Mizuchi Miyadeguchi (宮出口 瑞霊 Miyadeguchi Mizuchi) is the main antagonist of Foul Detective Satori.
Mizuchi dislikes the lack of chaos in the current Gensokyo - and doesn't mind helping the "unnatural order" collapse. [1] She complains ironically that ev
Mizuchi Miyadeguchi (宮出口 瑞霊 Miyadeguchi Mizuchi) is the main antagonist of Foul Detective Satori.
Mizuchi dislikes the lack of chaos in the current Gensokyo - and doesn't mind helping the "unnatural order" collapse. [1] She complains ironically that ev
2024-02-07 00:39:06 (Edited 2024-02-07 00:41:22)
Unfeature Comment
Mouselobite Staff Member
i love women when they die
2024-02-07 00:41:35
Feature Comment