some of ‘em in our travels! We got more to do other than find Maddox after all.”
Not amused at the slightest Trench slithered over beside Cherry, glaring at these… ‘enchanted items’ before turning his attention back to Cherry. “Have you even asked for any proof? How safe these things actually are? Do you even know what you’re looking for or have the money to buy it?”
“I mean this lovely lady was telling me her stock before you rudely interrupted us and insulted her-!” She glanced at the silent figure apologetically before continuing. “-and of course I have the tokens! They’re in my wallet at…my…house.” Her boisterous tone shriveled away as the realization struck her.
“Fantastic.” Trench rolled his eyes. “Now, seeing as we have nothing to offer to this…” He gestured at the keeper who lacked any physical or verbal response. “...shopkeeper, let’s get a move on.”
“Wait! Maybe they take I.O.U’s!” Cherry halted Trench in his tracks. “I haven’t even had the chance to ask about Maddox-!” They continued to bicker as the hooded figure leaned down from their podium, nearly knocking all the jewelry from its surface.
Sylvie stepped back, eyes still wide as the figure spoke directly to her. “You don’t have much, but I know you have enough for some of my cheaper items.” The shopkeeper reached below where she stood, taking out a small wooden box. Picking a key from under her shawl, it popped open, Sylvie had to crane her neck to peek at what was inside, even if hesitant. The nebulruff reached around the lid, picking out an orange amulet to drop in Sylvie’s paws. “This is fit for you.” She picked out three more identical amulets, however, this time they were colored red, teal, and purple respectively. “These are for your friends, the teal,” She clicked its gleaming surface. “ for your aquatic friend specifically.”
Sylvie nodded, her mouth dry as she dared a question. “What will they do?”
The old enchantress winked, her scarred face once hidden in shadow now visible against Sylvie’s glowing spacedust. “Wear them and you’ll see, they’ll make you strong inside and out.”
Not expecting a more specific answer, Sylvie asked another. “Have you seen a fox nebulruff? His spacedust isn’t like ours, more…drippy? He has a scar over his nose, maybe you heard him complaining?”
The shopkeeper let out a breathy laugh interrupted by a cough. “Yes, yes, I saw him, brought him in here.” She shook her head. “He wasn’t interested in my wares, much like your friend there.” She flicked a claw towards Trench, who was still arguing with Cherry. “Told me he had to keep chasing some beast, had his son. Said I saw some beast fly towards the ocean, after that he immediately took off in that direction.” Another chuckle. “Sure the fall didn’t feel good.”
Her mood brightened, she saw Maddox! And he was okay! Well, he had to be at least a little ok, otherwise, they would have seen his body at the bottom of the sycamore. Still, a worm of doubt slithered and squirmed in her thoughts. “Why are you helping us?”
“Smart head on those shoulders…” The nebulruff complimented warmly. “I guess it’s due to the fact I need assistance, and I’m well aware two of you are capable.” She leaned closer, whispering. “I give you these amulets, free of monetary charge. In return, you show mercy to my daughter…and bring her home if you can.” Sylvie was taken aback, jaw agape as the shopkeeper turned her back to her, exiting the room through a hidden trapdoor. Only the amulets remained on the abandoned podium, Sylvie still clutching the one given to her in her paws.
“Hey! Where’d she go?” Cherry called just in time, padding back over to Sylvie who stuttered before Cherry or Trench could interrupt her.
“She saw Maddox! And…” Sylvie thought for a moment, tightening her jaw before making the ultimate decision. “...and I had some leftover Startokens in my scarf.” She handed them their respective amulets, keeping the extra for when they found Maddox. “The shopkeeper said that these protect us and make us strong.” Cherry put hers on excitedly, Trench was much more hesitant and only pressed to do so when Cherry gave him a deathly glare.
“And Maddox?” He raised a brow.
“She said she saw him head toward the ocean from here, she tried to help him but he wouldn’t take it.”
“Sounds like Maddox.” Cherry chirped, Trench nodding in agreeance. “Well at least we have an actual lead, and he can’t be far so we better hurry!” Scanning the room she bounded towards a hollow that led to the outside. It was quite a ways up, Sylvie questioned how Maddox survived such a fall, maybe he used his dragon form?
Before Sylvie could bring it up Cherry beat her to it. “I think we should use our dragon forms to get down at least, it's much too crowded to fly but it’s better than a leap of faith.”
Trench took the lead, hanging off the edge of the hollow before scales rippled underneath his fur, growing in size as spines grew from his back. Or…it should’ve stopped as spines, they grew upward but a carapace emerged from their base, a hard shell forming as his once lean forearms shrunk to more stumpy, clumsy claws Trench scrabbled for any catch but it was all done in vain. He let out a shocked caterwaul as his grip slipped, falling toward the ground instead of a slithery, serpent-like figure catching itself the result was stuck on his back.
“WOAH! Trench!” Cherry shot forward, attempting to shift into her own dragon form. “Are you alright-!?” Instead of expert claws digging into the bark hooves scrabbled against its course surface as Cherry too launched at mach speeds directly towards the earth. “Hey hey HEY- woah- no- NO!” A thud echoed as she landed on Trench, bouncing off and crashing into the murky waters.
Sylvie looked on in absolute shock, barely peeking over the edge she made sure they were still moving and- well- alive before eyeing the amulet the enchantress had given her. Its stone gleamed mischievously, a chicken etched onto its surface.