This is a visual index of all Phoelines-specific traits. Click a trait to view more info on it!
Standard Eyes [PHO] (Common)
Heterochromia Eyes [PHO] (Uncommon)
Blank Eyes [PHO] (Rare)
Colored Sclera [PHO] (Rare)
Glowing Eyes [PHO] (Rare)
Abnormal Eyes [PHO] (Mutation)
Spacedust Eyes [PHO] (Mutation)
Cyclops Eye [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Folded Ears [PHO] (Common)
No ears [PHO] (Common)
Standard Upright Ears [PHO] (Common)
Feathered Ears [PHO] (Uncommon)
Round Ears [PHO] (Uncommon)
Tufted Ears [PHO] (Uncommon)
Standard Paw Pads [PHO] (Common)
Shaped Paw Pads [PHO] (Rare)
No Paw Pads [PHO] (Mutation)
Common Bird Tail [PHO] (Common)
Standard Cat Tail [PHO] (Common)
Stub Tail [PHO] (Common)
Wispy Tail [PHO] (Common)
Lion Tail [PHO] (Uncommon)
Uncommon Bird Tail [PHO] (Uncommon)
Curled Tail [PHO] (Uncommon)
Shaped Tail [PHO] (Rare)
Monster Tail [PHO] (Limited Edition)
No Tail [PHO] (Mythical)
Standard Spacedust [PHO] (Common)
Glowing Spacedust [PHO] (Uncommon)
Stylized Spacedust [PHO] (Uncommon)
Charms in Spacedust [PHO] (Rare)
Drippy Spacedust [PHO] (Mutation)
Transparent Spacedust [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Full Spacedust [PHO] (Mythical)
Alternate Form [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Multi Forms [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Multi Alternate Forms [PHO] (Mythical)
Shapeshifting [PHO] (Mythical)
Bird Crest [PHO] (Common)
Fangs [PHO] (Common)
Back Fur [PHO] (Common)
Neck Fur [PHO] (Common)
Candle Growths [PHO] (Uncommon)
Feathers [PHO] (Uncommon)
Mane [PHO] (Uncommon)
Wings [PHO] (Uncommon)
Antennae [PHO] (Uncommon)
Crystal Growths [PHO] (Uncommon)
Hair [PHO] (Uncommon)
Halo [PHO] (Uncommon)
Plant Growths [PHO] (Uncommon)
Rings [PHO] (Uncommon)
Stitching [PHO] (Uncommon)
Beak [PHO] (Rare)
Sabertooth Fangs [PHO] (Rare)
Shaped Flames [PHO] (Rare)
Talons [PHO] (Rare)
Companion [PHO] (Rare)
Hooves [PHO] (Rare)
Horns [PHO] (Rare)
Scales [PHO] (Rare)
Spikes [PHO] (Rare)
Fire Pits [PHO] (Mutation)
Color Changing [PHO] (Mutation)
Container [PHO] (Mutation)
Faceless [PHO] (Mutation)
Glowing Fur/Markings [PHO] (Mutation)
Multiple Limbs [PHO] (Mutation)
Particles [PHO] (Mutation)
Unusual Limbs [PHO] (Mutation)
Floating Limbs [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Headless [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Lightning [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Pumpkin Head [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Skeletal Parts [PHO] (Limited Edition)
Full Fur [PHO] (Mythical)
Full Skeleton [PHO] (Mythical)
Hivemind [PHO] (Mythical)