
Shell (Mer)

Shell (Mer) (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs
Coral Growths (Mer)

Coral Growths (Mer) (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Antennae (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Pouch (Mer)

Pouch (Mer) (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs
Flippers (Mer)

Flippers (Mer) (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs
Shaped Flames (Phoe)

Shaped Flames (Phoe) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Phoelines
Beak (Phoe)

Beak (Phoe) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Phoelines
Talons (Phoe)

Talons (Phoe) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Phoelines
Lure (Mer)

Lure (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Wings (Rare)

Category: Misc
Swordfish Nose (Mer)

Swordfish Nose (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs
Pufferfish Puff (Mer)

Pufferfish Puff (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Round and sharp

Tentacles (Mer)

Tentacles (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Can be placed anywhere! Very slimy

Stingray (Mer)

Stingray (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Gives your neb "ears" that resemble stingray fins!

Frog Cheeks (Mer)

Frog Cheeks (Mer) (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs


Transparent Body (Mer)

Transparent Body (Mer) (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Now the entire body is see through! You can also include other things in the mix like organs if you want, you know how fish are

Scales to Fur (Mer)

Scales to Fur (Mer) (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Or fur to scales if you please

Spinosaurus Sail (Mer)

Spinosaurus Sail (Mer) (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

This trait can actually be stylized however you please! Instead of a spinosaurus sail it could very well be a swordfish dorsal fin instead! Pretty much anything larger than a shark fin

152 results found.