Treat candies (treat)

Treats are an howloween (October event) exclusive item, this item is only useful during the month of October! The only store that accepts Treat Candies is Frankie's Cart (also only shows up during October)
if you have any of these treats leftover from Octobers event, you may cash them in for star tokens (10 tokens each candy) or you may hold onto it until next years event!
Trick candies (Trick)

Trick Candies are an howloween (October event) exclusive item, this item is only useful during the month of October! The only store that accepts Trick Candies is Frankie's Cart (also only shows up during October)
if you have any of these Tricks leftover from Octobers event, you may cash them in for star tokens (5 tokens each candy) or you may hold onto it until next years event!