
Back Fur [MER] (Common)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

A strip of fur added to the back of your character! Can be stylized!


Can be obtained via:

  • For free! 

Halo [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

A ring that floats around the head! Can also be shaped (i.e a crown or arrow). 


Can be obtained via:

Antennae [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Any type of buggy-like antenna placed on your nebs head.


Can be obtained via:

Stitching [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Adds stitching to your nebs as if they were a plush doll. 


Can be obtained via:

Hair [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Adds hair to your nebs head! Can be any colour, length, texture, etc! Can also add things such as beards. 


Can be obtained via:

Rings [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Rings that float around the nebulruff's body. Can be placed anywhere expect for above/around the head! 


Can be obtained via:

Plant Growths [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Allows for any type of plant to grow on the nebulruff. 


Can be obtained via:

Crystal Growths [MER] (Uncommon)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Crystals that's grow on the neb! Can jut out or be a part of the skin. 


Can be obtained via:

Horns [MER] (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

These come in a variety of shapes and sizes! You do not need to have mutliple limbs to have multiple sets but they must always be on the head! 


Can be obtained via:

Spikes [MER] (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

These can come in a variety of shaped and sizes! Place them wherever want! 


Can be obtained via:

Companion [MER] (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

A buddy for your neb! Companions have spacedust on them much like nebs and can range from objects to animals! Tend to be sentient.


Can be obtained via:

Hooves [MER] (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Hooves! They're hooves... Can be on any amount of limbs! 


Can be obtained via:

Wings [MER] (Rare)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Adds any type of wings to your nebulruff! This includes fantasy-based wings. If you want more than one set of wings, you'll need multiple limbs!


Can be obtained via:

Unusual Limbs [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Changes the limbs (including ears) into something well...unusual! Can be things such as bug limbs, winged ears (needs wings trait), granting a object head, pretty much anything thats not listed as a trait! Can not change the tail shape!


Can be obtained via:

Container [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

It's a container, could take up a single paw or the whole body if you wish! Can be empty or be filled. Some things require having other traits such as having plant growth for plants or companion for animals!

Can be obtained via:

Faceless [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Well.... it seems to be a neb. This trait can include the lack of eyes, a nose, or a mouth (or all of the above!)


Can be obtained via:

Color Changing [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

A trait that allows you to change the color of anything you please! Can be as simple as a marking or it can be the whole neb! No limit on the amount of alt palettes! 


Can be obtained via:

Particles [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Bits of spacedust that float around your neb! Can come in any shape or something as simple as mist! Particles can be any color as long as they remain spacedust


Can be obtained via:

Multiple Limbs [MER] (Mutation)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

This trait allows multiple of anything! Feel free to slap on as many limbs as you want get as creative as you please!


Can be obtained via:

Headless [MER] (Limited Edition)

Category: Misc
Species: Merruffs

Allows you to remove your Nebulruffs head! Different from floating limbs seeing as how the head is COMPLETELY gone!

Does not Need ear or eye traits


Can be obtained via:

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