anthroach anthroach

18 September 2022 (2 years ago)
11 Aug
any pronouns

cathy | 20 | any pronouns (she/her preferred rn  but it varies)

I'll make an actual bio later wahhh

13221 Startokens
2 Treat candies
25 Trick candies
Phoenix essence
Mutation Myo Ticket
Mutation Myo Ticket
Dingo Dango Dongo
No awards earned.

Characters / Nebulruffs / Merruffs / Phoelines


Jerma Avatar
Featured by Owner

I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I want to see you out that door
Baby bye bye bye
Don't want to be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
Bye bye
Don't really want to make it tough
I just want to tell you that I've had enough
It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye

2024-10-13 12:20:29 (Edited 2024-10-13 12:24:31)

flooferlooser Avatar
flooferlooser she/they/it
Featured by Owner

"Gabriel" is the true antagonist of The Mandela Catalogue and the first Alternate [1]. It is a Type Two Alternate first appearing in Overthrone, where it systematically sabotage the Annunciation, and presumably prevent Christ from being born. After this, it claims itself to be the "one true savior" of humanity, implying that it has taken Christ's role in history.

2024-06-19 12:50:38 (Edited 2024-06-19 12:52:45)

glittertimez Avatar
glittertimez Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Midas is a Legendary Outfit in Fortnite, that could have been unlocked by reaching Level 100 of the Chapter 2: Season 2 Battle Pass. Midas is part of the Golden Ghost Set.

2024-04-14 08:23:17 (Edited 2024-04-14 08:24:18)

Mouselobite Avatar
Mouselobite Staff Member He/They (she/her not pref)
Featured by Owner

Dr. Albert Wesker (アルバート・ウェスカー?) (c.1960-2009) was an accomplished virologist notorious for his work with groups affiliated with the bio-weapons black market.

Originally one of the test subjects in Project W who specialized in biotechnology and bioengi

2024-02-01 18:28:16 (Edited 2024-02-01 18:29:14)

flooferlooser Avatar
flooferlooser she/they/it


2024-01-06 07:32:32

anthroach Avatar
anthroach any pronouns

haaaaiiii!!! ^_^

2024-01-06 14:26:10

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