
<a href=" Neb Box" class="display-item">Shifty Neb Box</a>

Shifty Neb Box

Category: Redesign Items


This box contained ONE SHIFTY dragon form! It will roll any form from any species, but this one favors Nebulruff Forms!


Note:  Forms from this box can be used on any species!

<a href=" Merr Box" class="display-item">Shifty Merr Box</a>

Shifty Merr Box

Category: Redesign Items


This box contains ONE SHIFTY dragon form! It will roll any form from any species, but this one favors Merruff Forms!


Note: Forms from this box can be used on any species!

<a href=" Phoe Box" class="display-item">Shifty Phoe Box</a>

Shifty Phoe Box

Category: Redesign Items


This box contains ONE SHIFTY dragon form! It will roll any from any species, but this one favors Phoeline Forms!


Note:  Forms from this box can be used on any species!

<a href=" Cocktail" class="display-item">Tail Cocktail</a>

Tail Cocktail

Category: Redesign Items

A fine cocktail of all sorts of fishy appendages!

This item can give your nebulruff or phoeline any Uncommon merruff trait.

<a href="' Piece O' Cake" class="display-item">Peepin' Piece O' Cake</a>

Peepin' Piece O' Cake

Category: Redesign Items

It's waving hello!

This item can give your nebulruff or phoeline any Rare merruff trait.

<a href=" Gelatin" class="display-item">Gluttonous Gelatin</a>

Gluttonous Gelatin

Category: Redesign Items

Somebody stab it with a spoon or something-! Oh wait, it ate that too...

This item can give your nebulruff or phoeline any Mutation merruff trait.

<a href="'s Nest" class="display-item">Bird's Nest</a>

Bird's Nest

Category: Redesign Items

Are those... actual feathers?

This item can give your nebulruff or merruff any Uncommon phoeline trait.

<a href=" Treat" class="display-item">Sweetmeat Treat</a>

Sweetmeat Treat

Category: Redesign Items

You think if you cooked it, it'd just be as good as mother's recipe?

This item can give your nebulruff of merruff any Rare phoeline trait.

<a href=" Peppa' Challenge" class="display-item">Hot Peppa' Challenge</a>

Hot Peppa' Challenge

Category: Redesign Items

Seems more capsaicin than pepper... is it even a pepper?

This item can give your nebulruff or merruff any Mutation phoeline trait!

<a href=" Mold" class="display-item">Buzzsaw Mold</a>

Buzzsaw Mold

Category: Redesign Items

Let time do the work for you!

With this item, you can give your Merruff the Helicoprion Jaw trait!

<a href="' Helpin' Hotcakes!" class="display-item">Heapin' Helpin' Hotcakes!</a>

Heapin' Helpin' Hotcakes!

Category: Redesign Items

Each flapjack seems to open your eyes to a new you all over again, how eerie!

This item can give your character the Multi Alternate Forms trait.

<a href="'s Nuggets" class="display-item">Lizzy's Nuggets</a>

Lizzy's Nuggets

Category: Redesign Items

Hold on tight, we got a live one!

This item can give your character the No Tail trait.

<a href="" class="display-item">Leftovers</a>


Category: Redesign Items

I wonder how many of these Maddox has found... think he took a nibble of any?

This item can give your character the Full Skeleton trait!

<a href=" Coconut" class="display-item">Kooky Coconut</a>

Kooky Coconut

Category: Redesign Items

Awh, what a scamp! Careful, you're losing all your glitter!

This item can give your character the Full Fur trait!

<a href=" Shake-up" class="display-item">Shimmering Shake-up</a>

Shimmering Shake-up

Category: Redesign Items

Hm... this drink looks familiar... hey, lets start a greenhouse!

This item can give your character the Full Spacedust trait!

<a href=" on a Stick" class="display-item">Sugar-Syrup on a Stick</a>

Sugar-Syrup on a Stick

Category: Redesign Items

Hm... this treat looks familiar... you have the sudden urge to cause CHAoS¡

This item can give your character the Hivemind trait!

<a href=" Crown" class="display-item">Basilisk Crown</a>

Basilisk Crown

Category: Redesign Items

Ew... it blinked.

This item can be used to give your character the Scales trait!

<a href=" Form Box" class="display-item">Spooky Form Box</a>

Spooky Form Box

Category: Redesign Items


Awh, cute!


<a href=" Manticore "Statue"" class="display-item">Shifty Manticore "Statue"</a>

Shifty Manticore "Statue"

Category: Redesign Items

This "statue" can give your character Manticore Form, regardless of species.

It feels like it's breathing....

<a href=" Yeti "Statue"" class="display-item">Shifty Yeti "Statue"</a>

Shifty Yeti "Statue"

Category: Redesign Items

This "statue" can give your character Yeti Form, regardless of species.

It feels like it's watching you...

115 results found.